Any interest in staking my online play?

Life has thrown me a curveball and I have had to withdraw most of my bankroll on Full Tilt. My van needed a new gasket, and muffler,

I have enjoyed enormous success this month (DUFFERDEVON Poker Results and Statistics - Official Poker Rankings)

and see no reason why this cannot continue. I am looking for a total investment of $550.00 (one or more people). This is just for the month of January.

There are two ways we can work this. One, this is a "loan" arrangement, meaning win or lose I have to pay back the $550 to the backer(s). If that is the case, then the backer(s) would receive 50% of my profits for the month and their $550.

The other way is the $550 is not guaranteed but the backer(s) receives 70% of my profits for Janaury. Please indicate which method you prefer.

Some conditions placed on me:

All games will be played at Full Tilt (dufferdevon)
I can only play MTT tournaments with a buy in of no more than $11.
There will be no cash games played at any point in the month of January.
I will play a minimum of 50, 45man SNGs a week
I will drop down to the $5.50 tounies if my bankroll falls below $400.
I will update a thread specific to this on a daily basis.

Shares start at $55 for 10% and no money will be used until all $550 has been sold. Please do not send any money until it is confirmed that all shares have been sold.


  • I don't have a membership to OPR can you post the entire stats on here?
  • I can't do the whole shot, but I'm willing to loan 20% of your asking ($110) for the month of January under your loan terms.
    PM me if you're interested.
  • Yep I'm with AJ, we can't lose with a loan arrangement. I'll do the loan bit for 10% for $55. I assume you would like it shipped on FT?
  • I'll do 10%
    I need to check some numbers (opr) loan versus 70%
  • I'm in for 20% too, prefer the "loan" option. If I forget to ship the money tomorrow please PM me ;)
  • Wow, You have no idea what this has done for my confidence. We are all going to do very well in January. And in case there are concerns regarding my ability to pay back the money in case the unthinkable happens, my yearly bonus from work is paid out the first pay of February.

    Here is a snap shot of Decembers OPR.
  • I count 60% of my action sold already !! I'll wait until tomorrow to see what other interest there is and let you guys know when you can ship you shares.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    I count 60% of my action sold already !! I'll wait until tomorrow to see what other interest there is and let you guys know when you can ship you shares.

    10 for me Devon. I can ship it early this week to you.
  • I can do 20% for the loan option and can ship early next week.
  • I see there is 10% left. I'll take the last 10% making my total 20% using the loan option. Will ship on Tilt... Now just make sure you don't go on same. :)
  • Are you sure you want to do this Devon? Seems kinda weighted towards your backers... We can't lose unless you skip town. :) And why $550.? Seems kinda like an odd number...
  • Why don't you wait for the cash game at my place? You should have a substantial bank roll after that.
  • Bah! I missed out, even though 55 bucks is too steep for me, if you need a smaller percentage or selling smaller shares in the future let me know.

    I am surprised no one is bashing you (alot anyway) why you had to withdraw, I know the feeling DJ and it sucks and I hope the same does not happen to me again this month as well.

    Gl with the van repairs and this arrangement.:)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    I am surprised no one is bashing you (alot anyway) why you had to withdraw, I know the feeling DJ and it sucks and I hope the same does not happen to me again this month as well.

    Gl with the van repairs and this arrangement.:)

    Why would we bash him? He's a regular and plays at all (most) of our live games...

    Besides he got me a super sat ticket to the $1K.. :)
  • And he has the poker skillz.
  • OK, this is awesome guys !! The amount I came up with is 50 buy-ins for $11 tourneys. Should be enough to counter the variance. And if not, I can and will move down in stakes.

    Honestly, I could deposit a nominal amount and try to grind the micros, but I just can't get excited about playing for $1.95, this way, I can stay at the stakes I like and build a roll for myself as well. And make you fine folks some money too.

    Here's who we have, you may ship to dufferdevon on FullTilt when you can.

    Compuease - 20%
    Quimby - 20%
    HVEEPOKER - 10%
    Pinhead - 20%
    Hobbes - 10%
    Str8Ace - 20%

    I will make a new thread to keep you guys up to date on our progress.
  • Umm, that's 110%, I think Hobbes asked for 10%.
  • Transfer made Devon. Good luck. Expect BIG payout end of January!
  • compuease wrote: »
    Umm, that's 110%, I think Hobbes asked for 10%.

    Yup I was 10%
  • dufferdevon at first letter of receipients city being H ??? Is that right?
  • compuease wrote: »
    dufferdevon at first letter of receipients city being H ??? Is that right?

    That sounds right, I don't think there is another dufferdevon on Fulltilt. I did receive Aj's already.

    And I'll fix Hobbes to just 10%
  • Transferred $110.. please confirm and good luck, cept for tomorrow against me...
  • Got it comp. See you tomorrow. I don't mind a chop. :)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Bah! I missed out, even though 55 bucks is too steep for me, if you need a smaller percentage or selling smaller shares in the future let me know.

    I am surprised no one is bashing you (alot anyway) why you had to withdraw, I know the feeling DJ and it sucks and I hope the same does not happen to me again this month as well.

    Gl with the van repairs and this arrangement.:)

    Sorry but am I missing something here?
    Devon has been running pretty good over the last little bit and will probably continue for the next little while. I wouldn't hesitate to do it for him at a live tourney too as I know he can play.
    No reason to bash the man IMO.
    I know what he is going through . The jeep has cost me a small fortune to repair 2 yrs now just before Christmas.
    Big Difference here Philly. He has a family to look after too. Just like most of us . Mortgages , rent insurance food etc. Car repairs hurt at Christmas time
    I know. Christmas eve 2 yrs ago cost me $2400.00 . This past year another $850 . new battery and Altanator on Dec 21st.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Sorry but am I missing something here?
    Devon has been running pretty good over the last little bit and will probably continue for the next little while. I wouldn't hesitate to do it for him at a live tourney too as I know he can play.
    No reason to bash the man IMO.
    I know what he is going through . The jeep has cost me a small fortune to repair 2 yrs now just before Christmas.
    Big Difference here Philly. He has a family to look after too. Just like most of us . Mortgages , rent insurance food etc. Car repairs hurt at Christmas time
    I know. Christmas eve 2 yrs ago cost me $2400.00 . This past year another $850 . new battery and Altanator on Dec 21st.

  • philliivey wrote: »
    Bah! I missed out, even though 55 bucks is too steep for me, if you need a smaller percentage or selling smaller shares in the future let me know.

    I am surprised no one is bashing you (alot anyway) why you had to withdraw, I know the feeling DJ and it sucks and I hope the same does not happen to me again this month as well.

    Gl with the van repairs and this arrangement.:)

    To be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure what the reaction was going to be with my proposal. I could wait out the month and deposit in February but figured, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    If this goes well, I may start to do this for the Sunday majors as well and will keep you in mind Phil.
  • Shipped the first 45man SNG I played in the new year !! Already up $160.00
  • Win! Is this part of our agreement... Ship the profits baby!
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Shipped the first 45man SNG I played in the new year !! Already up $160.00

    That's got to be Compu's money. Mine would never have gotten that far ;)

    Seriously, though, keep it up. Would LOVE to see my investment come back at 150% or more
  • Attaboy! Keep it up man!

    Originally Posted by philliivey viewpost.gif
    Bah! I missed out, even though 55 bucks is too steep for me, if you need a smaller percentage or selling smaller shares in the future let me know.

    I am surprised no one is bashing you (alot anyway) why you had to withdraw, I know the feeling DJ and it sucks and I hope the same does not happen to me again this month as well.

    Gl with the van repairs and this arrangement.:)

    I think all Philli was saying is that in the past others have been bashed (I think himself included but don't quote me on that) for withdrawing moniez from the poker roll to take care of their life roll so he was surprised it didn't happen here too. Personally, I've yet to meet you dj, but it seems like everyone here speaks very highly of you both as a player and a person, so the lack of bash was not surprising to me :)
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