Venitian DSE



  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Just checked into our "Go Room" at the Flamingo -- pretty decent room on the 21st floor facing Caesar's...

    bed bugs are courteous of pokerJAH :0

    Stay here if you like bed bugs! - Flamingo Las Vegas -

    Enjoy your stay, big spender.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    bed bugs are courteous of pokerJAH :0

    Stay here if you like bed bugs! - Flamingo Las Vegas -

    Enjoy your stay, big spender.

    For Christ's sakes, can you lay off each other? This thread is for the Venetian DS players, not for you 2 to get into ANOTHER shitting contest. F*** off with the drama already.

    And for the record, I stayed at Flamingo in Sept and it was fine. I'm sure all the hotels spend lots of time and money on getting rid of bed bugs. It's a huge problem in entire hotel industry.
  • T8 ran like god at the final table of the 2pm $235 buy in at Caesars to take it down for $3200.

    I finished 7th basically bubble. Lost 3 races when I was ahead on 2 of them.

    Congrats T8

    GTA and Wetts are playing Venetian today
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    For Christ's sakes, can you lay off each other? This thread is for the Venetian DS players, not for you 2 to get into ANOTHER shitting contest. F*** off with the drama already.

    And for the record, I stayed at Flamingo in Sept and it was fine. I'm sure all the hotels spend lots of time and money on getting rid of bed bugs. It's a huge problem in entire hotel industry.

    Nothing like posting current and up to date information. IMO

    Stay here if you like bed bugs!
    Written: Mar 12 '00 (Updated Mar 25 '00)

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    For Christ's sakes, can you lay off each other? This thread is for the Venetian DS players, not for you 2 to get into ANOTHER shitting contest. F*** off with the drama already.

    Well said Johnnie... couldn't agree more..
  • Pretty sure T8 won like 4-6k over multiple tournies yesterday at Caesars and Wetts min cashed and bubbled while I had my first losing cash session in a while playing while way too tired...shower time and then off to the V.
  • Nice run T8, go get em Dave.... Show the V what westerners are made of...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Nice run T8, go get em Dave.... Show the V what westerners are made of...

    Dude I'm from toronto.

    Card dead all day. Its soooo hard for me to play tight being used to cash games. Won 2 hands in 2 hours and sitting at 13k. Wetts at 18k. Staring stack 15k. 171 players avg stack 18kish. Blinds 100 200.

    I have these weird bites all over me.
  • Congrats T8!
  • 2nd break still card dead. 21k with avg at 25k. 300 600 with antes. 102 left. Wetts out about an hour ago aipf 88 vs 62o for 30k pot. Wtf.

    Overall my table is fairly tough but I've had not much to play so I guess it doesn't matter.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Dude I'm from toronto.

    I have these weird bites all over me.
    We disowned you... :)

    And the bites... look under the table...
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    2nd break still card dead. 21k with avg at 25k. 300 600 with antes. 102 left. Wetts out about an hour ago aipf 88 vs 62o for 30k pot. Wtf.
    Wetts of course had the 6,2. :D
  • Hit Caesars up Sunday for Superbowl, $250 b/i, 40 some runners, shipped for $3200. When I was don with that, played the 10pm $85, chopped that 2 way for $1500......twas a good day. Think I stole all os Steve's run good.

    2nd tourney was a great chip and chair, final table paying 9, I get it in preflop 55<QQ (I play good). Leaves me one chip (1000), blinds 3000-6000, 500 ante.....ran good from there.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    Hit Caesars up Sunday for Superbowl, $250 b/i, 40 some runners, shipped for $3200. When I was don with that, played the 10pm $85, chopped that 2 way for $1500......twas a good day. Think I stole all os Steve's run good.

    2nd tourney was a great chip and chair, final table paying 9, I get it in preflop 55<QQ (I play good). Leaves me one chip (1000), blinds 3000-6000, 500 ante.....ran good from there.

    Well done!
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    Hit Caesars up Sunday for Superbowl, $250 b/i, 40 some runners, shipped for $3200. When I was don with that, played the 10pm $85, chopped that 2 way for $1500......twas a good day. Think I stole all os Steve's run good.

    2nd tourney was a great chip and chair, final table paying 9, I get it in preflop 55<QQ (I play good). Leaves me one chip (1000), blinds 3000-6000, 500 ante.....ran good from there.

    Very nice!
  • sick night!
  • well done T8 keep it up, wetts 88 < 62o sounds disgusting, more details plz.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    while I had my first losing cash session in a while playing while way too tired....

    karma is a bitch......
  • Updates anyone? (Cept Jah)
  • Didn't play any of the Venetian DSE tourneys, but I did play two 1/2NL sessions at the Venetian.

    Friday noon-6pm. $200 -> $400 -> $150 -> $440 -> $250 -> $0

    First hand I played I limped with 55, flopped 3 5 7, turned quads which ended up costing me money because the other guy laid down 73 after I raised him again on the turn.
    I was flopping sets like crazy but they were only holding 1/3 of the time :(
    Lost my stack in the end with KK vs maniac's AA

    Monday 6:30am-8:30am. $200 -> $350 -> $150 -> $550

    No point sleeping when you have an 11am flight. Pretty straight forward session. Just waited for the guys who were more tired than myself to make mistakes and picked them off. Only big loss was KK to AKo. Most of the wins came from calling bluffs. So came out ahead overall in poker. YAY :)

    Even in blackjack. Down $100 in craps. But got a lot of play in with my buddies for that money. And a tonnnnnnn of free drinks.

    Treasures -$300 buying dances for the bachelor and the other guys.

    +$45 on James Jones OVER 3.5 receptions. Only Superbowl ahem "Pro Football Championships" bet I made.


  • Went golfing instead of the Deepstack Monday, ran pretty bad, shot 105, but managed to break even in skins & prop bets with my co golfer, so could have been worse.

    Played the 7pm Venetian, and busted early.

    Went to Caesars for the 10pm $85, busted 9th (paying 7). Wetts busted shortly before me.

    While playing that, railed GTA shipping the earlier 7pm tourney there.

    Interesting bustout hand at the 10pm for me:

    9 left, paying 7.....sitting in SB (1500/3000-300a)

    I have 19.5k (2nd or 3rd shortstack)
    UTG + 1 ships for 13k (22)
    MP big stack calls 50k behind (AQ)
    MP +1 Avg stack calls 22k behind (AK)
    I look down at JJ, I ship

    Flop: KK4
    Turn: 2
    River: Q

    Best to

    Anyone like a fold there?
  • Phone died but I didn't get anywhere in the V DSE. I had a fairly tough table but there were some terrible players as well. 50ish year old lady from New York to my left would jam up the pot whenever it was limped to her and Cbet 2 streets and almost always take it down. Only once did she show down and it was KJ high on an ace high board.

    Of the only 2 significant pots I won the first was vs her. I have 88 on the button vs an EP raise and a call and I call. She 3 bets from the sb. All fold and I call. Flop is J67hh she bets and I shove and take it down.

    Other hand that got me to my peak of 30k I have red tens and open raise in LP and button calls. Flop K24 all spades. I bet and get called. Turn brick I check raise all in making a bad read that he had the A spades. Pot is 30k and it is 8k for him to call me and he open folds AK saying he thinks I have AQss.

    I have to say I saw some of the worst folds ever playing these few tournies. I wish I could have gotten something going in the DSE.

    Played the Caesars 7pm $110 and chip chopped 3 ways leaving $225 for first on top and won that for $1200ish minus my 2 buyins cuz I'm a donk. I have to say that I ran pretty well once we were 4 handed to win this thing. There's only so much skill when playing 10bb deep.

    The 2 5 game on superbowl sunday was the softest game I've seen in a long time. Unfortunately, I played with basically no sleep for 2 days which is my primary rule not to break and made 2 big errors early getting stuck 1kish. Managed to get even and then the game broke and I donked off some money at 1 3 playing with Wetts trying to see if I could play 110% of my hands for profit (I couldn't).

    Going to work out today and head to a local sushi place off of the strip that is supposed to be great (Ichiza) according to 2p2 and tripadvisor etc. Then to KA tonight.
  • Not been to Ichiza but it is more of a Japanese food restaurant than sushi place. If you are looking for sushi try Todai in the Planet Hollywood mall, right next to the Brazilian steakhouse Pampas - also good. You can buy a discounted buffet for either from tix4tonight.

  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    well done T8 keep it up, wetts 88 < 62o sounds disgusting, more details plz.

    Late register is over, things are normal. The floor comes over and puts a registration slip on seat 3. It blinds for about 10 minutes and some (I assume drunk) guy sits down and proceeds to shove every hand. He had about 14K at the time.

    After about 5 hands we figure out that this is going to go on. (Blinds are 100/200).

    Finally He gets looked up with 1010, and gets there with K9. Up to 30K.

    About an orbit later (has still shoved every hand) He gets looked up by QQ. he shows the K5dd and flops the nut flush. Up to about 70K.

    Just after break I see 88 and have about 18K. He ships I call, and he shows the 62off. 54 on the flop and rivs the 3.

    GG. Was the least fun Ive had in a big buyin tournament.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    GG. Was the least fun Ive had in a big buyin tournament.

    But we had lots of fun playing Carribean Stud at Ballys after. lol
  • so grossssss
  • moose wrote: »
    Not been to Ichiza but it is more of a Japanese food restaurant than sushi place. If you are looking for sushi try Todai in the Planet Hollywood mall, right next to the Brazilian steakhouse Pampas Welcome to Pampas Churrascaria - also good. You can buy a discounted buffet for either from tix4tonight.


    Went to Ichiza. We didn't get any sushi but some really interesting an cheap Japanese food -- yellowtail tartar, red snapper carpaccio, fried oysters, etc...about a $10 cab ride from the strip in China Town...highly recommend this if you like to try different cuisines.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »

    I have 19.5k (2nd or 3rd shortstack)
    UTG + 1 ships for 13k (22)
    MP big stack calls 50k behind (AQ)
    MP +1 Avg stack calls 22k behind (AK)
    I look down at JJ, I ship

    Flop: KK4
    Turn: 2
    River: Q

    Best to

    Anyone like a fold there?

    In a live setting I can't see how I am beating sucks but I have made that laydown...its a situational play more than anything.

    On that note good trip to say the least :)
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