Venitian DSE



  • Going to 300-600 50ante. Have 14k. Was at 30k but doubled up 2 short stacks

    Ceazykoby is still in with 7k
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Going to 300-600 50ante. Have 14k. Was at 30k but doubled up 2 short stacks

    Ceazykoby is still in with 7k

    How many entries?
  • gta poker wrote: »
    how many entries?

  • 26k. Going to 500-1000 100ante. 99 players left. Top 27 pay. Average stack is 36k

    Ceazykoby is out
  • Good luck Steve.
  • Go Steve go...
  • 73k. On dinner break. Blinds going to 800-1600 200ante. Average stack 51k. 70 players remain
  • Be carefull with the buffet. You don't want to over-carb.
  • Go for the Asian right next to the sportsbook.
  • Busto

    A Q suited no good against short stacks pocket 3's

    A K suited no good against short stacks pocket 5's

    I am now short A K < A A

    Out 38th. Money pays at 27

  • SteveKerr wrote: »

    A Q suited no good against short stacks pocket 3's

    A K suited no good against short stacks pocket 5's

    I am now short A K < A A

    Out 38th. Money pays at 27


    Damn variance and flips! Just need to run better.. Good run Steve, what's next?
  • Venetian $340 today
  • Good luck Steve... thanks for posting some updates during your tourney... and tough to lose those two races against the small pocket pairs.
  • Free wifi is the nuts

    55k @ 300 / 600
  • 106k @ break 500 / 1000
  • Just busted about 128th, never over 20k
  • 7pm second chance up next
  • Like a champ, I run kk into aa bvb for like a 120k pot

    down to 40 k wit like 90 left @ dinner. 20 bb.

    Doug the toolbox has a huge chiplead at yesterdays ft.
  • Somebody doubled up.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Somebody doubled up.

    go horse go
  • not the Venetian but we all played Caesars Daily 10pm, $85 buy in.

    I took down 2nd for $900
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    not the Venetian but we all played Caesars Daily 10pm, $85 buy in.

    I took down 2nd for $900

    Nice, same tourney 10am when I was there in Sept, chopped 3 way, for similar. Nice one. It's always fun to have a bunch of guys play the same tourney like that. JihnnieH, Moose and I all played the first day we were there in Sept. JohnnieH also cashed.
    And details? Did you all have pieces of each other? Any interesting hands? Did you play any against each other?
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    not the Venetian but we all played Caesars Daily 10pm, $85 buy in.

    I took down 2nd for $900


    Was there a guy in a black hoodie talking about Leprechauns?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »

    Was there a guy in a black hoodie talking about Leprechauns?

    my laugh for the day. thanks Johnnie.
  • Got to Vegas at 10am after 2 hours of sleep. Room not ready until 4pm so I walked around and enjoyed the I miss the sun in Edmonton and did some US shopping with the I miss US pricing. Just checked into our "Go Room" at the Flamingo -- pretty decent room on the 21st floor facing Caesar's...caught some of the superbowl whilst on the toilet on the tv built into the bathroom mirror.

    Off to dinner at Picasso at Bellagio at 7pm and then maybe some poker vs crashing early.

    In for the $560 at the V at noon tomorrow (haven't played a tourney in 2 years)...ship it obv.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    In for the $560 at the V at noon tomorrow (haven't played a tourney in 2 years)...ship it obv.

    Go horse go! Turn in early, no sex, you're in training mode...
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Like a champ, I run kk into aa bvb for like a 120k pot

    down to 40 k wit like 90 left @ dinner. 20 bb.

    Doug the toolbox has a huge chiplead at yesterdays ft.

    I played a home game with Doug Lee last week, first time I met him, have friends who have known him for years....I thought his table talk actually quite good, nice enough guy, he was young as hell when he shipped circuit event, expect a bit of ego there. Now, there are a ton of players who I would say are way better, mostly Internet hybrids like yourself and Vekked, most prob half the forum, but I think they bust his balls just a little more than needed. He definitely has done well at Venetian.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    not the Venetian but we all played Caesars Daily 10pm, $85 buy in.

    I took down 2nd for $900

    Atta boy!
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Free wifi is the nuts

    In Venetian?
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    not the Venetian but we all played Caesars Daily 10pm, $85 buy in.

    I took down 2nd for $900

    Congrats sir
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