Wiki-Leaks / Assange



  • When it comes to Assange, and Wiki-leaks, we are not talking about "International" laws being broken, at least I do not think so from what I hae read. We are talking about violations of US law by a foreign national, similar to what Emery was doing (we can debate those laws later, if you like).

    The US, as a sovereign nation has the right to enforce it's laws within it's borders. That is why extradition is so important to them. They cannot "get" Assange unless they first get him into the USA. So, they exert whatever pressure they can on friends and allies, both corporate and governmental, to put the squeeze on him until he surrenders himself, as he has done. It is now up to the British government to decide what to do with him. Australia can petition for his return, in the same manner that the Canadian government could have requested for Omar Khad'r to be returned. I do not know if Australia has reciporcity with the US with regard to extradition but, even if they do, they are not compelled to hand him over.

    In short, US laws are unenforceable outside of US territory, which is why they are moving heaven and earth to bring him to US soil. Until they do, it's all just window dressing.
  • Milo wrote: »

    In short, US laws are unenforceable outside of US territory, which is why they are moving heaven and earth to bring him to US soil. Until they do, it's all just window dressing.

    so if you commit a crime in another country and the US believes its against their law and pertains to them, then they could try him if he enters the US?

    for example if i murder someone in canada, its not under states law as its not their concern but if it was in their law (foreign murders) saying i can't murder someone in canada then they can charge me if im in the states.....i know its not like that in the states but am i understanding....

    or did assange do something illegal 'in' the states....?

    i guess i do understand as the emery thing makes more sense...but all the more puts me in disbelief we gave him up....
  • He (or more accurately the organization he runs) revealed information that the US believes is harmful to their National Security Interests. So yes, in the eyes of the US gov't, he has broken US law.

    It's like the poker site execs that were busted a few years back while transfering planes in Texas (?). They landed on US soil, and got busted.
  • Milo wrote: »
    He (or more accurately the organization he runs) revealed information that the US believes is harmful to their National Security Interests. So yes, in the eyes of the US gov't, he has broken US law.

    It's like the poker site execs that were busted a few years back while transfering planes in Texas (?). They landed on US soil, and got busted.

    i didn't realize it like that,although its does nato or un decide what laws a country can make....i guess thats the idea...?
  • This is a level, isn't it? I'm going to bed now.

    NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    Basically, it is a mutual defense organization which originated post WW2 to act as a shield against Soviet expansionism in Europe. Basic credo is that an attack on a member nation is an attack on ALL member nations. So, for purposes of our discussion, Wiki-leaks "attack" on the US is an "attack" against NATO, so all member nations should cooperate to thwart the "attack". At least, that is the line you can expect the Americans to take.

    United Nations -

    Basically, a bunch of America-hating tin-pot dictatorships with a few developed countries thrown in to make it look like anybody gives a shit. When countries like Libya, or Egypt, can sit on the Human Rights Council at the UN, you know it is being played for laughs.
  • i will mull that and look them up on wikipedia...not doubt they will come into play soon
  • YouTube - Pot should not call kettle black - Putin on Assange & Democracy

    funny that putin (was that his name) critisizes the states for putting him in jail for his leaks when its sweden for rape...
  • I think you missed the point of that video.

    Putin was remarking that the US is trying to have Assange extradited for what many people see as just free speech/freedom of the press/freedom to derp/whatever, after the US has previously criticized Russia for suppressing democratic rights.

    Putin is not commenting at all on Assange's innocence or guilt. This was just an opportunistic dig at the US.
  • I think you missed the point of that video.

    Putin was remarking that the US is trying to have Assange extradited for what many people see as just free speech/freedom of the press/freedom to derp/whatever, after the US has previously criticized Russia for suppressing democratic rights.

    Putin is not commenting at all on Assange's innocence or guilt. This was just an opportunistic dig at the US.

    "If they (americans) are aspiring for democray, when then did they put assange in jail".......

    the didn't put him in jail,
  • Putin talking Human Rights gets me all warm and fuzzy . . . :bs:

    he's such a Dreamboat, too . . . ^-^
  • Apparently assange is now in protective custody in prison. With bombshells like this, it is no wonder . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Apparently assange is now in protective custody in prison. With bombshells like this, it is no wonder . . .

    is this a song or code or what?

    WikiLeaks: Julian Assange 'could face spying charges' - Telegraph

    how do you return information?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Apparently assange is now in protective custody in prison. With bombshells like this, it is no wonder . . .

    Nice Rick Roll!!!
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Nice Rick Roll!!!

    ok ok ok
  • Thank you thank you . . . it's my first one.
  • Booooo Ha Ha ha Why not find who he got all of this from and go after THEM!
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Booooo Ha Ha ha Why not find who he got all of this from and go after THEM!

    the whole problem is he solved that....he made a mail box you can't track the sender. you can charge the sender but you can't charge the they are looking for away to charge the mailbox because they will never find the sender, or they can possibly jail him until they make a plan.....or it just a coincedence
  • I think He knows who the sender is. That's why the Yanks are so Horny to get Him.
    Once they tell him he's Going to Levanworth for the rest of his life he will sing like Tweety Bird . lol
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I think He knows who the sender is. That's why the Yanks are so Horny to get Him.
    Once they tell him he's Going to Levanworth for the rest of his life he will sing like Tweety Bird . lol

  • Last people executed under that staute were, I think, the Rosenbergs. I don't think Assange comes close to that level of jeopardy, even with Faux News presiding the case.
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