Is there anything else we can pile on this?.
GG every1
lol, think we're ok for supplies now... maybe have 3-400 chairs I think.. well maybe exaggerating just a little..
On the serious side, if those who have promised chairs just come through we are fine. Thanks all, this is a great group, just last minute cancellations are a pain to organizers. Think before you sign up, and if for some reason you do have to cancel, let the organizer know, don't just no show.
Ok so I lied. My 2nd one isn't working well so if you can bring yours along it would be much appreciated.
Thanks Moose, so assuming snowflake can bring his 2 we should be good to go.
Thanks Shaun, appreciate it, assuming you can we just need 6 more...
I can bring 6 metal folding chairs, do you still need them?
Not sure, Joe hasn't confirmed back to me. Can you have them on standby?
I have 4 at least I can bring!
GG every1
On the serious side, if those who have promised chairs just come through we are fine. Thanks all, this is a great group, just last minute cancellations are a pain to organizers. Think before you sign up, and if for some reason you do have to cancel, let the organizer know, don't just no show.
You could call KFC and order a few dozen Double Downs?