RC IX Results

Bookmark the link below. Results will be posted LIVE to the interwebs


Seats will be re-randomized the Wednesday night before the event.



  • Excellent job again Greg... I am working on getting a projection screen so we can hook your laptop up and project the uptodate scoring onto a screen. May make it easier for everyone to figure out the possibilities.
  • Jeff I may be able to help with that.... I will let you know by mid next week regarding the projector.
  • Seat assignments have been finalized!




  • not sure what can be done, but i have had 5 dropouts in the last 72 hours

    Updated roster




    Mrs. G

    My apologies for this late notice.
  • g2 wrote: »
    Seat assignments have been finalized!





    Is it wrong that while I was waiting for the LHE to load I kept on saying...

    "Please let Kristy be at my table..."
    Please let Kristy be at my table...
    Please let Kristy be at my table..."??

  • Wanna trade, Al? tee hee hee . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Wanna trade, Al? tee hee hee . . .

    Changed again Milo, lol, g2 will be running the final randomizer afaik later tonight. Still some roster changes happening. Al, keep your fingers crossed.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Changed again Milo, lol, g2 will be running the final randomizer afaik later tonight. Still some roster changes happening. Al, keep your fingers crossed.

    So no need to print these off now I guess, huh?
  • All the printouts are done already. I will edit them by hand to reflect the following changes.


    Omaha 3: Laura -> Marcus
    Omaha 4: Mark (Fish) -> Larry
    Stud 1: Haydn -> Mrs. G
    Stud 2: Cris -> Will

    Are there any other changes to make?

    Two players still TBD.

    Fish (Stud 4) and Top Set (Stud 4)

    I see Metro is in for one of those spots, but I don't know which one. Also, Jeff mentioned Bill is interested. Please let me know about these last 2 spots.

  • For KitWho? Dan (non forum) is in for Folded-Cory
  • g2 wrote: »
    All the printouts are done already. I will edit them by hand to reflect the following changes.


    Omaha 3: Laura -> Marcus
    Omaha 4: Mark (Fish) -> Larry
    Stud 1: Haydn -> Mrs. G
    Stud 2: Cris -> Will

    Are there any other changes to make?

    Two players still TBD.

    Fish (Stud 4) and Top Set (Stud 4)

    I see Metro is in for one of those spots, but I don't know which one. Also, Jeff mentioned Bill is interested. Please let me know about these last 2 spots.


    As of 5 min ago, I believe Tom doesn't want to play but Bill does. I believe Bill is going to play for Top Set in the Stud 4 position... lol... Things are very fluid...
  • I thought my captain had scheduled me for Stud......

    Please note I am not in any way complaining about playing PLO.....just saying.

    BTW, looks great Greg.
  • Dan in for Cory. Check

    Bill in for Top Set. Check.

    Any other changes let me know.

    Thanks Chris :)

  • OK so at the moment (12 hours before) we are good to go, so if the following addition could be plugged in, it would be most helpful

    > Stud 4
    > Adam

    Thank you for all of our efforts!
  • Ryan, great job getting a team together. See you soon.

  • Cory's out??

    Damn it...there goes my $5k!:mad:
  • Good Luck Ching Hill. Take it down again

    Maybe Mark's team too.:D
  • philliivey wrote: »

    Maybe Mark's team too.:D

    You know she won't fuck you, right?

    Mark might though......
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    You know she won't fuck you, right?

    Mark might though......

    confirmed! all the fucking is saved for me. Though mark is pretty sexy and i suppose its only fair that i share him with others
  • Ching Hill finished fourth. Sorry guys . . .
  • Like to thank all the organizers, you guys did a great job today.
    Thanks to all the teams as well, enjoyable day of poker for sure.

    To my KitWho? crew, congrats on taking down Royal IX!!!! 2 time Champs!!
    Congrats to Pinhead, 3rd MVP to come from KitWho?!
  • first of all. Thanks to Al, Jeff, Greg for doing another superb job today. I am sure ALL regardless of their finish had a GREAT TIME.
    Any other time I would be all over a couple of teams for finishing were they did BUT, I remind myself that this was not Hockey, or baseball we were Playing and I happen to like all of the players on said teams so yes I am going to SHHHHHHHHSH Myself.
    Congrads to KITWHO for the big win. Top Set for their place. an sorry I can't remember who was 3rd lol.
    To everyone who chipped in by bringing Chairs and Toppers and to those who stayed behind after and got the room reasonably Cleaned up.
    Another Great Day.
    Can't wait for the next one.
  • Awesome run in the NL portion 102/120 possible points. :)

    Thanks to Al, Jeff and Greg for a job well done.
  • i wish i could of played
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Awesome run in the NL portion 102/120 possible points.

    That has to be a single round record for points (I'm too lazy to look through old results and check)

    Thanks to all the organizers and people who chipped in to make this day run smoothly. Big thanks to KitWho? for taking me in despite my horrendous track record at RC events. I'm sure next time I'll be back to my single digit ways but it feels great to actually contribute to the points total for my team!

    Did our win make me the only 3-time champ or has anybody else done that?
  • Big thanks to Jeff, Al and Greg for a fantastically run day of poker. Johnny Milo and all others who pitched in, your help was also greatly appreciated.

    The day wasn't perfect as I got schooled when I got heads up in the LHE portion by some chick....didn't catch her name....and there were too few Saskatchewanians there (we can hope for a spring visit).

    It was great to see all the usual suspects and meet the noobs, although I hope Mark can break out of his shell someday.

    Finally big ups to my fellow KitWho?ligans. What an impressive display, especially Pinhead. Going from 4 points to 45 has to go down in history.

    Thanks to everyone again for a great day. Can't wait until Royal X.
  • DataMn wrote: »
    Is it wrong that while I was waiting for the LHE to load I kept on saying...

    "Please let Kristy be at my table..."
    Please let Kristy be at my table...
    Please let Kristy be at my table..."??

    The day wasn't perfect as I got schooled when I got heads up in the LHE portion by some chick....didn't catch her name....and there were too few Saskatchewanians there (we can hope for a spring visit).


    JohnnieH with the assist. (via encouraging thunderous applause from the room when I didn't bust first)

    Thanks guys, it was an awesome day!! Amazingly run!
    My favourite part was challenging some guy I'd just met to a winner-take-all fist fight for his wife.
  • Great event as usual guys. Kudos to the organizers and fellow captains.

    Congrats to KitWho? Especially to Pinhead from claiming MVP for the event. I'm convinced this alone is the first sign of the four horsemen

    Also, to Top Set, for having an amazing run in the limit and no limit rounds. Kristy wins her limit table?? Definite second of the four horsemen.

    Great day, great people, few complaints at all, many suckouts and a very brutal beats. What more could a group of degenerate gamblers ask for?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    What more could a group of degenerate gamblers ask for?

    Don't forget Mario's gross run at flips. He still came out way ahead on the day.
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