T8 PLO BAP for Oct. 2nd



  • and out......

    PokerStars - $200+$15|50/100 PL Hi (9 max) - Omaha - 9 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    MP+1: 3,795.00
    LP: 4,330.00
    CO: 2,965.00
    BTN: 3,060.00
    Hero (SB): 1,840.00
    BB: 2,655.00
    UTG: 4,855.00
    UTG+1: 3,000.00
    MP: 3,840.00
    Hero posts SB 50.00, BB posts BB 100.00
    Pre Flop: (150.00) Hero has K:spade: J:heart: Q:spade: J:diamond:
    fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, BTN raises to 300.00, Hero raises to 1,000.00, BB raises to 2,655.00 and is all-in, BTN raises to 3,060.00 and is all-in, Hero calls 840.00 and is all-in
    Flop: (7150.00, 3 players) A:club: 6:club: 5:club:
    Turn: (7150.00, 3 players) T:heart:
    River: (7150.00, 3 players) 3:diamond:
    BB shows 8:heart: A:diamond: A:heart: 3:heart: (Three of a Kind, Aces)
    BTN shows A:spade: 9:club: T:club: 9:spade: (Flush, Ace High)
    Hero shows K:spade: J:heart: Q:spade: J:diamond: (One Pair, Jacks)
    BTN wins 7,150.00
  • Dropping like flies.....at least this was good for some....$169.40

    PartyGaming - $10+$1|3000/6000 PL Hi - Omaha - 2 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    Hero (BB): 40,180.00
    SB: 213,320.00
    SB posts SB 3,000.00, Hero posts BB 6,000.00
    Pre Flop: (9000.00) Hero has 8:heart: K:heart: 9:heart: A:diamond:
    SB raises to 18,000.00, Hero raises to 40,180.00 and is all-in, SB calls 22,180.00
    Flop: (80360.00, 2 players) Q:club: 7:spade: 9:spade:
    Turn: (80360.00, 2 players) 2:club:
    River: (80360.00, 2 players) 3:heart:
    SB shows A:heart: K:spade: 8:diamond: 9:club: (One Pair, Nines)
    Hero shows 8:heart: K:heart: 9:heart: A:diamond: (One Pair, Nines)
    Hero wins 40,180.00
    SB wins 40,180.00
  • gambled for a big pot here.....miss of course

    PartyGaming - $90+$9|30/60 PL Hi - Omaha - 9 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    BB: 4,338.00
    UTG: 5,939.00
    Hero (UTG+1): 7,345.00
    MP: 3,755.00
    MP+1: 3,648.00
    LP: 2,278.00
    CO: 9,170.00
    BTN: 3,199.00
    SB: 10,328.00
    SB posts SB 30.00, BB posts BB 60.00
    Pre Flop: (90.00) Hero has 9:heart: A:heart: 8:club: 3:club:
    fold, Hero calls 60.00, MP raises to 270.00, fold, fold, fold, BTN calls 270.00, fold, fold, Hero calls 210.00
    Flop: (900.00, 3 players) 8:heart: J:heart: 2:club:
    Hero checks, MP checks, BTN bets 360.00, Hero calls 360.00, MP raises to 2,340.00, BTN raises to 2,929.00 and is all-in, Hero raises to 4,909.00, MP calls 1,145.00 and is all-in
    Turn: (10799.00, 3 players) 5:diamond:
    River: (10799.00, 3 players) 5:club:
    Hero shows 9:heart: A:heart: 8:club: 3:club: (Two Pair, Eights and Fives)
    MP shows 7:spade: 9:spade: J:club: A:club: (Two Pair, Jacks and Fives)
    BTN shows 2:spade: 3:heart: 2:diamond: 7:diamond: (Full House, Twos full of Fives)
    Hero wins 0.00
    MP wins 1,112.00
    BTN wins 9,687.00
  • wonderful.......

    Full Tilt - 400/800 PL Hi - Omaha - 8 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    MP+1: 24,738.00
    CO: 82,934.00
    BTN: 9,970.00
    SB: 6,275.00
    BB: 6,160.00
    UTG: 24,772.00
    Hero (UTG+1): 8,828.00
    MP: 46,756.00
    SB posts SB 400.00, BB posts BB 800.00
    Pre Flop: (1200.00) Hero has 8:heart: K:heart: A:club: J:club:
    fold, Hero raises to 2,000.00, fold, MP+1 calls 2,000.00, fold, fold, SB raises to 6,275.00 and is all-in, fold, Hero raises to 8,828.00 and is all-in, fold
    Flop: (15350.00, 2 players) Q:diamond: 7:heart: 2:club:
    Turn: (15350.00, 2 players) 2:heart:
    River: (15350.00, 2 players) T:spade:
    SB shows 6:heart: A:heart: 3:spade: Q:spade: (Two Pair, Queens and Twos)
    Hero shows 8:heart: K:heart: A:club: J:club: (One Pair, Twos)
    SB wins 15,350.00
  • fack.....

    PartyGaming - $90+$9|200/400 PL Hi - Omaha - 8 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    Hero (SB): 9,455.00
    BB: 4,230.00
    UTG: 8,140.00
    UTG+1: 11,439.00
    MP: 7,300.00
    MP+1: 18,512.00
    CO: 19,750.00
    BTN: 26,174.00
    Hero posts SB 200.00, BB posts BB 400.00
    Pre Flop: (600.00) Hero has A:diamond: 4:spade: 3:heart: A:spade:
    fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, BTN raises to 1,000.00, Hero raises to 3,400.00, BB raises to 4,230.00 and is all-in, fold, Hero calls 830.00
    Flop: (9460.00, 2 players) T:club: K:diamond: A:club:
    Turn: (9460.00, 2 players) 2:diamond:
    River: (9460.00, 2 players) Q:heart:
    Hero shows A:diamond: 4:spade: 3:heart: A:spade: (Three of a Kind, Aces)
    BB shows T:spade: J:spade: J:club: 4:club: (Straight, Ace High)
    BB wins 9,460.00

    Then I got a donation.......

    PartyGaming - $90+$9|200/400 PL Hi - Omaha - 8 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    Hero (BTN): 5,225.00
    SB: 9,460.00
    BB: 8,140.00
    UTG: 11,439.00
    UTG+1: 7,300.00
    MP: 18,512.00
    MP+1: 19,750.00
    CO: 25,174.00
    SB posts SB 200.00, BB posts BB 400.00
    Pre Flop: (600.00) Hero has K:spade: 4:diamond: A:spade: J:heart:
    fold, UTG+1 calls 400.00, fold, MP+1 calls 400.00, fold, Hero raises to 2,200.00, fold, fold, fold, MP+1 calls 1,800.00
    Flop: (5400.00, 2 players) J:diamond: 6:club: 5:club:
    MP+1 checks, Hero bets 3,025.00 and is all-in, MP+1 calls 3,025.00
    Turn: (11450.00, 2 players) K:diamond:
    River: (11450.00, 2 players) Q:heart:
    MP+1 shows 7:heart: 2:spade: 2:diamond: 5:spade: (One Pair, Fives)
    Hero shows K:spade: 4:diamond: A:spade: J:heart: (Two Pair, Kings and Jacks)
    Hero wins 11,450.00
  • playing the big stack......and running goooood....1/3 now

    PartyGaming - $90+$9|400/800 PL Hi - Omaha - 4 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    Hero (BB): 52,769.00
    UTG: 20,814.00
    BTN: 10,946.00
    SB: 20,471.00
    SB posts SB 400.00, Hero posts BB 800.00
    Pre Flop: (1200.00) Hero has K:club: A:spade: 5:diamond: 9:spade:
    UTG calls 800.00, BTN calls 800.00, SB calls 400.00, Hero raises to 4,000.00, UTG calls 3,200.00, fold, fold
    Flop: (9600.00, 2 players) 4:spade: A:diamond: 8:spade:
    Hero bets 7,200.00, UTG raises to 16,814.00 and is all-in, Hero calls 9,614.00
    Turn: (43228.00, 2 players) 9:club:
    River: (43228.00, 2 players) 3:heart:
    Hero shows K:club: A:spade: 5:diamond: 9:spade: (Two Pair, Aces and Nines)
    UTG shows K:diamond: 5:club: 7:club: A:heart: (One Pair, Aces)
    Hero wins 43,228.00
  • go go go
  • change that to running bad.....doubled up both players, then this...

    PartyGaming - $90+$9|600/1200 PL Hi - Omaha - 3 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    Hero (BB): 16,821.00
    BTN: 35,489.00
    SB: 52,690.00
    SB posts SB 600.00, Hero posts BB 1,200.00
    Pre Flop: (1800.00) Hero has T:club: 9:diamond: A:heart: T:heart:
    fold, SB calls 600.00, Hero raises to 3,600.00, SB calls 2,400.00
    Flop: (7200.00, 2 players) A:club: 4:heart: 6:club:
    SB checks, Hero bets 7,200.00, SB raises to 14,400.00, Hero calls 6,021.00 and is all-in
    Turn: (33642.00, 2 players) A:spade:
    River: (33642.00, 2 players) 2:diamond:
    SB shows 7:spade: 9:spade: A:diamond: 6:spade: (Full House, Aces full of Sixes)
    Hero shows T:club: 9:diamond: A:heart: T:heart: (Three of a Kind, Aces)
    SB wins 0.00
    SB wins 33,642.00
  • ohhhhh so close t8, 3rd and 400 bucks still not bad!

    I think I understand the selling percentages now thanks to you doing this bap t8, I have a idea for my own "bap" :)
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    08:30 MST: $10+r PLO ($51)...in for $61 and min stack...sitting 47/61.....31/37, on the bubble....35th for $42.07
    12:00 MST: $215 PLO......sitting 110/120....out 124th

    11:30 MST: $10+r PLO ($51).....in for $31...sitting 25/219....60/109.....out in 55th (Scott Clements turfs me)
    12:00 MST: $215 PLO....sitting..lol...150/150....folded my way to a 126th finish

    09:45 MST: $10+r PLO ($51)....in for $31....sitting 2/19....sitting 1/13....3/6 (ITM)....2nd for $169.40
    13:45 MST: $99 PLO.....sitting 6/19....6/10 (pays 3, 400,600,1K).....1/5 at the break....3rd for $400.00

    Total Buy-In: $682.00 (no markup)

    Moniez won: $641.47

    Moniez owed:

    Hobbes: $12.83
    Syphilaids: $32.07........shipped on FTP
    Wolffhound: $12.83
    CompleXEH: $12.83
    Richard: $64.15
    GTA: $89.81 (-$95.48) = (-$5.67)

    As I didn't cash on FTP or Stars, it would be easier to ship on Party if possible. Let me know if you have a Party account, and I'll ship immediately....otherwise might take a couple days to swap money on the other sites.

    If I don't get any responses by Sunday morning, I'll assume all payments are to be done on the site paid.

    Close to profitable, but at least moving in the right direction.
  • Nice work T8, it's just a matter of time... I'm in on the next one... I feel it will be a real good profit.. :)
  • If you're doing this next weekend I can just ship the diff.
    Otherwise Hobbes114 on Party.
  • if it's not too much work ship on stars please, don't want to spread my money more than I have to. Also, keep up the good work, I'll back you again sometime if I get the chance
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    if it's not too much work ship on stars please, don't want to spread my money more than I have to. Also, keep up the good work, I'll back you again sometime if I get the chance

    No problem, just take time to clear deposits
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    If you're doing this next weekend I can just ship the diff.
    Otherwise Hobbes114 on Party.

    Probably not playing next week due to live tournies....

    shiite...just tried to transfer from Party, but they need you to send verification documents. Funny they need that for a transfer, but not a withdrawel.

    I've got some cash in Instadebit, if there's no hold on the funds, I'll send in the morning via same as received, otherwise, might have to wait a couple days.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »

    shiite...just tried to transfer from Party, but they need you to send verification documents. Funny they need that for a transfer, but not a withdrawel.

    Verification from me?
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Verification from me?

    no, me.....made about 20 withdrawels this year, but they still need photo id and a bill to put it through......that will probably take too long.....I'll send on Stars in the next couple of days
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    no, me.....made about 20 withdrawels this year, but they still need photo id and a bill to put it through......that will probably take too long.....I'll send on Stars in the next couple of days

    Hobbes614 on PS
  • FTP didn't hold funds on my deposit throught Instadebit, so Syph was shipped today. Pokerstars has a hold on it, so I'll have to wait until it clears their system.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    FTP didn't hold funds on my deposit throught Instadebit, so Syph was shipped today. Pokerstars has a hold on it, so I'll have to wait until it clears their system.

    FTP would work for me too if you want. Same ID as PS
  • I only play on stars but I can wait til whenever :)
  • Or everest if that works better for you lol
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