T8 PLO BAP for Oct. 2nd

Ok, going to try this again:

Selling shares in 6 PLO tournies for this Saturday Oct. 2nd.

Schedule is the same:


08:30 MST: $10+r PLO ($51)...in for $61 and min stack...sitting 47/61.....31/37, on the bubble....35th for $42.07
12:00 MST: $215 PLO......sitting 110/120....out 124th


11:30 MST: $10+r PLO ($51).....in for $31...sitting 25/219....60/109.....out in 55th (Scott Clements turfs me)
12:00 MST: $215 PLO....sitting..lol...150/150....folded my way to a 126th finish


09:45 MST: $10+r PLO ($51)....in for $31....sitting 2/19....sitting 1/13....3/6 (ITM)....2nd for $169.40
13:45 MST: $99 PLO.....sitting 6/19....6/10 (pays 3, 400,600,1K).....1/5 at the break....3rd for $400.00

Total Buy-In: $682.00 (no markup)

Moniez won: $641.47

1% = $ 6.82
2% = $13.64
5% = $32.10
10% = $64.20
30% = $192.60
35% = $238.70

Party: T8yourmoney
T8YOURMONEY Poker Results and Statistics - Official Poker Rankings

Stars: T8yourmoney
T8YOURMONEY Poker Results and Statistics - Official Poker Rankings

FTP: T8urmoney
T8URMONEY Poker Results and Statistics - Official Poker Rankings

Selling 35% max once again. Will be playing full schedule regardless of sell percentage.

Rebuys were averaged @ $51.00 again, any extra will be taken off winnings before distribution, any left over will be added.

Thread will be updated as last week, or you can rail at the tables.

Reservations will be booked on first post, first reserved.

****Sold Out****

Confirmed Paid:

Hobbes 2%
Syphilaids 5%
Wolffhound 2%
CompleXEH 2%
Richard 10%
GTA 14% (settle up later)

Moniez owed:

Hobbes: $12.83
Syphilaids: $32.07
Wolffhound: $12.83
CompleXEH: $12.83
Richard: $64.15
GTA: $89.81 (-$95.48) = (-$5.67)


  • booking 2%
  • I'll try 5% again. Will ship tonight when I get home.
    t8, remember though, AT LEAST First!
    The only other option is getting the guy to chop, have him ship money to you, then take it down!
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    I'll try 5% again. Will ship tonight when I get home.
    t8, remember though, AT LEAST First!
    The only other option is getting the guy to chop, have him ship money to you, then take it down!

    Will do......I have a pretty sick cash percentage on Party, so considering I missed both last week, I should be a lock for shipping at least 1 of those (albeit small pools).

    Only had one regret / bad play last week......unfortunately it was in the big FTP one for which I was doing the best (had top 5 or 10% stack, and shipped it on a virtual bluff to someone who had me covered, and coincedently, the nuts). But, meh, I put him on a hand, and thought he could fold the river....oops, I was a little off on that one.
  • in for 2% will ship on stars
  • 10% please, shipping later
  • Reserve 1%, will ship Friday or Saturday on stars.:)

    Also I have a tip on where to go to play omaha mtt's maybe, you will make a killing! and then you of course will remember me when you do.:p
  • I will take 1%....I will ship tonight or tomorrow please

    EDIT: Sent
  • Will take the last 16% if I can pay you live on Sunday in Edm.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Will take the last 16% if I can pay you live on Sunday in Edm.

    Only 14% left, I'll hold that for you
  • ***Sold Out***
  • DAMN !!! Curse having a job and missing this . . . :-[ :mad:

    Pre booking 2% on your next offer. :)
  • just shipped. Take it down!
  • Shipped on PS
  • Sorry t8, got to pull out of my shares, thanks to idiots I have no money for the weekend:mad:.
  • I will take his share.....sending money now!

  • CompleXEH wrote: »
    I will take his share.....sending money now!


    Complex saves the day!, least t8 won't be pissed now, but me I am enraged as I wanted to do shit this weekend and needed to get stuff, now I can't do fuck all.

    /derail rant.

    But gogogogo t8.:)
  • If confirmed by 8AM tomorrow (the 2nd) I'll take a piece as well if anyone backs out.

    Great way to reduce your variance and I get a chance to earn monies during a time I can't possibly play (working Nuit Blanche in TO)
  • Forgot to ship so I just did it. Gl today
  • Since I pulled out, t8 is now going to ship huge monies.

    Your all welcome.:)
  • I lost flip....fortunately not for the full stack

    PokerStars - $10+$1|10/20 PL Hi (9 max) - Omaha - 8 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    Hero (BB): 3,640.00
    UTG: 1,400.00
    UTG+1: 3,000.00
    MP: 1,790.00
    MP+1: 2,860.00
    CO: 1,280.00
    BTN: 2,330.00
    SB: 2,950.00
    SB posts SB 10.00, Hero posts BB 20.00
    Pre Flop: (30.00) Hero has Q:club: K:diamond: A:spade: A:heart:
    fold, UTG+1 calls 20.00, MP raises to 90.00, fold, CO calls 90.00, BTN calls 90.00, SB calls 80.00, Hero raises to 560.00, UTG+1 raises to 2,040.00, MP calls 1,700.00 and is all-in, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 3,520.00, UTG+1 calls 960.00 and is all-in
    Flop: (8060.00, 3 players) K:club: 4:spade: 5:heart:
    Turn: (8060.00, 3 players) 3:heart:
    River: (8060.00, 3 players) 5:club:
    Hero shows Q:club: K:diamond: A:spade: A:heart: (Two Pair, Aces and Fives)
    UTG+1 shows A:diamond: Q:diamond: 8:diamond: A:club: (Two Pair, Aces and Fives)
    MP shows K:spade: 9:heart: K:heart: J:spade: (Full House, Kings full of Fives)
    Hero wins 1,210.00
    UTG+1 wins 1,210.00
    MP wins 5,640.00
  • Quick double up on Party.....

    PartyGaming - $10+$1|20/40 PL Hi - Omaha - 7 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    UTG+1: 2,480.00
    MP: 5,960.00
    CO: 260.00
    BTN: 6,920.00
    SB: 2,060.00
    Hero (BB): 5,960.00
    UTG: 6,200.00
    SB posts SB 20.00, Hero posts BB 40.00
    Pre Flop: (60.00) Hero has 8:diamond: A:club: 8:club: A:spade:
    UTG raises to 120.00, UTG+1 raises to 400.00, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 1,340.00, UTG raises to 4,440.00, UTG+1 calls 2,080.00 and is all-in, Hero raises to 5,960.00 and is all-in, UTG calls 1,520.00
    Flop: (14420.00, 3 players) Q:diamond: 8:spade: 2:club:
    Turn: (14420.00, 3 players) K:heart:
    River: (14420.00, 3 players) 7:heart:
    UTG shows 7:spade: 6:spade: A:diamond: A:heart: (One Pair, Aces)
    UTG+1 shows T:spade: 9:club: 9:spade: K:club: (One Pair, Kings)
    Hero shows 8:diamond: A:club: 8:club: A:spade: (Three of a Kind, Eights)
    Hero wins 6,960.00
    Hero wins 7,460.00
  • hmm, if you wanna make me any money on stars you'll have to get through...well, me. Just ran my stack up to 30k, gl sir ^^'
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    hmm, if you wanna make me any money on stars you'll have to get through...well, me. Just ran my stack up to 30k, gl sir ^^'

  • gambled here.....needed the double up.....sitting 27/55 now

    PokerStars - $10+$1|200/400 PL Hi (9 max) - Omaha - 8 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    SB: 4,915.00
    BB: 7,318.00
    UTG: 6,922.00
    UTG+1: 29,186.00
    MP: 5,200.00
    Hero (MP+1): 6,525.00
    CO: 14,210.00
    BTN: 14,980.00
    SB posts SB 200.00, BB posts BB 400.00
    Pre Flop: (600.00) Hero has K:club: 6:club: J:spade: A:club:
    fold, UTG+1 calls 400.00, MP calls 400.00, Hero calls 400.00, fold, fold, SB calls 200.00, BB checks
    Flop: (2000.00, 5 players) Q:club: 7:club: A:diamond:
    SB checks, BB checks, UTG+1 bets 1,200.00, MP raises to 4,800.00 and is all-in, Hero raises to 6,125.00 and is all-in, fold, fold, fold
    Turn: (12800.00, 2 players) 8:club:
    River: (12800.00, 2 players) 7:spade:
    MP shows Q:diamond: K:heart: A:heart: 3:heart: (Two Pair, Aces and Queens)
    Hero shows K:club: 6:club: J:spade: A:club: (Flush, Ace High)
    Hero wins 12,800.00
  • good start on FTP......

    Full Tilt - 20/40 PL Hi - Omaha - 7 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    Hero (MP): 4,170.00
    CO: 1,335.00
    BTN: 2,520.00
    SB: 3,810.00
    BB: 1,230.00
    UTG: 1,245.00
    UTG+1: 3,555.00
    SB posts SB 20.00, BB posts BB 40.00
    Pre Flop: (60.00) Hero has A:spade: A:heart: T:diamond: T:spade:
    fold, UTG+1 calls 40.00, Hero raises to 180.00, fold, fold, SB calls 160.00, fold, UTG+1 calls 140.00
    Flop: (580.00, 3 players) 2:club: T:club: 2:heart:
    SB checks, UTG+1 checks, Hero bets 160.00, SB raises to 480.00, fold, Hero raises to 1,250.00, SB raises to 3,630.00 and is all-in, Hero calls 2,380.00
    Turn: (7840.00, 2 players) Q:spade:
    River: (7840.00, 2 players) 4:diamond:
    Hero shows A:spade: A:heart: T:diamond: T:spade: (Full House, Tens full of Twos)
    SB shows 4:club: 2:diamond: 7:heart: 8:spade: (Full House, Twos full of Fours)
    Hero wins 7,840.00
  • And feel free to comment on any hands that are posted. I'll try to post the bad ones too.
  • lucky on the bubble...

    PokerStars - $10+$1|600/1200 PL Hi (9 max) - Omaha - 7 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    UTG: 4,771.00
    UTG+1: 22,628.00
    MP: 34,844.00
    CO: 5,386.00
    BTN: 56,845.00
    Hero (SB): 6,425.00
    BB: 19,520.00
    Hero posts SB 600.00, BB posts BB 1,200.00
    Pre Flop: (1800.00) Hero has K:heart: J:club: Q:diamond: T:club:
    fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 3,600.00, BB raises to 10,800.00, Hero calls 2,825.00 and is all-in
    Flop: (12850.00, 2 players) 2:club: 3:club: K:spade:
    Turn: (12850.00, 2 players) 5:club:
    River: (12850.00, 2 players) 6:diamond:
    Hero shows K:heart: J:club: Q:diamond: T:club: (Flush, Jack High)
    BB shows T:diamond: 3:heart: A:club: A:heart: (One Pair, Aces)
    Hero wins 12,850.00
  • and out....with min cash

    PokerStars - $10+$1|600/1200 PL Hi (9 max) - Omaha - 9 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    CO: 10,810.00
    BTN: 2,971.00
    SB: 23,228.00
    BB: 34,844.00
    UTG: 5,386.00
    UTG+1: 58,645.00
    Hero (MP): 12,850.00
    MP+1: 12,495.00
    LP: 31,847.00
    SB posts SB 600.00, BB posts BB 1,200.00
    Pre Flop: (1800.00) Hero has A:diamond: J:diamond: Q:diamond: J:club:
    fold, fold, Hero raises to 2,400.00, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, BB calls 1,200.00
    Flop: (5400.00, 2 players) 4:diamond: 7:spade: 8:diamond:
    BB bets 5,400.00, Hero raises to 10,450.00 and is all-in, BB calls 5,050.00
    Turn: (26300.00, 2 players) 8:club:
    River: (26300.00, 2 players) 6:club:
    BB shows 3:spade: 5:club: 7:club: K:heart: (Straight, Eight High)
    Hero shows A:diamond: J:diamond: Q:diamond: J:club: (Two Pair, Jacks and Eights)
    BB wins 26,300.00
  • couldn't find a fold for some reason.....

    Full Tilt - 25/50 PL Hi - Omaha - 8 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
    MP+1: 4,925.00
    Hero (CO): 6,161.00
    BTN: 4,413.00
    SB: 5,475.00
    BB: 5,515.00
    UTG: 4,518.00
    UTG+1: 5,038.00
    MP: 4,496.00
    SB posts SB 25.00, BB posts BB 50.00
    Pre Flop: (75.00) Hero has K:heart: T:club: A:diamond: T:spade:
    fold, UTG+1 calls 50.00, MP calls 50.00, MP+1 calls 50.00, Hero calls 50.00, fold, fold, BB checks
    Flop: (275.00, 5 players) K:spade: K:diamond: 6:diamond:
    BB checks, UTG+1 checks, MP checks, MP+1 checks, Hero bets 175.00, fold, UTG+1 raises to 800.00, fold, fold, Hero calls 625.00
    Turn: (1875.00, 2 players) 4:spade:
    UTG+1 bets 1,875.00, Hero calls 1,875.00
    River: (5625.00, 2 players) 8:spade:
    UTG+1 bets 2,313.00 and is all-in, Hero calls 2,313.00
    UTG+1 shows 6:club: K:club: 8:heart: 9:spade: (Full House, Kings full of Eights)
    Hero mucks K:heart: T:club: A:diamond: T:spade: (Three of a Kind, Kings)
    UTG+1 wins 10,251.00
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