Season 15 Half Way Point!

This Thursday will mark the half way point of Season 15. I currently hold the points lead, with Keith right on my ass, and there's a bottleneck of players fighting for third place, but its still way too early to even think that the current rankings will hold up.

Remember, the Points Leader at the end of all 12 games gets a freeroll into the SET game. Also, just a reminder, you need to play a minimum of four (4) regular season games in order to qualify to play the SET game, so if you haven't gotten them in yet, you might want to be thinking about coming out more often. Six weeks can go by pretty quickly.

Who's in for this week?
Mr. Chatty
Kabek +1


  • I have to "rent" Wetts, so I am in this week.
  • I think I can make it, so please reserve a seat for me.
  • Inittospewit.
  • Also I need to get a transfer done if anyone can help!

    Have Moneybookers
    Want FTP

    Let me know please and thank you
  • in, because i just love when guys hit there 1 outer.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    in, because i just love when guys hit there 1 outer.

    You were dominated from the get go. You just got a lucky flop. Can't help it if the best hand going in won.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You were dominated from the get go. You just got a lucky flop. Can't help it if the best hand going in won.

    No disputing that, just still shell shocked that after i got a lucky flop you still managed to hit the magic one outer.
  • can't make it this week so I'll donk it off 2x faster next time
  • im in this week AJ
  • I have you guys figured get me talking up a storm to throw me off my game......this week im back to my old self
  • MR.Chatty wrote: »
    I have you guys figured get me talking up a storm to throw me off my game......this week im back to my old self

    Yea, talking up a storm. Whatchado? Say 7 words all night??
  • Relax, AJ, the only reason he'll be back to normal is because last week he strained his vocal cords . . .

    and it was eight words . . . see below

  • Milo wrote: »
    Relax, AJ, the only reason he'll be back to normal is because last week he strained his vocal cords . . .

    and it was eight words . . . see below


    He said sorry to Chris when he took his chips early as well!

  • Halfway through the season, is it too late for 2 new people to play?
  • Kabek wrote: »
    Halfway through the season, is it too late for 2 new people to play?

    Absolutely NOT too late! The minimum number of games to play before the Season Ending Tournament is 4. Including tonight, there are still 7 games in the season, so you have lots of time.

    Shall I put you and your +1 down?? If so, I'll PM you the address and contact info
  • Ok, I'm coming to donate, also bringing a friend along
  • Kabek wrote: »
    Ok, I'm coming to donate, also bringing a friend along

    Friends' name pls?
  • His name's Kris
  • Kabek wrote: »
    His name's Kris

    We're sorry. That name is already taken. Please submit another name.

    Seriously, Welcome to The Hill! If you need help finding the place, give me a call on the numbers I PM's you earlier.
  • Lol, I'll let him decide what his name is. See you all soon
  • Darryl cruised to a win tonight, having about 80% of chips by the time three handed play began. He had IceDog so rattled, he folded pocket 9's!! TIGHT FOLD! Icedog took second place and ACDC squeaking into the money with third after Kabek went out to Darryl on the bubble.

    Good game all. Hope to see you all again next week.
  • No bounties?

    Easy game.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    No bounties?

    Easy game.

    Not bad at all for freerolling ;) Good game Darryl. Hope the rush stays with you in the WCOOP
  • str82ace wrote: »
    not bad at all for freerolling ;) good game darryl. Hope the rush stays with you in the wcoop

    +5% :d
  • Meltdown.... I need to redeem myself
  • Kabek wrote: »
    Meltdown.... I need to redeem myself

    Bring more friends! The last one was delicious!! :D

    Seriously, great to have you out Kabek, and Kris as well. You're both welcome to join us anytime.

    Also remember, I'm hosting a tournament on Saturday Sept 18 @ 1pm. All the info can be found here

    Going to try to run this format on a monthly basis, so if you and your friends are interested, simply post on that thread and I'll add your names to the list.
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