Bristol St. presents... The 2010 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)

While the summer is winding down and Bristol Street is finally beginning to cool off a bit, it means it's time to crown this year's Heads-Up Champion!!
The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...

No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament Heads-up Single Elimination Tournament

Sign-up Ends: July 31st

$20 Buy-in - SINGLE elimination

$$$ Pay-out (assumes 32 players)$$$
1st place - 50% ( $210)
2nd place - 25% ( $105 )
3rd place - 12.5% ( $52.50 )
4th place - 12.5% ( $52.50 )

This year, the Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship is a single elimination tournament.

All bracket information will be kept at Bristol Street as well as online. The matches will not be played all at once. When you have a match, it's the responsibility of the two players involved to arrange a time to get together and play according to the rules listed below. The players are free to use Bristol Street as a neutral location to play their matches. Match results are to be sent to the tournament director once complete.

If a match is played outside of Bristol Street the players take the risk that no Tournament Director will be on hand to resolve disputes. Matches which involve Top 8 finishes are strongly recommended to be played at Bristol Street. Matches that involve a Top 4 finish are required to be played here.

As a reminder, all events at Bristol Street are rake-free!!!


If you played in the 2008 event and your contact information has not changed, simply post an RSVP below!

If you did not sign up in 2008, or your contact info has changed, you must sign up here then PM me your contact information (email address and phone number) If you're not sure, play it safe and PM it to me. You will not be put on the list until I have your contact info.

Please also warn me of any lengthy vacations you may be going on.

Paying your Entry

If you play your match at Bristol Street, you pay me.

If you play your match elsewhere, the winner of the match collects the money, and this pattern continues until they get the cash to me.

Match Format

Each match will have the same format with each player starting with 10,000 chips. The suggested distribution is 12 x (green-25), 12 x (black-100), 7 x (purple-500), 5 x (yellow-1000). If a different combination of colour and/or distribution is used, both players need to be made aware of this.

Blinds levels are 20 minutes long and breaks are taken on an as-needed basis. The blind schedule is; 25-50, 50-100, 75-150, 100-200, 150-300, 200-400, 300-600(capped) I'm anticipating matches to last roughly 1.5 hours (though, of course, could be as short as one hand)

Player of the Year Points

This tournament will be played for PoY points. The Champion will also win a seat into the Bristol Street 2008 GRAND FINAL to be played in December. Points earned will depend on finish and are as follows..

1st - 57 points
2nd - 40 points
3rd - 33 points
4th - 28 points
5th - 25 points
6th - 23 points
7th(2 players) - 21 points
9th(4 players) - 18 points
13th(4 players) - 15 points
17th(8 players) - 0 points
25th(8 players) - 0 points

Time-Line **NEW RULE**

I'm simplifying it, this year. Since we're single elimination, please play an average of 1 match per week. This should get the tournament finished in 1.5-2 months.

It is my job to keep the tournament moving. I had to disqualify a player in both '06 and '07 due to their slow pace, and I will do it again if need be. Please don't make me. I didn't like to then, and I won't like to now. Play at a reasonable pace and make me happy.

Seat draws will take place on Aug 1st, or sooner if we get 32 entries. I'll announce the first couple days that Bristol will be open for matches at that point.

If we get less than 32 players, byes will be evenly distributed in the opening round.


Heads-up 2010

The Final Word

The spirit of the event should be of fun and of playing cards in a one on one setting with people you may not get the chance to often play heads up. Participate, enjoy the format and feel free to find alternate venues to play early matches.

I'll try and keep Bristol open at least one night each week. If you're having problems contacting someone, please let me know.


  • Reserve List

    1. Zithal $
    2. proffisher $
    3. ItsaME
    4. JohnnieH
    5. Hobbes $
    6. Beanie42 $
    7. Kanga $
    8. Hellmuth's Mole
    9. Quimby
    10. DrTyore
    11. Moose $
    12. Compuease
    13. HveePoker
    14. Flint Bones
    15. isnork
    16. Aiki65 $
    17. 800Over $
    18. DataMn
    19. SeekTheGrail $
    20. joeheartsdi
    21. 33BW33 $
    22. stpboy $

    Matches (I'll get the visual diagram up on Monday)

    Division A - spade
    ItsaMe v (winner of compuease v stpboy )
    Hobbes v (winner of Aiki65 v beanie42)

    Division B - heart
    Joeheartsdi v Hveepoker
    Hellmuth's Mole v (winner of Zithal v Kanga)

    Division C - diamond
    FlintBones v (winner of proffisher v DatMn)
    Quimby v isnork

    Division D - club
    JohnnieH v (winner of 33BW33 v DrTyore)
    Moose v (winner of SeekTheGrail v 800Over)
  • sign me up.
  • In.

    I can also host matches.
  • I can actually play this year for a change.

    so I am in

    and Mario, read the PM I sent you.
  • Yay - Bristol's back ;) ! Jenn and I will play.
  • Good to see you back! Sign me up, please! Awesome!


  • Of course in, my only concern is trying to avoid too many trips to Ktch/Wloo...
    Look at how many signups already. Amazing the lure of a Bristol title... Still has a magic ring to it.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Of course in, my only concern is trying to avoid too many trips to Ktch/Wloo...
    Look at how many signups already. Amazing the lure of a Bristol title... Still has a magic ring to it.

    Get more from your part of the world to sign up and we could have 2 divisions with KW vs Milton in the final HU match.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Get more from your part of the world to sign up and we could have 2 divisions with KW vs Milton in the final HU match.

    See what I can do, however it likely would be 2 rocks heads up for the title after crossover.. :)
  • OHHHH ALL RIGHT. I will send you my info. via pm
  • Yeah I will make a donation to the cause. PM deets coming.
  • Sign me up please
  • me please!
  • Please sign me up...

    Please note I will probably play sleep deprived... Thus better!! ;-)

  • DataMn wrote: »
    Please sign me up...

    Please note I will probably play sleep deprived... Thus better!! ;-)

    welcome back Al... You have some fantastic wife letting you out to play already... :)
  • Count me in. Cheers!
  • Hey all!

    One week to go til sign ups are closed. Bristol Street will be open on Sunday Aug 1st for games and opening round matches if people are available.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Hey all!

    One week to go til sign ups are closed. Bristol Street will be open on Sunday Aug 1st for games and opening round matches if people are available.

    No Nithview Casino Deepstack invitational Classic action that day?
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    No Nithview Casino Deepstack invitational Classic action that day?

    I've changed the date of BITG2 to Monday, Aug 2.

    Yes, Zithal will make a rare appearance in New Hamburg! W00t!
  • in please!
  • In please. Contact info forthcoming.
  • Original post has been updated with a link to the graphic that will keep track of results. (right now it's kinda empty)

    With only two days to go for sign up (for this AND the shoot-out), we're sitting at 21 players.
  • If you need an even number mmoose will play. That gives her a 50/50 shot.
  • I don't need an even number (as first round buys will help to accommodate any number) (ie. you could have a three person tournament if one player received a bye to the finals, for example)

    If she'd like to play, she's more than welcome to! Let me know!
  • But a 4 person tourney would be more fair.
  • I totally agree with that. But, the only way to make this tournament totally fair is to run it with either 8, 16 or 32 players. No other number makes a "fair" tournament.

    The best I can do is ensure that drawings for who gets "byes" will be done as randomly as possible.

    The only other choice is to cut off the tournament (since it's not going to hit 32 players) at 16 and have players 17-21 be alternate if any of 1-16 don't show or play fast enough.

    As it stands now, with 21 players there'll be 5 first round matches and 11 first round byes. (ie. 10 players will be "unlucky" and will have to play the round of 32, while 11 players will be "lucky" and start in the round of 16)
  • i will pm my info.thankyou!
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