Computer help

So I will start this thread so not too derail GTA's thread.:)

Since I was bored last night, decided to try and do some maintenance on my computer, looking for ways to clear up some room and try and make computer run a lil better, so far today it's running good.

I started to do a backup as I realized I can use a blank dvd rewritable???.

I had one for the longest time and tried to sell it in the garage sale, then I saw oh shit I can actually use it,lol So problem is It was about halfway done and I pretty much ran out of room on the cd.

I did notice it said backup does not back up certain files for windows? So I am wondering well what do you do if something happens, I have to go buy a windows c.d.?.

Also what happens now that I had to stop it half way through? Am I going to have to start all over again if I go get another rewritable cdas I ran out of room on the one I had?

It was backing up poker sites and such that I have, which you can just download again if something does happen so I thought that was kinda a waste of space on the c.d. but guess it might save time?

Also in back up does it back up documents you have saved?


  • Philli, basically a backup program will back up what you tell it to backup. If you tell it to only back up your data/documents/pictures, etc., that's what it will backup. If you tell it to backup all your applications, it's likely you are going to need way more than one rewritable dvd.

    As far as Windows goes, I always make sure I have a backup of the original Windows XP cd or dvd or whatever it is. I usually do a fresh install of Windows every year or two, as the operating system degrades over time in terms of stability. This is due to so much crap being left behind when you install/uninstall programs, download crap from the net, etc. Prior to doing this you should make sure you know all your passwords for whatever, and make a copy of your contacts list/email history/bookmarks/drivers, etc.

    Don't bother backing up poker sites that you can download and install again. It's generally a wasted effort as you can replace them easily. Just make sure you know all your passwords.
  • As Bill says Philli, don't try to back up your operating system and applications, just worry about your data. Now if you are computer literate you can make an image and backup your entire hard drive, contents and all but it is beyond my trying to explain here and unless you are familiar with the process/reasons, etc forget it. Basically you should backup your My Documents, your email (if it is in Outlook or Outlook Express) your favorites or bookmarks and your desktop folder. That's kind of a standard, other things to think about would be things like accounting data if you have it or poker history files if you use them. I wouldn't even bother with DVD/CD backups anymore. Either get yourself a memory stick or a USB backup drive.. Cheap, quick and easy to use.
  • I also have a usb drive, got it when I worked for a computer distributor.:)

    Can you transfer files from 1 drive to another? Say I have programs I don't use often on c drive, can I transfer or copy to usb drive stick?
  • philliivey wrote: »
    I also have a usb drive, got it when I worked for a computer distributor.:)

    Can you transfer files from 1 drive to another? Say I have programs I don't use often on c drive, can I transfer or copy to usb drive stick?

    You can't copy or backup windows programs, when you first installed it there would have been files (.dll) installed in windows folders as well as changes to the windows registry. If your system crashes and you have to reinstall you have to use your original install medium...
    In the old DOS days you could backup programs easily but those days are long gone... sniff....
  • So now trying to figure out how to connect my phone to my laptop via bluetooth, I need a dongle which I only see 1 on future shop's site and my os is not listed for it :/.

    Anyone have experience with this?
  • Anyone now how to undo a change made in firefox?

    I right clicked on the forum and ooops hit hide photos on here, now there is no color,smilies or some buttons.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Anyone know how to undo a change made in firefox?

    I right clicked on the forum and ooops hit hide photos on here, now there is no color,smilies or some buttons.

    I am awesome once again, got it!:)

    so if anyone does that or has there account hacked, right click and go to page info, then go to media tab and unclick block images.
  • Just curious if anyone running MSE is having troubles updating. Just noticed it wasn't and it says to check if my computer is connected to the internet (it obviously is). Then tried windows update which is also having problems updating. Curious if it's my machine or the interwebz in general or just crummy old Microsoft.
  • Just tried updating MSSE myself, "connection failed" message. My guess is they're doing some maintenance. Happens, just try again later..
  • Thanks Comp. Knew you'd come through. Same message I'm getting with error code 80070424.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    So I will start this thread so not too derail GTA's thread.:)

    So I am wondering well what do you do if something happens, I have to go buy a windows c.d.?.

    It was backing up poker sites and such that I have, which you can just download again if something does happen so I thought that was kinda a waste of space on the c.d. but guess it might save time?

    Also in back up does it back up documents you have saved?

    Story time....

    i once had a business where you paid $8 a month to completely solve this. if you wanted certain files backed up all you did was tell our service what folders and files you wanted automatically backed up and every night the computer would compress and encrypt the files and send them to an offsite location, only you had the password. the encryption was stronger than most major bands. if something ever happened to windows or your files you restart your computer press f5 and in five minute a perfect clean copy of your windows will appear and you double click restore back up and all your files are sent back to your computer.

    you asked about what if something happens to windows. yes you will need the cd or to take it to a computer store. they will likely wipe it clean and reinstall, tell you your files are gone, charge you for deleting everything and charge you for the new windows. and if theyre really bad they give you a soon to be blacklisted window serial.

    here my secrets for you.....

    get a good windows copy and serial, did one not come with your computer? get an imaging program, might cost 60 bones but worth it...but i could find one for free on the net so so can you (double so). install a cleaned updated version of windows and take and image and burn it to a disk. then if you ever wreck your windows you can just copy it over. windows installation builds a new windows...restoring an image super fast and you can make the image with all your poker programs etc already on it.

    if thats too much or if you get that far, get a partitioning program, slice your hd into parts c: d: e: etc .....i renamed my d: files e: downloads: f: images..........everytime you use a program and save a file ie hand history set the location to the d drive. this way if you need to back up you files the are all in the same place d:

    also when you do this you can reinstall windows on the c drive without messing up your files on the d drive.

    as for the poker programs etc. if you didn't fully get comps exp when download a program you get an installer. you need to save the installer, if your sifting through files save poker stars folder etc. then your just saving random parts of programs.....the entire program is embedded deeply in different parts of your computer. and don't bother, they take seconds to dl and your saved version will be old anyways....once you installed it it would just download an upgrade anyways.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Story time....
    At least you and Philli speak the same language... :) I must be getting old (no comments added here please!) cuz I didn't understand a thing you said.. Was what Darb said clear to anyone else?
    I think the sum of this whole thing is, no one backs up (or needs to) images anymore. Just back up your data, in multiple places (backup drive, stick, online, etc).. Reloads of O/S's and images is quick nowadays.. I can reload Win 7 and most business apps, with all updates in just a little over an hour now..
    By the way, for those who don't know. All Windows cd's are the same, ie all xp pro cd's are identical and can be used on any computer. It's just the license (5 groups of 5 char) that differentiates. If you don't know your license number, ie can't read the sticker or its lost, I have a little program that can retrieve it for you, Win7, XP, Office, etc.
  • compuease wrote: »
    I can reload Win 7 and most business apps, with all updates in just a little over an hour now..

    i don't have 7 but i can do xp with all my old programs, fully updated, all drivers etc, in about 7 minutes. and with the partition, my files aren't touched.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Just tried updating MSSE myself, "connection failed" message. My guess is they're doing some maintenance. Happens, just try again later..

    So, after 11 days of no new virus defs I was getting a little concerned. I checked it out and you can update your MSE defs manually by clicking in the link located here:

    Anyhoo, thought I'd throw that out there if anyone else was interested. Worked for me. MSE still isn't updating automatically.
  • MSE still isn't updating automatically.

    Working for me, even here in Vegas... Strange.. Maybe uninstall and re-install?
  • Paging Comp, Comp to the computer help thread... Please and I owe you bigtime..

    Might need to do the old formateroo on the hard drive today and fucking reinstall every god damn thing on my pc today....

    MSE is finding viral issues on my pc, and every time I clean it... it appears propogation is occurring and it's recreating itself or redownloading via a trojan downloader or something. I fucking hate the people who write these things and thoroughly believe they need a .22 cal to the back of the head so it bounces around and turns their overdriven little binary brains into chowder..

    (...rage medication taken now.)

    Anyhoo, wondering if you can check my inventory list and "to do list" of things I need to keep in mind when proceeding.

    XP & SP3 disc in hand
    inventory of applications on pc done
    No idea where all drivers would be stored within windows
    pictures, videos, word docs, etc. will be placed on USB external drive
    document all passwords, etc.

    Anything else I need to do prior to..

    Format c drive.
    Install windows, SP3, MSE
    Reinstall the rest of my life.
    Placate gf as she won't be able to access interwebz from her machine while this fucking process occurs.

    What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon...
  • Paging Comp, Comp to the computer help thread... Please and I owe you bigtime..

    Might need to do the old formateroo on the hard drive today and fucking reinstall every god damn thing on my pc today....

    MSE is finding viral issues on my pc, and every time I clean it... it appears propogation is occurring and it's recreating itself or redownloading via a trojan downloader or something. I fucking hate the people who write these things and thoroughly believe they need a .22 cal to the back of the head so it bounces around and turns their overdriven little binary brains into chowder..

    (...rage medication taken now.)

    Anyhoo, wondering if you can check my inventory list and "to do list" of things I need to keep in mind when proceeding.

    XP & SP3 disc in hand
    inventory of applications on pc done
    No idea where all drivers would be stored within windows
    pictures, videos, word docs, etc. will be placed on USB external drive
    document all passwords, etc.

    Anything else I need to do prior to..

    Format c drive.
    Install windows, SP3, MSE
    Reinstall the rest of my life.
    Placate gf as she won't be able to access interwebz from her machine while this fucking process occurs.

    What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon...

    one of the most important things you need is your nic driver or wireless card driver, otherwise you can't get online and can't get online to get online.......but if you have another computer you can get it from that...the rest of the drivers you can get online. have you tried a different antivirus or ran it in safe mode....seems like you windows maybe salvageable...
  • nic = ? Network interface card or ethernet card?

    Wow, just checked back in here again before I began the destruction. Thanks Darb.

    Not sure if windows is salvagable or if I want to salvage it. Not a bad idea to format and reinstall every now and again. Thoughts?
  • nic = ? Network interface card or ethernet card?

    Wow, just checked back in here again before I began the destruction. Thanks Darb.

    Not sure if windows is salvagable or if I want to salvage it. Not a bad idea to format and reinstall every now and again. Thoughts?

    yup they are the same name for both pretty much, large pain in the ass if you don't have the driver and have no access to internet to get it....

    and it is a good idea to re install now and then so if your ready for it then ya getter done..
  • Hold on Bill, I may be able to help and save you having to reload. If you want, assuming your internet is working, either give me you phone number via PM and I can call you and try to help. I can even remotely logon to your pc with Teamviewer and see what I can do.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Hold on Bill, I may be able to help and save you having to reload. If you want, assuming your internet is working, either give me you phone number via PM and I can call you and try to help. I can even remotely logon to your pc with Teamviewer and see what I can do.

  • Ut oh, I fear it maybe too late, Bill is offline..
  • Just about powered down the spacestation unsure if I would be able to get the O2 pump going again, but checked back in one last time.

    Phone # sent.
  • If anyone was ever questioning it....Comp is in fact older than Moses as he in fact was the creator of Moses being the Lord God himself.

    (He helped me with my viral issues and was very gentle.)

    Thanks again Comp, as I said if you ever want a free tourney buyin I certainly owe you a huge favour.
  • Ok Bill, nice talking to you. I think you are fixed up but time will tell. Let me know if it runs clean for a few days. One thing to keep an eye on is that uw.exe that was running in Windows Task manager under the processes tab. Curious if that show up again, in fact if you can, reboot and before you click on anything check it.
  • Will do. Thanks again.
  • If anyone was ever questioning it....Comp is in fact older than Moses as he in fact was the creator of Moses being the Lord God himself.

    lol, do I really sound that old or did you secretly video me through the teamviewer session? :)
  • Just out of curiosity, does anyone know of a easy method of moving all your programs, etc. from a machine using Win XP to a new machine using Win 7?

    For some reason I don't think there's an easy solution to this, but thought I'd ask.
  • Just out of curiosity, does anyone know of a easy method of moving all your programs, etc. from a machine using Win XP to a new machine using Win 7?

    For some reason I don't think there's an easy solution to this, but thought I'd ask.
    you can either transfer it to a hd or a memory can get an 8gb stick for like 20 bux

    or put the old hard drive in your new computer tower...i would expect win 7 would read the xp drive..
  • Just out of curiosity, does anyone know of a easy method of moving all your programs, etc. from a machine using Win XP to a new machine using Win 7?

    For some reason I don't think there's an easy solution to this, but thought I'd ask.

    You can move the etc but NOT the programs, they have to be re-installed. :)
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