Season 14 SET GAME!!



  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Greg - 3
    Karen - 1
    Eddie - 1
    Mark - 1
    Jeff C - 1
    Steve - 1
    Dan - 1

    Can't get hold of anyone at home, so I'll go by your list. It appears you're the only one with three games in, so since I'm in such a generous mood today, YOU"RE IN...your buyin will be $90, and your bonus chips will be available when you arrive.

    Remember this!!!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Can't get hold of anyone at home, so I'll go by your list. It appears you're the only one with three games in, so since I'm in such a generous mood today, YOU"RE IN...your buyin will be $90, and your bonus chips will be available when you arrive.

    Remember this!!!

    Cool, count me in.

    Not trying to stir anything up, just really enjoy your game.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Cool, count me in.

    Not trying to stir anything up, just really enjoy your game.

    Sucking up to the host won't earn you any bonus chips, Sir. Seriously, though, glad you enjoy the game.
  • I should also advise you all that I have yet had a chance to put the A/C units in. So prepare yourselves accordingly.

    No, this does NOT mean you can play in your underwear Milo.
  • Commando it is, then . . . :D
  • Milo wrote: »
    Commando it is, then . . . :D

    Tonight's Pregame Comedy Show by our very own Milo!

    Laugh till it hurts...then play cards.
  • Less than 4 HOURS

    that is all

  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Less than 4 HOURS

    that is all


    In 5 hours I shall outflip Alan with my 1010 vs. his AK, and in true fashion, the season winner will chump.

    In 6 hours (sorry Barney), I shall soulread Romers checkraise Allin bluff with my second pair, to move behind Dave D (Ur my boy Blue!)for 2nd in chips.

    In 6.52 hours I shall completely shatter Garrys soul as I take him out with my AJ offsuit against his open shove of KK. At this time AJ will somehow have the chiplead.

    In 7 hours I shall almost get thrown out of the hosts home as I bust AJ in 5th with a flopped wheel (deuce four, ftw).

    In 7.02 hours I shall tell Milo to GTFO as he tries to chop for 4th place money. It is irrelevant though, as Kris bubbles again.

    In 7.15 hours I congratulate Milo as he donks off in 3rd place.

    In 7.38 hours Dave D and I shall be heads up, I shall have him outchipped by a mere 100. In the epic final hand Dave shall shove with his beautifull pocket Aces. I shall call with the mighty Ace 5. I will be drawing very thin on the ragged 7, 9, A flop. A turn of the 6 brings some hope to our hero.

    Then, like an angel from heaven our dealer peels off the 8 of diamonds and we have a predictable season champion.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    In 5 hours I shall outflip Alan with my 1010 vs. his AK, and in true fashion, the season winner will chump.

    In 6 hours (sorry Barney), I shall soulread Romers checkraise Allin bluff with my second pair, to move behind Dave D (Ur my boy Blue!)for 2nd in chips.

    In 6.52 hours I shall completely shatter Garrys soul as I take him out with my AJ offsuit against his open shove of KK. At this time AJ will somehow have the chiplead.

    In 7 hours I shall almost get thrown out of the hosts home as I bust AJ in 5th with a flopped wheel (deuce four, ftw).

    In 7.02 hours I shall tell Milo to GTFO as he tries to chop for 4th place money. It is irrelevant though, as Kris bubbles again.

    In 7.15 hours I congratulate Milo as he donks off in 3rd place.

    In 7.38 hours Dave D and I shall be heads up, I shall have him outchipped by a mere 100. In the epic final hand Dave shall shove with his beautifull pocket Aces. I shall call with the mighty Ace 5. I will be drawing very thin on the ragged 7, 9, A flop. A turn of the 6 brings some hope to our hero.

    Then, like an angel from heaven our dealer peels off the 8 of diamonds and we have a predictable season champion.


    If it actually goes down like this...they will never find the body.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    If it actually goes down like this...they will never find the body.

    Darryl will not be around much anymore. :mad:

    That son of a bitch called it almost perfectly. He won the SET game, Keith came in second, Dave D cashed third, and Jeff chopped for his buyin back for fourth.

    And yes, I bubbled in 5th with my Aces got cracked by Keith's 7's on a very ugly flop that apparently brought the case 7.

    Quite the game to end the season tonight...two or third quads, a straight flush, and lots of low stack action on the final table.

    Thanks for coming out this season everyone. Apparently I have some discussions to have with some neighbours again, but nothing I can't and won't handle for the upcoming season. Its been a blast hosting, and hope you can all make it out again when The Hill resumes.
  • Nostradamus, ITT.

    Great Season as always AJ.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Nostradamus, ITT.

    Great Season as always AJ.

    Thanks Nostra...but it won't save your skinny ass. I'm writing your obit now.

    Well played Darryl.
  • Well done Darryl, nice job on the win

    AJ, thanx for another great season...
  • Hey AJ,

    Thanks once again. As always great game. Hope it's nothing to major with the neighbors.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Hey AJ,

    Thanks once again. As always great game. Hope it's nothing to major with the neighbors.

    Nah. Just someone who thinks I'm running an illegal game, and that he owns the curbs on our street. I'll handle it.
  • SHIT!

    And the ever popular


    First comments after a series of interesting hands

    Lotsa, Fun!


    AJ has my sheet


    Dave L
    Dave D

    so I missed one (or can't spell Darryl)
  • ddmilcan wrote: »

    Actually, that's NOT what you said when you got rivered. What you said made my daughter cry.

    Yes, I have Dave's sheet, and he almost nailed the final four. Mind you, I think he made up 10 sheets, each with a different final four, and just gave me the one closest to the actual result.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Actually, that's NOT what you said when you got rivered. What you said made my daughter cry.

    Yes, I have Dave's sheet, and he almost nailed the final four. Mind you, I think he made up 10 sheets, each with a different final four, and just gave me the one closest to the actual result.

    but did date my final choice.
    Hope you said it was the other Dave!!!!

    I never knew Colton Orr was an assistant captain

  • let me re-visit, one hand
    3 players remaining


    Keith about 6000
    Darryl about 7000
    Moi about 8000

    First to act I have Q 10 suited
    Keith folds
    Darryl calls
    Flop: QQ 10
    I check, Darryl Checks
    Turn A
    STUPID Me bets, not too much, assuming Darryl is playing an Ace and will re bet, WRONG he folds, rabbit hunt the river, would have given him the straight
    I bet, He pushes, I call, Different final chapter

    I feel better! a bit
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