Question Week: crazykoby

how did you do at the last WSOP satellite?


  • Are you really crazy?:D

    Why do I confuse you with RyanGHall alot?

    Can you teach me the mtt late stages pokerz?:)
  • As always,

    Meat [ ]
    Booze [ ]
    Broads [ ]

    Pick which one you would give up . . .
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    how did you do at the last WSOP satellite?

    Sorry for the late response to all of these. Spent most of the day laid up in bed.

    Didn't do all that great in the last game. However i already won my seat in one of the earlier satellites so i can live with it. How come you stopped coming out to them?
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Are you really crazy?:D

    Why do I confuse you with RyanGHall alot?

    Can you teach me the mtt late stages pokerz?:)

    Crazykoby comes from a nick name that was given to my dog. My dog's name is Koby, and he's pretty hyper. A buddy called him crazykoby once.

    Crazykoby - RyanGhall there practically the same so i understand your confusion.

    Don't look for me to teach you anything about online poker, i suck at online, i got two little girls, so no time to put in the proper focus required. I'm 10x a better live player, simply because i get away from the distraction at home and can properly focus.
  • Milo wrote: »
    As always,

    Meat [ ]
    Booze [ ]
    Broads [ ]

    Pick which one you would give up . . .

    If i was to simply base this on what i get the least of now.....

    meat - Love a great steak. Nothing beats a big thick BBQ'd medium rare piece of meat, however my wife is not a big meat eater, and since she does the shopping, don't get to see meat a lot.

    Booze - I use to love a great drunk. Nothing like drinking with buddies on a saturday night until the wee hours of the morning. Spending the next day hungover, and then doing it again the next weekend. the problem now is it takes more then one day to recover from the hangover. So now these types of saturday nights are spaced very far apart.

    Sex - I got a 3 year old and 14 months old. I don't even know what sex is anymore, but i'm still not prepared to give up hope on it.

    I guess based on all of the above booze would have to go. Can't live without a steak everyonce in awhile, may not be getting a lot of sex now, but kids have to grow up at some point. Can live without the hangover!
  • What do you take with you to the desert island to keep you from going stir crazy? . . . and, no, there are no electrical outlets.
  • Favourite TV show ever?

    Favourite movie ever?

    How'd you meet your wife?

    What's being a dad like?

    Have you asked Milo for tips about when they start dating?
  • How many events are you playing this year at the WSOP?

    How often do you go to LV during the year not counting the WSOP?

    You need to play all remaining Hill games to qualify to play the SET game. You in?

    What other social activities do you partake in other than poker and getting drunk with the boys?

    Does your wife play? If so, why don't you bring her out? If not, why not?
  • Milo wrote: »
    What do you take with you to the desert island to keep you from going stir crazy? . . . and, no, there are no electrical outlets.

    I guess the obvious answer is a deck of cards. Besides all of the solitaire games that I can play, I could master the art of card throwing. Become the first to cleanly slice a coconut.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Favourite TV show ever?

    Favourite movie ever?

    How'd you meet your wife?

    What's being a dad like?

    Have you asked Milo for tips about when they start dating?

    1. hands down Lost.

    2. Jesus Christ Superstar. I'm an atheist, i just think it's a great movie/play. I actually just saw the play in Kitchener last week with Ted Neeley. It was awesome

    3. First or second wife? First wife we met in University. where together for 9 years and then decided to get married. Worst thing we ever did was get married, we seperated 6 month into the marriage, and divorced as soon as we were legally allowed to. 2nd wife we met on a speed date. Dated for 4 years and have been happily married for the past 3.

    4. Absolute best part of my life. Cerb, if you don't have any kids, the day you hold your own you'll know exactly what i mean. You have to make a lot a sacrifices but they're both worth it.

    5. Milo you got any dating tips for me regarding my little girls??
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    How many events are you playing this year at the WSOP?

    How often do you go to LV during the year not counting the WSOP?

    You need to play all remaining Hill games to qualify to play the SET game. You in?

    What other social activities do you partake in other than poker and getting drunk with the boys?

    Does your wife play? If so, why don't you bring her out? If not, why not?

    1. i'm going to be playing in two different events. I won a seat in one of the sats. that Steve was running so i'll be heading down for Event# 11 on Friday June 4th. Then i'm going to be heading back in July to play in the Main Event.

    2. I use to get down to LV at least twice a year, but since kids have come along those dam sacrifices that you have to keep making have come along

    3. AJ i think you run one of the best games around, i'll be doing everything i can to ensure i make the last 3. Even if i have to beg forgiveness instead of ask permission.

    4. Play with my daughters, watch movies, surf the web. Pretty simple guy, i like be lazy watching TV.

    5. Wife doesn't play, i tried to teach her when we first started dating, but it was a lost cause.
  • In ten words or less, describe how you feel about the following image:

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    In ten words or less, describe how you feel about the following image:


    The bitch knocked me out of the NAPC!
  • 2 words left!

    Venting is GOOD!

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    2 words left!

    Venting is GOOD!

    Milton Slim

    63rd place.

    So close to the money!!
  • "effin bitch" did not come to mind.
    You're a better man than me!
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    "effin bitch" did not come to mind.
    You're a better man than me!


    You got a question in here somewhere? :)
  • What is the most annoying habit that your wife has?

    What would your wife say is your most annoying habit?

    Have you ever not made it to the bathroom in time and had an "accident?"

    What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

    If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?

    If you could make anyone in the forum your servant for the day, who would it be and what would you make them do?

    What is the stupidest thing you've done because someone dared you to?

    What is the stupidest thing you've done on your own free will?
  • What's the longest you have played at one time, non-stop?

    Can Crosby have another game like the last?

    Will Carcillo get popped?

    Chris Bosh, Staying or leaving?

    Can Leafs make the playoffs next year?

    Have you ever been to a Toronto Nationals Game?

    What Sports did you play when you were young?

    If a frog is in the bottom of a 20' well and he can jump 3 ' but slides back 2'
    How many jumps to get out?
  • You get to have a sir down meal, over several hours, with any three figures from history . . . whom do you choose, and why?

    Follow-up, you get to attend any sporting event in the last 150 years. What do you choose, and why?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    What is the most annoying habit that your wife has?

    What would your wife say is your most annoying habit?

    Have you ever not made it to the bathroom in time and had an "accident?"

    What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

    If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?

    If you could make anyone in the forum your servant for the day, who would it be and what would you make them do?

    What is the stupidest thing you've done because someone dared you to?

    What is the stupidest thing you've done on your own free will?

    1. The most annoying habbit that my wife has is one that i use to think was cute. She walks like a pitbull. she walks like she is charging through everything.

    2. I think my wife would say that i have a short fuse and quick to temper.. i have no fucking idea what she is talking about!!!!

    3. who hasn't sharted at some point in there life

    4. Ok sit down this is a long story.. The most embarassing thing i've ever done is... Allow me to set up some of the back story first. I use to have this huge client that i was making a ton of money off, more money then my company knew what to do with. He was a huge NASCAR fan, so i though take him to Vegas for a NASCAR race. I'm not a big NASCAR fan but i thought what a great way to kill two birds with one stone. Entertain the client, free trip to Vegas. He asked me if his Brother and Sister could join us since they are big NASCAR fans as well. Couldn't say no. The track is about 20 miles outside of vegas, one road there. The stadium holds over 200,000 people so you can imagine the traffic getting there. bumper to bumper, easily takes 4+ hours to travel 20 miles. So the four of us are in the car travelling along at literally a snails pace when i get a stomach attack. I have IBS and when i get an attack i have only seconds to find a bathroom. Here is my problem, i'm in a car with my best client, his brother and sister, in the middle of the dessert with not a tree, bush, or rock to hide behind surrounded by 200,00 NASCAR rednecks. I have no choice but to jump out of the car, drop my pants and proceed to take a dump for everyone to watch. I've tried to repress this memory as best as i can, but i still can't get the sound out of my head of the one drunken redneck yelling out "Dam, Shit boy Shit"

    5. easy, spend it with my Wife and Daughters. If i was single and kidless, no-stop hookers and blow

    6. AJ, AJ, AJ you know you'd have to be my bitch for the day.

    7. stupidest thing i've ever done was..when i was about 14 years old me and a buddy broke the lock on the door that led to the roof of his 20 story apartment building. We dared each other to hang over the side of the building for at least 10 seconds. I did it, scared the crap out of me, and never felt so dumb in my life afterwards.

    8. i've jumped out of a perfectly good airplane on 5 different occasions. does that count?
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    What's the longest you have played at one time, non-stop?

    Can Crosby have another game like the last?

    Will Carcillo get popped?

    Chris Bosh, Staying or leaving?

    Can Leafs make the playoffs next year?

    Have you ever been to a Toronto Nationals Game?

    What Sports did you play when you were young?

    If a frog is in the bottom of a 20' well and he can jump 3 ' but slides back 2'
    How many jumps to get out?

    1. i assume you are talking about poker. I once did a 31 hours session in Vegas.

    2. No

    3.Bosh has to go, and i fully understand if he does. He wants a shot at a championship. Not going to happen here

    4. If the leafs make the playoffs in the remainder of my lifetime i'll be impressed

    5. No

    6. Hockey, boxing, soccer, track, baseball

    7. 20
  • Milo wrote: »
    You get to have a sir down meal, over several hours, with any three figures from history . . . whom do you choose, and why?

    Follow-up, you get to attend any sporting event in the last 150 years. What do you choose, and why?

    1, May not be a figure of history, but is a part of my history, my real Grandfather. My dad only ever met him once. He walked out on his family when my dad was around 2. For most of my life the only thing i knew about him was that he was a bum living on the streets of Toronto. When he died, the city called my Dad to come claim him. He didn't have too, the city said he could refuse and that they would bury him. My Dad decided that he wanted to give the man a proper burial and had him buried in the family plot. I though that was pretty cool of my Dad to do for a man he didn't even know.
    2. I'm an Athiest but if JC is real, wouldn't want to miss the chance to break bread with him, maybe over a glass of red wine.
    3. JFK, the whole life and time of him is incredibly interesting.

    1972 Summit series
  • 1. Eight players you would love to sit down at a table and play in a cash game with?

    2. You are on a desert Island. You think you are alone and all of a sudden
    Cathy Liebert comes staggering out of the jungle with a case of chips and a deck of cards. Poker? Poke Her? or Kill Her for bustin you out.

    3. Steak and Potatoes or Quiche and bean sprouts.

    4. What Movie character would you like to be in real life?
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    1. Eight players you would love to sit down at a table and play in a cash game with?

    2. You are on a desert Island. You think you are alone and all of a sudden
    Cathy Liebert comes staggering out of the jungle with a case of chips and a deck of cards. Poker? Poke Her? or Kill Her for bustin you out.

    3. Steak and Potatoes or Quiche and bean sprouts.

    4. What Movie character would you like to be in real life?

    Phil Hellmuth - would be fun to try to tilt him
    Antonio Esfandiari - seems like a cool guy
    Isabella Mercier - i played with her at a table once, she is smoking hot IRL
    Daniel Negreanu - seems like would be a fun guy to have at the table
    Phil Ivey - you have to be willing to take on the best
    Shannon Elizabeth - more eye candy
    Patrik Antonius - same reason as Ivey
    Phil Laak - He seems a little off, may make it entertaining

    2. How long have i been trapped on the island? Do i have any hope of being rescued? Assuming that i've been on the island for a long time with no hope of rescue... desperate times call for desperate measures, i'm going to have to go with all 3. (the poke her part is only because i've been on this island for a really, really, really, really long time)

    3. Always steak and potato.

    4. Mike McDermott (He's got mad poker skillz)
  • Not sure if you play(ed) in any underground games, but if so, craziest story?

    Biggest cash? Biggest loss?

    If it's not too painful, since I don't know the story, can you tell me about the bust out Cathy gave you?

    How hard are you going to kick me in the stones the first time we meet IRL for asking you to tell the Cathy story?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Not sure if you play(ed) in any underground games, but if so, craziest story?

    Biggest cash? Biggest loss?

    If it's not too painful, since I don't know the story, can you tell me about the bust out Cathy gave you?

    How hard are you going to kick me in the stones the first time we meet IRL for asking you to tell the Cathy story?

    1. I've played in tons of underground clubs, but i really have no crazy stories to tell.

    2. Biggest cash in a ring game - $2,300.00 in a 1-2 no limit. Biggest cash in a tourney in CAD$ GBH Tournament of Champions - $14,160.00 Biggest USD$ 2008 WSOP - $9,557.00

    Biggest loss in a ring game $1800.00

    The story of the Liebert bust out goes as follows, really not all that exciting. Day 3 of the NAPC started with roughly 100 players remaining paying out top 45. I started the day pretty short stacked 60,000. I spend most of the day playing short stacked, stealing when i can. I build my stack up to just under 86,000. The hand that knocked me out... Blinds are 4000 - 8000 with a 500 ante. 2 minutes left until the blinds go up to 5000 - 10,000 with a 500 ante. 63 players left, i have roughly 85,000 in chips. I'm last to act, i look down and see 88. UTG raises to 25,000 pretty standard raise for him, he's been making this raise all day with any ace. Folds to me, i figure i only have one option to push all in, figuring i only have to get by the button and blinds. Pretty sure UTG will fold his ace. Kathy in the BB insta calls, UTG folds showing his cards A8. Kathy flips over KK. Game over.

    Not going to kick you. I've got no problems with the way i played it. Actually funny story about Kathy, we'd been sitting at the table together for about 4 hours, she's actually pretty funny. At one point some fan said to her "Hey Kathy you're playing a great game, a lot better then you use to play" she responded by saying " Ya i use to play like a chic, now i play like a guy"
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    7. 20

    Please re-think

    We can talk about Bosh later!

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Please re-think

    We can talk about Bosh later!

    Milton Slim

    i was to quick to answer. At the point when the frog reaches the 17' mark his next jump will take him to 20' therefore that means he gets out of the well in 18 jumps. If you are being technical and saying that on his 18th jump at the 20' mark he still slides back 2' then his jump count to get out is 19
  • What's your opinion on wearing sunglasses and hoodies at a live poker game, tournament or cash? Do you think it would actually help the player or not?

    Would you text 'When you going let me tap that' to all the females on your cellphone contact list and wait for their response? Would you post the best of them here?

    White bread or whole wheat?
    Bruins or Flyers?
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