Kitchener NL Hold'em May 15th 3:30PM



  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    And taking out the host, just put the cherry on it. (I did need runner, runner to do it, but I'll take it

    ummmm, I thought I took out Buzzzard with my AK vs. some pp or other??
    Think you're thinking of someone else dj. Nice to see you there though. I am impressed with your stamina. A win at my place and 4th at Buzzzards!
  • Yeah, Ed is right. djgolfcan put me on life support with the runner runner and Muddguts pulled the plug when his AK outflipped my JJ.
  • The Holt Poker Tour has hit the 20 mark. Troy Byrne celebrated the occasion with his first victory. He has come close on a few occasions in the past but his come from behind style finally propelled him to victory. Aiki65, who has become a consistent winner here, managed a second and newcomer Tim Hall came out, paid his entry, immediately left for and hour and a half, then returned and took down third.

    BrennerM and djgolfcan were first timers here and I hope both of you find your way back here many more times. As you both made the top seven, I can't see why you won't. I am getting a lot of new Forumers out consistently now and it has made this a much different (and quieter) game. Hopefully some of the veterans can return for the June tourney.

    My apologies to everyone for not being as active running the tournament as normal, but by suppertime my back was so sore I could barely move. My $364 cash game cash out, helped the pain a bit.

    Thanks to a whole bunch of people this time around. waltsfriend as always, for dealing the cash game table and organizing the cleanup at the end of the night. woog30 for running the cash game. We had two cash tables going for a lot of the night, so it ended up being a lot of work. Nayr_eh for dealing at the second cash table, Jenn Cook for dealing at the final table of the tournament and beanie42, Little_Brother, woog, Jenn and Sandy for doing an awesome clean up job. Me and my back thank you.

    Event #21 is tentatively scheduled for June 26th at 3:30. Hope you are able to attend.

    Unofficial Results

    39. Little_Brother
    38. Bill Bean
    37. lazyant
    36. Rodney
    35. Buzzzardd
    34. bigslick77
    33. Gargoyle
    32. woog30
    31. Terry Jackson
    30. Ray lynn
    29. Craig
    28. Hacky Mike
    27. waltsfriend
    26. ram_siva
    25. Leyna
    24. flash05
    23. beanie42
    22. The Coordinator +1 Paul
    21. Chris
    20. The Aux
    19. Nayr_Eh
    18. Marty
    17. DataMn
    16. chrisrowl111
    15. Paul Druar
    14. Shopsy
    13. r3m1x
    12. Bonnie
    11. Kaye
    10. TXCanuck
    9. Mddguts
    8. Dona
    7. BrennerM (Bubble)
    6. damanj16 ($140)
    5. The Coordinator ($185)
    4. djgolfcan ($255)
    3. Tim Hall ($350)
    2. Aiki65 ($520)
    1. Troy ($890)
  • Thanks Dave, a very well-run and enjoyable tournament. I was pretty card-dead most of the time but managed to take advantage of the few decent hands I was dealt to limp my way into 7th place. Strangely I did not get AA or KK once in about 6.5 hours of poker, and only had AK once! I am going to try to make the next one if I possibly can!
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