RC VIII Live Updates & Results



  • Here's a link to the results:


    Individual results are now complete.

    Congrats Steve and all of ChingHill. And huge props to all of us who kept the cup alive. See you guys at Royal Cup IX!

  • Thanks to the group who worked hard behind the scenes and did an amazing job yesterday.
    It was a lot of fun. I hope to be back for the next one.
    To my Ching Hill teammates::: Thanks for carrying my arse all afternoon. Sorry it just wasn't in the cards as everything seemed to go south after the first break.
    I am going to echo what Kristy says. I hate Limit. Maybe change it to pot limit???
    It was nice to put faces to the people on the forum and finally meet you.
    I am trying to put together a fairly large event together for this summer either July or August and as soon as I have the details, Location, Seats and structure I will post it on the forum...
    Thanks again
  • In light of the "Fuck Limit" sentiment, why not replace the LHE event with PLO, and then move the LHE over to the split field category with Stud?

    So, you would end up with a split field event of LHE, and Stud, PLO and NLHE for the full field, followed the HU matches.
  • Milo wrote: »
    In light of the "Fuck Limit" sentiment, why not replace the LHE event with PLO, and then move the LHE over to the split field category with Stud?

    So, you would end up with a split field event of LHE, and Stud, PLO and NLHE for the full field, followed the HU matches.

    Such ideas have been suggested before.

    As much as I hate Limit, it keeps the spirit of the Cup alive by giving everyone a chance at a game they can play, or easily learn. FLHM is just way more common than PLO and forcing a total noobie into PLO isn't fair.
  • I too would like to thank Al "et al" (I giggled) for the great job running it all yesterday. At least Al had the excuse of having too many distractions for his poor showing. I accomplished mine all on my own. Many apoligies to Wolffy. I won't let it happen again.

    I also would like to thank Sandro, Miranda and Pinhead for their past fantastic work and making it the place to be on Royal Cup weekend. Hopefully we will see you participate again.

    Also it needs to be pointed out that Sharantyr is the "Lindsay" who beat Mario heads up but wasn't credited with the points. Sharantyr should have 44 pts instead of 34.....firmly placing her top 5 overall. Great job! This comes before she finished 5th and collected 4 bounties in the Brantford Bounty tournament today. Congrats Sharantyr.......and stay the hell out of Ontario from now on!!!! ;)
  • I too would like to thank Al "et al" (I giggled) for the great job running it all yesterday. At least Al had the excuse of having too many distractions for his poor showing. I accomplished mine all on my own. Many apoligies to Wolffy. I won't let it happen again.

    I also would like to thank Sandro, Miranda and Pinhead for their past fantastic work and making it the place to be on Royal Cup weekend. Hopefully we will see you participate again.

    Also it needs to be pointed out that Sharantyr is the "Lindsay" who beat Mario heads up but wasn't credited with the points. Sharantyr should have 44 pts instead of 34.....firmly placing her top 5 overall. Great job! This comes before she finished 5th and collected 4 bounties in the Brantford Bounty tournament today. Congrats Sharantyr.......and stay the hell out of Ontario from now on!!!! ;)

    We still scored more points then "wolffy" who was busting our chops all day;)
  • For all of those that are proposing to take out Limit Hold 'em..

    Part of the point of the RC is to challenge teams on a variety of poker games. Remember "POKER" does not necessarily mean NLHE. Omaha / Stud are POKER, Limit is POKER.

    The most popular variants of poker right now are the lineup of the RC. I hate the idea of removing limit from the lineup. If you hate limit, you should ask yourself why, and what's wrong with your game that makes you suck at it.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I hate the idea of removing limit from the lineup.

    I'm thinking you maybe would prefer the removal of heads-up after last nights HBK performance. ;)
  • Meh...

    I have fun regardless! There are more mathematically-minded persons than I who say the scoring is fair, so I have no problem with it.

  • philliivey wrote: »
    We still scored more points then "wolffy" who was busting our chops all day;)

    It was a piss poor points day for me Philli, better players have had even worse days.

    KitWho? had a rough day all around but still had a good time. It was good to meet Jeff (philliivey) and Lindsey who flew in from Regina and a few other new faces.. Thank you to all the KitWho? players. Great not having anyone bail on the end and I look forward to getting things back on track in November...

    To all that did/have/will run the Royal, thank you, job well done.
  • I too would like to thank Al "et al" (I giggled) for the great job running it all yesterday. At least Al had the excuse of having too many distractions for his poor showing. I accomplished mine all on my own. Many apoligies to Wolffy. I won't let it happen again.

    I also would like to thank Sandro, Miranda and Pinhead for their past fantastic work and making it the place to be on Royal Cup weekend. Hopefully we will see you participate again.

    Also it needs to be pointed out that Sharantyr is the "Lindsay" who beat Mario heads up but wasn't credited with the points. Sharantyr should have 44 pts instead of 34.....firmly placing her top 5 overall. Great job! This comes before she finished 5th and collected 4 bounties in the Brantford Bounty tournament today. Congrats Sharantyr.......and stay the hell out of Ontario from now on!!!! ;)


    Let me say the Sharantyr and myself sat at the delta until 2 am discussing strategy for her appearance in Ontario Casino's for today. I am Glad it all worked out for her as she is far sharper than you guys give her credit for. I am glad the beers helped break her out of her shell and give the Brantford Crew a run.


    It was great meeting you and I will take you up on your offer for pizza at whatever the hell place you said I had to go to in Regina.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    It was a piss poor points day for me Philli, better players have had even worse days.

    KitWho? had a rough day all around but still had a good time. It was good to meet Jeff (philliivey) and Lindsey who flew in from Regina and a few other new faces.. Thank you to all the KitWho? players. Great not having anyone bail on the end and I look forward to getting things back on track in November...

    To all that did/have/will run the Royal, thank you, job well done.

    cough cough Geoff cough cough;)

    I spell it the correct way not like comp does:p
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    If you hate limit, you should ask yourself why, and what's wrong with your game that makes you suck at it.

    Great question!

    I toiled over it and the biggest limitation I have in LHE is being not retarded. It is very difficult to overcome that and become successful in the "game". :)

    Suggestions that I'm going to copy and paste to Al in PM:

    -Remove extra 5mins added to blind levels and use the extra time to shorten the day.

    -Consider switching the stud/omaha with limit for placement in the line-up. (I feel like those games take significantly longer than LHE and it would be nice for early bust outs [eg. me] to be able to include that time into a longer dinner break)

    -Consider the exploitable edge created in allowing lowest point getter from a team to fill in for HU matches. (eg. last year replacements were only allowed to get 5 points for a win.)

    -Run the Royal Cup with a set of defined positions for a set period of time.

    This one was suggested by a teammate, but I think it is brilliant.

    Eg: This Royal (Which ran amazingly well!)
    Al was President; JohnnieH, g2, Compuease, Beanie and Mark were all VP's with defined areas for which they were responsible.

    This set a great model that we can use. Cycle every few years, so that no one gets fed up, over-worked, feels under-appreciated etc. We'll have no repeats of the past if everyone signs up in advance knowing what they'll be doing and for how long.

    After that set period, future P/VP can take a break, if they wish, and go back to being a player and having fun for a few years before they might undertake all the responsibility again.

    -Lastly to develop a system in the open for dealing with development of this awesome tournament that we all love. (eg: Open forum discussion concluding with poll votes)

    Here, have another smiley so you fuckers don't crucify me for making rational points again. :)
  • I'm surprised no-one thanked Kristy for staying late and helping clean up. Oh wait, she bailed early. Well played.
  • To be clear, my post was a "suggestion" only. Hell, I won my FLHE match. I LOVE limit, at least until I bust out first next time around . . .

    I enjoyed the day, and would be fine if it remained unchanged.

    Razz would be nice though . . .
  • Thanks all for a great day of poker.

    Grats to Milton and the Fish on second and third and grats to Steve on his amazing play! I thought I was good for MVP with 3 1st and a 2nd @ 51 points but he was unstoppable :).

    Thanks to DataMn for running it, went very smoothly and was well organized.

    Its actually pretty gross to do this and NOT get the MVP.

    NinjaDan is a beast imo.
  • moose wrote: »
    I'm surprised no-one thanked Kristy for staying late and helping clean up. Oh wait, she bailed early. Well played.

    Yeah, my father, who filled in last minute saving our team, wanted to leave..

    and since I'd spent the day getting idiotically bitched at by strangers and Wolfhound for being Sandro's scapegoat, the day before that trying frantically to bridge the gap of players bailing last minute, and last night and today in bed with a fever and sore throat from whichever one of you dirty fuckers came sick and spread your funk all over...

    I will happily say: "fuck you Moose, all you managed to accomplish was showing up late."
  • Thanks to Lee for filling in...It was a pleasure playing with you... Please pass that on...

    oh and you couldn't have caught it yesterday... unless you have cholera or influenza, virtually every thing else has a longer incubation period... :)
    Hope you feel better though..
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »

    last night and today in bed with a fever and sore throat from whichever one of you dirty fuckers came sick and spread your funk all over...

    Yes, def sick all day. All of you need relax and leave Kristy alone. All she wants is for everyone to go there and enjoy themselves. There is no need to be a bunch of whiny bitches. Last I checked you were all adults.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Thanks to Lee for filling in...It was a pleasure playing with you... Please pass that on...

    That's funny, my dad actually said the same about you when I thanked him again today.

    In before Bff's?
  • Walleye wrote: »
    Yes, def sick all day. All of you need relax and leave Kristy alone. All she wants is for everyone to go there and enjoy themselves. There is no need to be a bunch of whiny bitches. Last I checked you were all adults.

    awww, you sticking up for me is kinda hot!

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    awww, you sticking up for me is kinda hot!


    27/yes please/ your house
  • compuease wrote: »
    oh and you couldn't have caught it yesterday... unless you have cholera or influenza, virtually every thing else has a longer incubation period... :)
    Hope you feel better though..

    Ugh, late edits are late.

    False, I absolutely caught it yesterday. But you didn't know that I'm particularly susceptible, so you wouldn't have known how ass-holish your comment is.

    Thanks for the well-wishing.
  • Is there any pissing match that this forum can't be a home for?

    Late Edit: I'm not pointing fingers at anyone. However, only if Kristy was specifically asked to help clean up and refused without notice should she be chastised. I too felt like shit at the end of the day and left before the closing ceremonies, and had offered my services to Al, Jeff and others but was never asked to help.

    Bottom line, debating the origins of her illness is ridiculous. Why not enjoy the day, take care of your own business and pass on the drama?
  • :/ If they keep attacking, I'll keep defending. I ain't scurred.

    Late edit response: I was NOT asked to clean up, rather, earlier in the day I was told there was nothing for me to do AND advised by someone else that my best bet was to lay low yesterday, as, to paraphrase: "The general forum population is too stupid to see it as affirming my stated desire that everyone enjoy the day, but rather would turn my good intentions into something disgusting like gloating"
  • moose wrote: »
    I'm surprised no-one thanked Kristy for staying late and helping clean up. Oh wait, she bailed early. Well played.

    LOL. Shocking. At least she had an excuse.
  • You know what IS shocking? That you don't care enough about the forum and the Royal to get a team of players together.

    I understand though, spending hours putting and keeping a team together for no thanks, or worse..to be harassed for simply trying to keep them and everyone else happy, is hard work.

    Wayyy easier to edit snide posts in other threads, and sit at home crying over someone who couldn't just say: "I need a break"

    Wise decision.
  • ok, enough.... take it somewhere else, our beloved Royal has suffered enough.. Thread locked.

    /end thread..
This discussion has been closed.