RC VIII Live Updates & Results



  • I've emailed you the PLO/Stud seating assignments.
  • All done now.

    If any names have changed please let me know. See MVP page for sorted team lists.

  • Looks like I am at #1, and #2 for most of the day. That is good, keep it simple for the new guy . . .
  • Ching Hill in second place going into the NL round. Behind the HBK?? EASY WIN!

  • Goooo Kit who?
  • I just heard Kristy's team didn't win. This tourney is rigged
  • Checked up on the results throughout the day. Interesting wins 'n losses. Great idea posting the results on google docs.
  • In case you haven't guessed . . .

  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Goooo Kit who?

    sweeeet, Hobbes was cheering for us, terrible day for us all :(
  • fml.


  • I'm tired, and I fixed it . . . now bugger off, Cap'n . . .

    By the by, who tells AJ we're changing the name?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    Nice job cap'n'n Wetts. You already had the winning big part down pat, now the leading a pack to a big win part too!
  • Nice job cap'n'n Wetts. You already had the winning big part down pat, now the leading a pack to a big win part too!

    Why were you not there? Would have been nice to meet you and the girlyfriend also:)
  • Couldn't coordinate things with work, schedules, dogs, others, etc. Planning on a Kincardine contingent for next year. Don't worry Philli, Mrs. Snuggie committed today to next years event. Even said she'd wear the Snuggy if I wore my wolf hoodie.
  • I still don't know how I managed to pull off winning

    PLO Omaha
    Limit Holdem
    NL Holdem
    and HU

    I finally ran good :)

    Thanks to all that made this event run smoothly.

    Wetts1012 wrote: »


  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    I still don't know how I managed to pull off winning

    PLO Omaha
    Limit Holdem
    NL Holdem
    and HU

    I finally ran good :)

    Thanks to all that made this event run smoothly.

    Yeh but it was ONLY 6 man tables.... Now you have to do it at a royal with 10 teams... lol..

    Just kidding Steve, that was an outstanding performance, you carried your team on your back... AJ may never get his captaincy back, in fact he may not even make the team next time...... :)

    The Rocks came close to making it a 3 peat and if DrTyore's 5's had held up against Wetts' AK in the last match of the day they would have been about even and there would have been a good chance that we would have ended up tied for 1st, meaning we would keep title since the defending champ has to be beaten to lose the title... lol, but that didn't happen and Ching are the new Royal champs and deservedly so... Congrats to your entire team Wetts, your final HU victory sealed the deal.

    Gotta thank DataMn for his excellent co-ordination of the event. It ran very smooth and we recovered quite nicely from the extra long Omaha/Stud round.
    Kudos as well to the Rocks own g2 for redo'ing the scoring spreadsheet and posting them live online round by round. Thankyou as well to JohnnieH and Dr Tyore for doing the side bet stuff, very smooth... Thank you also to all the captains for getting your teams there, all 8 players and pretty well on time. I know a couple of the teams certainly had some last minute panic attacks with late cancellations... It's not easy is it guys?

    Until Al gets the "official stats" posted I believe it was as below.

    Ching - 252
    Milton Rocks - 242
    Fish -214
    HBK - 212
    Top Set - 201
    KitWho - 151

    With Steve Kerr as MVP..

    Of note was the Fish's rise from the dead with only 28 points in round 1 to come all the way back to 3rd, big comeback there. I was also very pleased with my own teams NL round where we hauled in 80 points to put us right back in contention..

    In short another real successful Royal, at one point during the heads up round it was possibly that 3 teams could have been tied for 1st at the finish and would that have been something. It was real evenly matched and almost anyone could have won this.. Now we need to get back to 8-10 teams and see where we go from there...

    See you all at Royal IX in the fall!
  • Fucking A!!! Nicely done Ching Hill...and especially to Steve Kerr! Wow, thats a hell of a performance. Congratulations one and all.

    As far as reclaiming my captaincy...why mess with a good thing? Just hope I make the team cut next time.

  • Big ups to DataMn for an amazing job running this tournament! I think you should quit your job and move the family to Vegas so you get make millions running poker tournaments full time. You are a gifted Tournament Director!

    Thanks to Compuease, g2, Drtyore and Beanie for the rest of the work you did to make the RC run. It truly felt like a community event.

    It was great to meet some RC virgins like PhiliIvey and Sharantyr. Glad you could make it out.

    Congrats to Ching Hill, Milton and the Fish for a well played day of poker.

    See you at the next one!
  • compuease wrote: »

    Ching - 252
    Milton Rocks - 242
    Fish -214
    HBK - 212
    Top Set - 201
    KitWho - 151

    wtf? I'm not there at the god dam team falls apart. ;)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    wtf? I'm not there at the god dam team falls apart. ;)

    Still think I would much prefer THAT than not being there and your team WINNING IT ALL! :baffled:
  • As compuease stated in an earlier post, the final standings were...

    Ching - 252
    Milton Rocks - 242
    Fish -214
    HBK - 212
    Top Set - 201
    KitWho - 151

    Congrats to Ching Hll, the Milton Rocks, and the Fish for their great performances!

    I would like to thank everyone that did help on the day....

    g2 for doing all of the scoring spreadsheets.
    Beanie, DrTyore and JohnnieH for handling the side bets.
    compuease for bringing his laptops for blind levels, and for being a voice of support during the day
    Milo and all of the others above for coming and helping to set up early in the morning
    Moose for coordinating the purchase of the Party Poker decks for the event, and anyone that contributed to that cause.
    Sandro for the concept of the Royal Cup. Any improvements that people stated yesterday were only because I was building on an already fantastic event that he created and nurtured. I wish you were there yesterday buddy.
    Sharyntar and Acid Joe for the after-RC beers. It was great talking with both of you.

    and last, but not least, to all of the players for being well behaved and friendly. The RC is designed to be friendly competition, and I think that shined through yesterday. I don't think I heard one cross word all day, other than Wolffhound cursing me out for my dreadful performance! ;-)

    I, like compuease, am stating now that we will try our best to ensure that we will be running another Royal Cup in the fall, with more teams involved. With a little bit more notice and a little bit less drama, hopefully we can be back up to a full contingent of 9 or 10 teams.

    Lastly, for those that have read this far, I am always open to constructive suggestions. What worked and what didn't work in your mind? PM me, and I will take each suggestion under advisement, consulting with some of the above people if I need a second opinion, and if needed will provide a response of yes or no with a reason better than "because I said so". Now, when the event is still fresh in our minds, is the best time to think about these things so that they don't become and issue 2 days before the next Royal Cup when someone remembers something they didn't like.

    Thanks to everyone again,

  • Thanks again, Al for running a great event. And to all your little minions for their contributions to same. This was the best poker related event I have been to, and not just because my team won it.
  • DataMn wrote: »
    Lastly, for those that have read this far, I am always open to constructive suggestions.

    Umm, Al, can we start a little later next time?

    lol, just kidding buddy, it went off pretty well perfect, I know you had some concerns on the timing, but recovered real nicely with some small modifications.
    Summary, great job Al and everyone else, let's get in on for RC IX, Wetts and AJ... We're coming for you! Feel the Rock pressure yet?
  • Oh and Sandro buddy, we need you back, your heart and sole went into this thing and it is much appreciated. Although it went well yesterday, you were an originator and aren't ready to retire yet....
  • Knew I should have dumped wolffhound and went with wett's team:D
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Knew I should have dumped wolffhound and went with wett's team:D

    But then they wouldn't have won....... Hey wait a minute, that means the Rocks would have won!
    On 2nd thought, yeh Philli why didn't you play for Ching? :) j/k
  • compuease wrote: »
    But then they wouldn't have won....... Hey wait a minute, that means the Rocks would have won!
    On 2nd thought, yeh Philli why didn't you play for Ching? :) j/k

    Had to do the right thing, wolffhound asked me first:)

    LIke I said, wetts, crazykoby, Steve Kerr on the same team was very tempting to be part of that;)
  • Thanks all for a great day of poker.

    Grats to Milton and the Fish on second and third and grats to Steve on his amazing play! I thought I was good for MVP with 3 1st and a 2nd @ 51 points but he was unstoppable :).

    Thanks to DataMn for running it, went very smoothly and was well organized.
  • 33pts. for moi, so I exceeded my expectation by a smidgen.

    Any rookies in the top half? Just curious . . .
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