Morning After the Mayhem: Sunday Brunch @ Golfs Steakhouse 11:30am.



  • They wife and I are running just a little late (well the wife is) but we're coming..
  • We'll be there for 11am.

    Bring on the brunch!!!!
  • Just going out the door, please blind us in! :)
  • Thanks for organizing John, it was fun. Glad some of the wives could meet each other finally...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Glad some of the wives could meet each other finally...

    Same here. Would you believe that after brunch I ran into R_Brother Juan and his family at Zehrs!?

    AJ-The sausage I ate in your honour was divine!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    AJ-The sausage I ate in your honour was divine!

    Esp after you dipped the tip in whipped cream. Very homo-erotic :D
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Esp after you dipped the tip in whipped cream. Very homo-erotic :D

    Not nearly as weird as you putting salt on your watermelon.
  • Thanks for organizing Johnnie, now that I know where it is I might have to find a hot KW chick to go there for dinner...... Oh well, there's alwasy Pho Dau Bo with Kristy.
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