RC VIII free agent signup



  • The Lanc is still open too .....
  • The only Lanc I know of also involves precarious stumbling, but only by the girls in their 6" stilettos . . .
  • The Lanc is still open too .....

    ORLY? Thought it burnt down years ago
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    You know, we can always plan a pre/post royal dinner. It is manditory that I check out Golf's in Kitchener. What is a good time and who would like to attend? Fri/Sunday? I can make a reservation before I get down there.

    **Melonheads only come out during Rider Games!!!!! But I promise I will wear green Milo ;)

    It won't be that convenient for the out-of-towners, but Golf's puts on a nice Sunday brunch. I think it goes from 11:30 to 2:30.

    I'd be down for that - heck, I can walk there from my place :-)
  • DataMn wrote: »
    It won't be that convenient for the out-of-towners, but Golf's puts on a nice Sunday brunch. I think it goes from 11:30 to 2:30.

    I'd be down for that - heck, I can walk there from my place :-)

    I'd be down for brunch. Let's start a separate thread.
  • Brent is off the free agent list, he is playing for the fish.
  • Kit Who is looking for 2.
    KitWho? is full.
  • I think I found a girl for Kristy, will FB her the deets.

  • Well its friday 10am the day before the royal and I have a player drop out, isnt it wonderful? Wouldnt be a royal without some drama, would it?

    Consequently, if anyone out there is looking to play tomorrow, has an idea of omaha (would be preferred), has a pulse and a functioning liver (may need to drink) please let me know.
  • compuease wrote: »
    This is personal now, You - Me Heads Up.... Book it.... :)
    Judging by the pic I saw of you on another thread there Jeff It doesn't look to promsing that you are going to make it to the heads up round...>:D
  • compuease wrote: »
    AJ's helping me....^-^
    I hope this comes up. This is what happened to jeff last Sat after his night with the HV Wrecking crew
  • the fish are still looking for a player, omaha would be preferred. but if you play stud, we can figure it out. please let me know if interested
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