RC VIII free agent signup

Anyone who doesn't already have a team and wants to play in this great event, please post here... If you haven't played before read about the structure, etc before asking. Cost is $50. per player for the best day of poker you will ever have...


  • I will be looking for a team to play on, Moose I am sure you could put a team together.

    Prophet 22
  • Moose = Kit Who?
  • Brent I want to play and am available...... I may be able to round up other players as well.
  • So Brent, & Joe, r u guys planning to put a team together?
  • I am not going to captain a team, if Joe needs a player I would play.

  • Jeff,

    I will ask around and see if I can put a team together.... should know by the end of the weekend. If I can't put a team together, I would still like to play if another team is looking for warm almost poker playing bodies.....
  • Jeff,

    I have asked around and there is not enough interest for me to field a team. Again I will play if someone wants/needs a player.

  • hey joe/brent,

    stud or omaha? i may have a spot, player may have dropped out. will know shortly
  • Since currently we only have seven teams wonder if collectively we could get an 8th team from free agents? Would make it much easier to run. Can everyone ask around and see if we can each get an extra player or 2?
  • Ryan, I can play either or...really doesn't matter....just let me know.

  • I can play either but prefer stud.

    Jeff if there's enough interest with free agents that would be a good idea.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Jeff if there's enough interest with free agents that would be a good idea.
    Well so far I only see the two of you, however at one point proffisher was talking about entering a team but I have heard nothing additional. At the moment it looks like we are stuck at 7 teams, 2 of them from Milton..... whatever happened to the poker hotbed of Ktch/Wloo/Guelph... And I can't believe that Toronto can't field a team...
  • Uhhh where are all the free agents?
  • Itinerary


    Reservation code:

    Thu, Apr 22
    Flights: WESTJET, WS 0110

    Departs: 10:30am

    Arrives: 3:19pm

    Arrival Terminal: TERMINAL 3

    Check-In Required

    Status: Confirmed

    Smoking: No

    Aircraft: BOEING 737-600 JET
    Distance (in Miles): 1266

    Duration: 2 hour(s) and 49 minute(s)

    Please verify flight times prior to departure

    Mon, Apr 26
    Flights: WESTJET, WS 0515

    From: TORONTO ON, CANADA (YYZ) Departs 3:15pm

    So, is there anything I can bring?

    Oh, and I volunteer to help in any way I can:)
  • Sharantyr wrote: »


    Reservation code:

    Thu, Apr 22
    Flights: WESTJET, WS 0110

    Departs: 10:30am

    Arrives: 3:19pm

    Arrival Terminal: TERMINAL 3

    Check-In Required

    Status: Confirmed

    Smoking: No

    Aircraft: BOEING 737-600 JET
    Distance (in Miles): 1266

    Duration: 2 hour(s) and 49 minute(s)

    Please verify flight times prior to departure

    Mon, Apr 26
    Flights: WESTJET, WS 0515

    From: TORONTO ON, CANADA (YYZ) Departs 3:15pm

    So, is there anything I can bring?

    Oh, and I volunteer to help in any way I can:)

    wait!!!! is this real????

    If you will be there, I must find a way to get there;),(it's a date!:D) we know your name now:D
  • Wait a minute here..... Are you a ringer that Kristy is bringing in? Won't matter, the ladies have NO chance... Now if you're looking to play on a winner your first try.... then we can talk..
  • Moi? A ringer? Sweeeet.....

    FeAr ThE LaDiEs.......
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    Moi? A ringer? Sweeeet.....

    FeAr ThE LaDiEs.......

    This is personal now, You - Me Heads Up.... Book it.... :)
  • This is assuming you make it up the stairs??
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    This is assuming you make it up the stairs??

    AJ's helping me....^-^
  • compuease wrote: »
    AJ's helping me....^-^

    damn you're deaf...I SAID DOWN THE STAIRS!!

    Unfortunately, I can't make it to this RC, and I'm already -EV because of it. Sorry I won't get a chance to meet you Lindsay.
  • Okay this has to go down one of two ways . . .

    Either you come to the Royal in full Rider Pride (complete with watermelon hat*), or you go completely opposite and pull off a Sharon Stone from The Quick and the Dead. Looking forward to meeting you . . .

    * Say the word, and I'll carve the hat.
  • arrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhh, why do I have to live so far away, F!@# I hate Barrie(mind you it is not looking good coming up with 50 bucks if i was on a team anyway.)
  • Milo wrote: »
    ....... or you go completely opposite and pull off a Sharon Stone from The Quick and the Dead. Looking forward to meeting you . . .

    I vote Sharon Stone from the interrogation room in Basic Instinct.

  • Since I won't be there to witness it myself...how about Lady GaGa, and sing Poker Face all day long :D
  • Rumour has Kristy going that route. It's why Walleye locked her in the basement . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Rumour has Kristy going that route. It's why Walleye locked her in the basement . . .

    See? Just because he's American doesn't mean he's totally brain dead. GG Walleye!:)
  • You know, we can always plan a pre/post royal dinner. It is manditory that I check out Golf's in Kitchener. What is a good time and who would like to attend? Fri/Sunday? I can make a reservation before I get down there.

    **Melonheads only come out during Rider Games!!!!! But I promise I will wear green Milo ;)
  • Golf Steakhouse is still there?? OMG, I thought they shut that place down when the Lanc went under.

    oh the Lanc...floorboards so crooked and raised, the only way to walk on them was to be falling down drunk...balanced it out enough to make it look like you were sober
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