Question Week: wildbill7145

1. if you lived the old wild west, would you have been a lawman or an outlaw?
2. tell us about your last live poker game.
3. when was the last you had a gut busting laugh and what was it over?
4. if you could freeze the world/time for 24 hours, what would you do with your time?
5. have you ever been caught having sexy relations?


  • How much shit have you shovelled today?

    Will you save some to deposit on the next scofflaw's porch?

    If you had to give up one of the following which would it be, and why:


    Carry on . . .
  • How is mrs snuggie?

    Have you ever been sent to the dog house by her?

    Why do I keep having bad luck and bubbling on full tilt for GTA'S stake?

    Do you like living out in the boooooooonies?
  • 1. How are the puppies?
    2. We can haz pics of wolf shirt?
  • Assuming you are not coming to the Royal Cup, would you like me to wear my wolf shirt to get some WildBill karma?
  • Can you put a team together for the Royal, perhaps there are others up in your area that would play? :)
  • I haven't been around much the past few weeks. Would it be important for me to take a day off from work to read all the other question week threads that have taken place?

    EDIT: Can you believe I golfed today for the first time ever in March?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. if you lived the old wild west, would you have been a lawman or an outlaw?
    2. tell us about your last live poker game.
    3. when was the last you had a gut busting laugh and what was it over?
    4. if you could freeze the world/time for 24 hours, what would you do with your time?
    5. have you ever been caught having sexy relations?

    William Munny from The Unforgiven. FTW.

    Last live game here in Kincardine was here at the ranch. A 800sq.' foot ranch. First time someone got lost in our house finding the bathroom which was awesome. First time our new pooch braved the gauntlet and ran past 6 people to go out for a walk after the first game was over. First time I used Tournament Director with the Jaws theme booming out at 320 watts indicating the blind levels were changing. I didn't win. It happens.

    Crap, I've got to got to bed now. I'm old. Will continue tomorrow.

    Last gut busting laugh would have been the other day at work. I'm working at a 3 story haunted house and we were carrying up 60 boxes of laminate flooring to the top floor. In a state of delerium once we'd finished the last box we realized it was lunch and none of us could walk back down the stairs again because our legs were killing us.

    Crap, I'm going to wait until I get home from work for the rest. My brain doesn't work this early.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. if you lived the old wild west, would you have been a lawman or an outlaw?
    2. tell us about your last live poker game.
    3. when was the last you had a gut busting laugh and what was it over?
    4. if you could freeze the world/time for 24 hours, what would you do with your time?
    5. have you ever been caught having sexy relations?

    So, I work during the day and certainly don't have access to the internet...thus responding to questions will occur 'off hours' as they say.


    4. I mulled this over throughout the day. Alot. Mudgutts, you ask tough questions. My final answer says both good and horrible things about my character. I'd drive to Kingston and make my Dad's room at the nursing home somehow special for him when he woke up. I'd do the same for my Mom at our family's house. Maybe kick my brother out, that'd be decided on while I'm there. That's the good part of my character.... Then I'D STEAL AS MUCH CASH AS I COULD GET MY GREEDY LITTLE HANDS ON! Small amounts from as many places as I could. Wash it all together. Hide it all somewhere and dip every now and again. I know...I'm stupid, and that's a terrible plan but that's why I'm not a leader in any way. You can all breath easier with that in mind.

    5. No. Not with someone else at least. Dad caught me once, but it was just me by myself. He said to not do it again because it got addictive. He's still wise beyond his years.
  • Milo wrote: »
    How much shit have you shovelled today?

    Will you save some to deposit on the next scofflaw's porch?

    If you had to give up one of the following which would it be, and why:


    Carry on . . .

    This question relates to the fact that I spent my Sunday afternoon out walking the streets of the quaint little town I live in with my dogs picking up the shit that other fucking dog owners just feel they don't need to when they walk their dogs. It's called the Poop Patrol and I got a free Tshirt for volunteering for this task. At final count Milo I beleive I personally picked up around 40 dessicated piles of shit. My GF did the same. I figure this gives good karma in some way. I hope.

    I have two dogs. There's never a concern about being able to have enough to burn on someone's porch.

    I knew you were going to ask the booze/meat/sex question...I kind of love all of them which makes it tough. I've been a fairly heavy drinker for a long time. I know genetically that I'll have to stop at some point for a variety of health reasons so I'd have to say booze. Meat's not going to happen, no need to discuss that further.'s not going to happen anytime soon either. Nope, I'm happy with things and that'll carry on. You could really throw a wrench into that question by adding the option of self administered vs. other ways.... Just a thought.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    How is mrs snuggie?

    Have you ever been sent to the dog house by her?

    Why do I keep having bad luck and bubbling on full tilt for GTA'S stake?

    Do you like living out in the boooooooonies?

    Mrs. Snuggie is good. We're both working lots. She would be more happy if she could find venues for her art interests, but that comes with time.

    Dog house....Don't think so. We've had our serious disputes. I was a social worker for many years Philli. Don't get into serious interpersonal arguements with social workers. We will always turn anything you say on it's head and dissect. Just kidding..... She cries, I lose. No way around it. It's that simple.

    Next question...You only think you're having bad luck and that's bringing bad luck to you. The bubble is where you end up when you don't get into a game with the right head space. You think you're pretty good, but you're afraid you're going to lose. You're also feeling responsible for his money, which is wrong. He's trusted it with you as an investment where he feels he has a percentage chance of watching it increase. He's paying you to do what you normally do. Just do your job and don't think anything about where the cash is coming from. Having said that, Stars is rigged and I can't win there either. But I suck at poker too which doesn't help.

    Next, question...I love it here. I hate big cities now. I don't even like medium sized cities. I live in a town. It's not that small..I think the population of Kincardine itself is around 7K or something. That's fine with me. I spent 25 years straight in Kingston. 15 in Vancouver. Then moved here. It's a little weird not having any anonymity. Everyone knows everything. I don't have the choices I had in Vancouver in terms of everything, but you adapt. First thing I did here was buy a house which I would never, ever have done in Vancouver. Couldn't afford it and there was no value in it. Pretty happy being a small towner. Don't miss the big city life at all.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    1. How are the puppies?
    2. We can haz pics of wolf shirt?

    The dogs are good. Queenie has done well thus far. She is learning some commands. Basic ones. It's weird training a dog at her age that has no skills whatsoever. It's frustrating at times. She has become accustomed to affection and now seeks it, which is great. For some reason, about two weeks ago she started pissing on the floor in the living room at night and pooped a few times which tells me it's not likely a health issue, but more likely behavioural. We've started crating her at night and letting her out when I go out for a smoke first thing when we get up. That's helped and she hasn't done so in a few days. Bob's learned to accept her, but he's very much a young man and isn't gentle. He's more like a WWF wrestler being released in your house...while on crack. She's run him off a few times though which is good to see. It's communication and he's listened. She even caught a chunk of fur one day. She can take care of herself. But he has also communicated with her through growls and she has listened. Food will be the hot spot with these two.

    With regards the pics of the wolf shirt...It is in the laundry right now...I will see what I can do. Maybe an action shot at the local? A shooter shot maybe? GF almost wore it the other day until I mentioned that I wouldn't be able to wear it due to stretching in certain areas (I hate it when that happens, makes you look like you have man boobs when you don't!). We'll see...
  • Milo wrote: »
    Assuming you are not coming to the Royal Cup, would you like me to wear my wolf shirt to get some WildBill karma?

    Do it Milo. Wear your wolf shirt with pride. Just be assured, the lone wolf is nothing to be ashamed of. We're a proud bunch. Kmart has been making money off us for years. Your karma my friend will be a problem though. Don't involve yourself with the 7145 karma. It takes years to master and your kung fu isn't ready for it yet. One day young grasshopper...One day.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Can you put a team together for the Royal, perhaps there are others up in your area that would play? :)

    If it was just NLHE, then I would say possibly. Obviously, there's lots of people I know who play NLHE, but you stray beyond that and the numbers drop to zero. There is however one guy I know who played in the Pstars Carribean tourney a few months ago. Other than that, Fed lives in a town about 1/2 hr away? I'm still concerned I might end up meeting him this weekend.
  • I haven't been around much the past few weeks. Would it be important for me to take a day off from work to read all the other question week threads that have taken place?

    EDIT: Can you believe I golfed today for the first time ever in March?

    Mmmm, they were all pretty interesting.....I'd say... read them for sure....but take a day off work to do so? I'd say don't do that. Moderation man! You can ingest a bit at a time! No need to plow the whole steak down at once. Enjoy it...

    Yeah, golf..Personally I'm a pitch 'n putt player. Give me 9 par threes and I'm happy. Full courses..I couldn't care less. But I understand the draw. Just takes too long. That's why I'll always be a SNG player and suck at MTTs.
  • When are you going to get an avatar pic of Queenie so you can alternate them?
  • Milo wrote: »
    When are you going to get an avatar pic of Queenie so you can alternate them?

    Milo, you're a genius. I will do this tonight. It'd be hard to do, but it would be cool to get a pic of her running while happy. She does this spastic thing where she jumps in the air and 'waggles' back and forth like a largemouth bass jumping out of water. Just about pissed myself first time I saw it.
  • Milo, you're a genius.

    Can I use this as my new tagline? I will quote appropriately . . . :D
  • Do you think mankind will step foot on Mars in your lifetime?

    If you were stranded on a island with no hope of ever being rescued, what is the one thing you would want to have with you to entertain yourself?

    Considering that you know yourself better then anyone else, what ripe old age do you figure you'll live to?
  • What is your favourite movie, and why?

    What is your favourite musical group, and why?

    What is your favourite guilty pleasure, and why? NOTE: if the response to this involves the wearing of women's lacey things, please just move to the next response.
  • ~All expenses paid, 2 weeks in each of 5 cities in the world. What 5 cities do you chose to visit and why?
    ~About to be executed, what do you chose as your final meal?
    ~Favourite colour?
    ~Where is the furthest you have ever travelled and why?
    ~If you could live anywhere, where would you chose and why?
    ~What is the longest poker session you have ever put in live/online. Tell us about them.
    ~Favourite Looney Toon?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Can I use this as my new tagline? I will quote appropriately . . . :D

    You may.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Do you think mankind will step foot on Mars in your lifetime?

    If you were stranded on a island with no hope of ever being rescued, what is the one thing you would want to have with you to entertain yourself?

    Considering that you know yourself better then anyone else, what ripe old age do you figure you'll live to?

    1..Nope. The space program in the US appears to be losing funding which is really too bad. I guess there are however priorities to consider. The trip would take a long time and I just don't have the faith that they could pull it off without something going wrong along the way. NASA's rep over the past decade or so has faltered.

    2..I'd have to say deck of cards. I'd probably order it from somewhere Moose suggested with the request that they were a very durable deck of cards since I have no hope of rescue. Dad always said that if you always had a deck of cards, you'd never be bored. While he was wrong, it'd probably be my choice. I once spent 3 months painting an apartment building by myself. I had toiletries, food, an air mattress, a radio, a deck of cards and my paint gear. Oh, and my dog. He slept on my dirty clothes. Every night after working for 14 hours I would listen to sports talk radio and play solitaire until I crashed. It worked for 2 weeks and then it just became habit.

    3..Hmmm. I once went for 24 years without going to a doctor for any reason whatsoever. I hope to live into my 80's. I'll need to make lifestyle changes to get to that point. I'll say mid seventies.
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~All expenses paid, 2 weeks in each of 5 cities in the world. What 5 cities do you chose to visit and why?
    ~About to be executed, what do you chose as your final meal?
    ~Favourite colour?
    ~Where is the furthest you have ever travelled and why?
    ~If you could live anywhere, where would you chose and why?
    ~What is the longest poker session you have ever put in live/online. Tell us about them.
    ~Favourite Looney Toon?

    1..Vegas-Debauchery, couldn't stay more than 4 days though. The candle that burns twice as brightly only burns half as long.
    Then whatever city is at the bottom of Mr. Eversest. I just want to look at it for a while, but have no interest in climbing it.
    Then New Orleans for the food.
    New York for the spectacle of it all.
    And.....lastly............................Whatever municipality the North Pole is in. I've always thought it would be cool to actually stand at the North Pole. With all expenses paid I could enjoy the experience and not get killed by the weather.
    You have to understand that I'm not well travelled and don't really have much interest. I spent the first 24 years of my life never having spent a night outside of the city of Kingston. I went various places for the day, but never spent a night out of town until I drove away one day and moved to Vancouver.

    2..The biggest fattest steak smothered in mushrooms and onions, a baked potatoe with gravy and butter and salt and pepper all over it, roughly chopped tomatoe on my plate with salt and pepper, a big dill pickle (not the garlic kind), a huge glass of tomatoe juice (not the low salt crap), and a huge glass of Vodka.

    3.. Favourite colour eh?......I'm a painter. I don't have one. I really just don't care anymore. I've heard them all and just don't care anymore.

    4..Answered above I guess. Vegas. I'd go nuts on a plane ride for much longer and end up in prison or something. Always had a little problem with claustrophobia.

    5...Live anywhere.....New Zealand. I love New Zealanders. Most down to earth people on the planet. Country is beautiful and doesn't have all the stuff that kills you like Australia does.

    6..Longest poker session....Wow. Longest....Last one before I left for Kincardine from Vancouver. Picked a night where the GF would be doing something else. Got absolutely trashed and planned on playing my bankroll on Stars into the ground or racking up a huge amount of cash. Thankfully my stupid style keeps me going nowhere with my bankroll. It goes up and down and remains almost always the same over time. I eventually couldn't see anymore and went to bed. Stayed up playing for about 9 hours. Didn't really end up winning or losing a damn thing.

    7..Daffy Duck. Hands down. He's the biggest ass of a looney toon there ever was and I'd gladly sit down and have a drink with the guy. As soon as I read the question I envisioned him having his beak slapped until it spun around his head and immediately started laughing. The others on Looney Toons are basically his supporting cast.
  • Milo wrote: »
    What is your favourite movie, and why?

    What is your favourite musical group, and why?

    What is your favourite guilty pleasure, and why? NOTE: if the response to this involves the wearing of women's lacey things, please just move to the next response.

    1. Goodfellas I guess. Cinematography is incredible. Story is awesome. Acting is great. However, I have watched it so many times, I fear I will never watch it again.

    2. Peter Tosh. I've gone through so many different musical periods in my life, but there is really nothing I love more than sitting down and having Tosh hit your soul. His music was more something than Bob's. I can't really explain it. I still love sitting down with some good killer death metal, Niel Young, Frank Sinatra, etc. but I'll always pick a Peter Tosh CD if I had one last one to choose to listen to.

    3. Guilty pleasure will have to wait. Forum tournament is about to start and I need a smoke. I'm going to die young aren't I...
  • Okay, no one else has the balls to risk the karma . . .

    What the hell is the 7145 for?
  • Where were you born?
    First girl/person you thought you were in love with?
    In brief, where do you stand on the following contentious issues:
    -the separation of church and state
    -The governments current prohibition on narcotics?
    And I'll end with a much less touchy question.
    Do you have a celebrity crush or preferred subject of fantasy? If so who?
  • if you could be a bystander and see just ONE of these mysterious "events" take place from start to finish (not in real time mind you) and discover all the answers to their secrets, which would you pick?

    1. The Egyptian pyramids
    2. Jack The Ripper
    3. The events of Roswell
    4. The JFK assassination
    5. the mysterious disappearances in the Bermuda triangle
  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, no one else has the balls to risk the karma . . .

    What the hell is the 7145 for?

    Ha, 7145 has no actual basis whatsoever. In the early days of my internet experience I created a dummy email address to register on sites with in case of the oncoming spam barage. Johnsmith ####. First one I saw available, I clicked it. I've used it as an extension ever since.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Where were you born?
    First girl/person you thought you were in love with?
    In brief, where do you stand on the following contentious issues:
    -the separation of church and state
    -The governments current prohibition on narcotics?
    And I'll end with a much less touchy question.
    Do you have a celebrity crush or preferred subject of fantasy? If so who?

    1..Kingston, in a snow storm, almost in a cab on the way to KGH. Driver sped so he didn't have to clean things up. Kingston was the first capital of Canada and currently is home to I believe 11 prisons. Great place to grow up.

    2..Actually in love would be when I was 24. She was 40. My first serious relationship. We met through friends about a year before I was supposed to move to Vancouver. She wanted to settle down and have kids, I didn't. When the time came, I left. She had a career and stayed. We talked for a while, but eventually it was to hard for her. Interestingly, 17 years later (about a month ago) we reconnected through a dog rescue effort on facebook. We've emailed back and forth since which is great. I always hoped we could stay friends. She taught me a lot about life.

    3..Briefly, pro choice for sure. All women should have control over their own bodies. I'm in an area where I see billboards all the time along the highway with pro life messages on them from all sorts of religious groups. Always frustrating and I'm sure they cause accidents in some way shape or form.

    The church should have nothing whatsoever to do with the governance of the state. I'm an atheist and don't particularly see why someone elses religious views should have anything to do with my way of life or how the country I live in is run. However, I understand how they can see the opposite based on their beliefs. But they are wrong and confused and I'm not.

    The prohibition of narcotics is for the most part a failure. It's been proven again and again and again and again. Same with prohibition of gambling. They are economies unto themselves and have always existed and will always exist in almost every culture throughout human history. Full stop, end of sentence. (But it fills prisons, budgets and pockets on all sides.)

    I have the serious hots for Sarah Mclaughlin (spelling?). Always had the hots for those artsy, folksy kind of girls. Her voice is incredible too. Oh, and that woman Nigella from the Food Network. That girls got back if you know what I mean..
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    if you could be a bystander and see just ONE of these mysterious "events" take place from start to finish (not in real time mind you) and discover all the answers to their secrets, which would you pick?

    1. The Egyptian pyramids
    2. Jack The Ripper
    3. The events of Roswell
    4. The JFK assassination
    5. the mysterious disappearances in the Bermuda triangle

    I would slowlyyyyyyy, anddddd afterrrr muuuuuch deliberation pick.......Damn. Those are good choices.... The pyramids. The whole math thing is incredible, and wow did generations of people ever kill themselves building those things. Gotta respect the workmanship. The rest when you boil them down are just liars, killers and government business.
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