Question Week: Derrickone

1. when did you last play live and how did you do?
2. Betty white says, fuck me and I'll pay you 100k, Jennifer Tilly says, screw me but I pay you nothing. Who gets laid, Betty or Jenny?
3. what secret would you most like to know the answer to?


  • 1) a) Casino probably 5 months ago or so. Won around $200.
    b) Home game couple weeks ago, won around $80.
    2) I could really use 100K. And it would make for a hell of a story so...

    3) Not really sure if it would technically be considered a secret. But I would really like to know how and why we're all here.
  • Not sure about me, but you're here because Mommy and Daddy did it at least once . . . ONE TIME !!!

    And, because it is obligatory, if rhetorical this week,

    Booze, sex, or meat, which one do you give up?
  • Easy game. Meat, obviously.
    Even back when I was a meat eater this would have been my answer.Was never really a fan of most meats, so really easy to give up.
  • You appear to be the quiet member of this little group of ours. Why is that?

    And why not do Betty AND Jennifer at the same time and take $50,000??
  • Trying to leave aside the "politics" of it all, if possible, I am curious as to what motivated you to give up meat?

    Was it video similar to what you have posted previously, that made you go, "yuck", and swear off meat?

    Did you have inappropriate relations with dairy cattle, and felt guilty about drinking milk afterwards?

    What was it that caused you to swear of yummie steaks, and thereby leave more for the rest of us?

    Please understand that, despite the sarcastic tone of this e-mail, I am genuinely curious about this. I know that, contrary to what you (and Kristy) may believe, there is no way I could give up meat entirely.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You appear to be the quiet member of this little group of ours. Why is that?

    And why not do Betty AND Jennifer at the same time and take $50,000??

    I guess probably because I'm newer, and don't actually know anyone on this forum IRL and a lot of the discussions tend to focus on things that are local to a good majority of the other members. That, and I've always been more introverted than extroverted anyways. I like to sit back and observe.

    Unfortunately, that wasn't part of the question. If I had the choice, that would be a far better one as the story that would go along with that would be much more epic than just Betty White.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Trying to leave aside the "politics" of it all, if possible, I am curious as to what motivated you to give up meat?

    Was it video similar to what you have posted previously, that made you go, "yuck", and swear off meat?

    Did you have inappropriate relations with dairy cattle, and felt guilty about drinking milk afterwards?

    What was it that caused you to swear of yummie steaks, and thereby leave more for the rest of us?

    Please understand that, despite the sarcastic tone of this e-mail, I am genuinely curious about this. I know that, contrary to what you (and Kristy) may believe, there is no way I could give up meat entirely.

    A lot of it had to do with that video. But it's also something I had been considering for quite a few years before I even saw that. I guess that was just the turning point for me. I've always loved animals and have had pets for all of my life and it just made me think that why would I treat one animal different than another. I would never eat my dog or cat so why eat a pig or a cow or a chicken. It just didn't make sense for me. After a while it got to the point where even looking at meat made me feel sick. Dairy is a whole different story though. I just find it absolutely disgusting the way that these cows are treated to produce the milk. (FYI: The cows are kept pregnant to keep producing milk. The calves are born then taken away and used for veal. Once the cow stops producing, it's impregnated again, repeat. Cows can generally live for up to 20 years, but your average dairy cow lives for around 4 or until it's useless and sold off to be used for fast food)
  • 1. What's your story?
    a) How old are you?
    b) Where are you from?
    c) You married?
    d) Got kids?
    *i] if so, ages?
    e) What do you do for a living?
    f) What are your hobbies and interests?
    g) What are you wearing aorn?
    *i] that's hot, would you take it off?
    h) What is the most expensive thing you've ever had in your bum?
    i) Do you have moral objections to, say... drinking milk where the dairy cow is afforded a reasonable quality of life? (free-range)
    j) Would you eat eggs if the hens were afforded a quality of life?
    k) Are you harsher on hunters than regular meat eaters?
    l) What is your favourite show still on air and producing new episodes?
    m) When I say "5 awesome movies" what are the FIRST to come to mind?
    n) Pro life or Pro choice?
    o) Were you aware that my PM box is open 24/7 for both yours and any readers n00dz?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    1. What's your story?
    a) How old are you?
    b) Where are you from?
    c) You married?
    d) Got kids?
    *i] if so, ages?
    e) What do you do for a living?
    f) What are your hobbies and interests?
    g) What are you wearing aorn?
    *i] that's hot, would you take it off?
    h) What is the most expensive thing you've ever had in your bum?
    i) Do you have moral objections to, say... drinking milk where the dairy cow is afforded a reasonable quality of life? (free-range)
    j) Would you eat eggs if the hens were afforded a quality of life?
    k) Are you harsher on hunters than regular meat eaters?
    l) What is your favourite show still on air and producing new episodes?
    m) When I say "5 awesome movies" what are the FIRST to come to mind?
    n) Pro life or Pro choice?
    o) Were you aware that my PM box is open 24/7 for both yours and any readers n00dz?

    b) St. Catharines
    c) Marriage is punishment for shoplifting in some countries.
    d) Nope
    e) Currently unemployed
    f) Other than poker, I go to a lot of concerts, play guitar/bass, collect records and shitty movies. I don't really do a lot, and I live a rather boring life at the moment.
    g) I have no idea what aorn means, but right now I'm wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie.
    h) I wiped with baby wipes. I think those cost more than regular TP.
    i/j) No. Mainly because it's been so long since I've had either that I really just don't care to.
    k) It depends. I despise people who hunt for sport. I think it's totally pointless and should be illegal. But then there are people who hunt solely for food. While I still disagree with it, it is a better option than buying chemically tainted meats at a grocery store.
    l) Lost
    m) 1- Pump Up The Volume
    2- Back To The Future
    3- Howard The Duck
    4- Evil Alien Conquerors
    5- Wayne's World
    n) Pro Choice
    o) ORLY?
  • derrickone wrote: »
    m) 1- Pump Up The Volume

    ZOMFG! :h:
    derrickone wrote: »
    o) ORLY?

  • How is the poker going now?

    Are we related as we have alot in common, unemployed(well I am working this week and last week) and bad run in poker at same time:D
  • philliivey wrote: »
    How is the poker going now?

    Are we related as we have alot in common, unemployed(well I am working this week and last week) and bad run in poker at same time:D

    It's going about the same. Up and down for the majority of the month.

    Doubtful, we just seem to share the same bad luck.
  • Do you think the man in the sky giving aids to babies is really a woman and that's why the world is so fucked up every 28 days during a full moon?

    When was the last time you had a 48 hour video game session?

    Given the choice between a Taylor Swift, Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus concert, which do you go to? And yes you have to go to one (feel lucky, Hockref had to take his daughters to all of them)
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Do you think the man in the sky giving aids to babies is really a woman and that's why the world is so fucked up every 28 days during a full moon?

    When was the last time you had a 48 hour video game session?

    Given the choice between a Taylor Swift, Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus concert, which do you go to? And yes you have to go to one (feel lucky, Hockref had to take his daughters to all of them)

    I think it's a husband/wife type thing going on. The jealousy and cattiness of the old testament would definitely be a woman. The destruction/war/etc is definitely male.

    Never. I'm sure when I was younger I had marathon video game sessions that probably came close to 48 hours though.

    If I had to choose I would probably choose Taylor Swift. She at least seems legit and like she might actually have a shred of talent. Plus, she's at least legal eye candy.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    ZOMFG! :h:

    Favourite movie. Currently watching it actually.
  • derrickone wrote: »
    Favourite movie. Currently watching it actually.

    Links for the uninitiated:
    MEGAVIDEO - I'm watching it

    I can't tell you how many times I watched this movie as a teen..sooooo good!
  • Good link. Everyone needs to watch that movie.
  • ~What got you into playing poker?
    ~How much time do you spend playing live? Online?
    ~If you could play one poker pro heads-up, who would you chose?
    ~Farthest you have ever travelled and why?
    ~If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
    ~Have you ever attended a Much Music Dance Party? If so, what grade did this occur? Feel free to provide an example or two.
  • If you had to choose a new career path, and money/time were not an issue, what (NOT POKER) would you choose and why?
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~What got you into playing poker?
    ~How much time do you spend playing live? Online?
    ~If you could play one poker pro heads-up, who would you chose?
    ~Farthest you have ever travelled and why?
    ~If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
    ~Have you ever attended a Much Music Dance Party? If so, what grade did this occur? Feel free to provide an example or two.

    1) Like a lot of people on this forum, my dad got me into poker. We used to play all the time when I was a kid.
    2) I'll usually play for around 3-4 hours a day online. Unfortunately, my time spent playing live has gone down significantly since being out of work. I'll play 2-3 times per month.
    3) Probably Phil Hellmuth. I don't like the guy, but I think it would be hilarious to play him heads up. Plus, I really want to be the cause of a huge blow up.
    4) Traveled to Florida when I was a kid quite a few times for family vacations.
    5) I plan on going to Scotland one day and never coming back. I've just always been into the history of Scotland. Plus, it's where my family is from.
    6) When I was in grade 7 and 8 they had Much Music Video Dances. I went to one and it was really lame, so I threw a stink bomb into the middle of the gym and they had to evacuate. Not too many people thought it was as funny as I did.
  • Milo wrote: »
    If you had to choose a new career path, and money/time were not an issue, what (NOT POKER) would you choose and why?

    If time and money were not an issue I would start a band and just spend the rest of my life on tour.
  • Are you upset that the thread about Kristy's PJs has more views and replys then your qoftw thread?
  • Haha no. The thread does need more/better pictures though IMO.
  • derrickone wrote: »
    Haha no. The thread does need more/better pictures though IMO.

    I read this post as implying that you're going to post pictures of your bum itt- in which case I ass-ure you that I WILL post more pictures of my bum and the view/reply competition is on!

    I ass-pire to win, and ass-ume that I will. ;)
    (^^I lol'd way too hard typing that)
  • I can't believe I forgot the most important question.....

    ~Favourite Looney Toon?

    And then there is....

    ~Will you be enjoying atleast one Guinness tomorrow?
    ~What St. Paddy's day rituals will you be observing tomorrow?

    More pics eh?

    Here you are kind sir! @}->--
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I read this post as implying that you're going to post pictures of your bum itt- in which case I ass-ure you that I WILL post more pictures of my bum and the view/reply competition is on!

    I ass-pire to win, and ass-ume that I will. ;)
    (^^I lol'd way too hard typing that)


    Game on...

    I'll be back to this thread later . . .
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    I can't believe I forgot the most important question.....

    ~Favourite Looney Toon?
    ~Will you be enjoying atleast one Guinness tomorrow?
    ~What St. Paddy's day rituals will you be observing tomorrow?

    1) It would probably be a tie between Pepe Le Pew and Marvin the Martian.
    2) Probably not. My city is filled with an obscene amount of obnoxious college kids. Going to a bar is quite possibly the worst idea.
    3) If I do decide to brave the pub, I will be laughing at said college kids who have no idea what St. Patricks day is all about and pretending that they're actually Irish.
  • derrickone wrote: »

    Game on...

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