Restart of Ontario Poker league this Sunday, March 7th, 12 noon

OK guys (and gals). The Ontario poker league has started up the league again at the new Brampton location this Sunday, 12 noon. So far only 16signed up online so the danger is that the league may fold. Can't believe that we can't get a lot more players out to this unraked, extremely well structured event. This ones a $100. buyin but I'm sure if the consensus is for a lower buying, future ones may be lower. You can sign up here and either register or voice you opinion, or both.

Ontario Poker League (Belwood, ON) -

If you have any issues signing up, let me know and I'll register you as a guest. Let's support this or at least create some positive outlook or we may lose one of the best tournaments in Southern Ontario...

Some of the detail...
So far only 16 have replied that they will attend this Sunday's event. These #'s are too low to keep the league going and we are in danger of folding up for good. This new spot is a testing ground for us and holds a lot of promise. If you know of someone coming that is either computer-challenged or outright defiant to reply, please submit him (or her) as a guest of your's so we can bring the #'s up a bit. The food situation is yet to be worked out, but there are plenty of places nearby, anyway.

Please spread the word:

Ontario Poker League Season 5 Tournament #17

Sunday March 7th, 2010

Tournament starts at 12 noon; doors open at 11:00am

Buy-In: $100 (all of which goes to the prize pool)
Starting Chips: 4500

Players have the option to pay $5 to go toward paying for the hall, tables, chips, cards, website, etc. (paying this money is NOT mandatory)

With 4500 starting chips, the Patience Factor is 17.24, with a Blind-Off rate at 4.15 hours.

Prize Pool: Top 10% (minimum 5 and maximum 10 players paid)

Blind Levels: 40 minutes and follows WSOP format for intermediate tournaments
see the Blinds Schedule under the "files" section for more details

This tournament will probably take over 9 hours to complete

Tournament Director: Kurtis Kaufman


  • Breakfast at Chez Wett's

    Gotta check, but I think I'm good to go for this Sunday

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Breakfast at Chez Wett's

    Gotta check, but I think I'm good to go for this Sunday

    Milton Slim
    Are you signing up or should I add you..?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Are you signing up or should I add you..?
    sock matching, gotchie fold, post Olympic excitement
    still gotta confirm.

    Should know by Thursday

    Milton Slim
  • I too would be very interested in this league. Would much prefer a slightly lower buyin though in all honesty, however, if consensus is to keep it at $100, I don't have an issue with it.

    However, THIS Sunday doesn't look promising at the moment. I'll need to re evaluate the capital this week and see if its at all possible. If I can swing it, I would be there, but I can't commit until Friday at the earliest.

    Now, if I should WIN Thursday night on The Hill, I'll DEFINITELY be there.
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Breakfast at Chez Wett's

    Gotta check, but I think I'm good to go for this Sunday

    Milton Slim

    idk but id be in for breakfast Sunday morning at either Coras or Giggling Tomatoes?
  • AJ, just in case you didn't realize, this is the league that was running in the Orangeville seniors center a year ago and was running in Bellwood from Aug to Jan this year. I highly recommend it. I'm pretty sure some of the buyins will be lower if it takes off. I remember it getting over a hundred players last spring.
  • Will it ever come back to belwood, or was there to much heat?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Now, if I should WIN Thursday night on The Hill, I'll DEFINITELY be there.

    So, that's a "No", then? >:D

    +1 to AJ's other comments. At $100.00 I'd just as soon play on the Hill. If this were a monthly thing, maybe. But I am just a poor donk starting out, not like you sharks who are flush with $$$.
  • yea lower buy-in would be nice as I don't have any live tournament experience and would just donk off my money lol
  • Short notice for this week, however would be interested in the future now that it is in Brampton. Could probably interest a few more players for your future events. Let me know when this might be running after the March Break. Also $100 buy-in is fine any lower and not really worth the time.
  • AK-Frosty wrote: »
    Short notice for this week, however would be interested in the future now that it is in Brampton. Could probably interest a few more players for your future events. Let me know when this might be running after the March Break. Also $100 buy-in is fine any lower and not really worth the time.

    Frosty, sign up on the wesite and you will get email notification for future events... You can also voice your support and preferences for buyin. I do know that the $50. buyins got lots more players... Oh, and it's not my events, I'm just passing on the info. This league was started by Curtis in Orangeville, he is up there with Zithal as a great tournament organizer.
  • I have played in this game and it is well run. I'm not available for this week but can spread the word to a few friends. Goodluck keeping it going.
  • compuease wrote: »
    AJ, just in case you didn't realize, this is the league that was running in the Orangeville seniors center a year ago and was running in Bellwood from Aug to Jan this year. I highly recommend it. I'm pretty sure some of the buyins will be lower if it takes off. I remember it getting over a hundred players last spring.

    If it can be done, I'll be there. But like I said, I won't know for sure until Friday at the earliest. If possible, please inform the organizers that I am, and I'm sure others, are indeed interested.
  • Seems like there is another tourney at the same location, but on the 6th of the month. Slightly higher buy-in, advertising plasma screens, cigar lounge, etc. Very snazzy flyer for the place, too . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Seems like there is another tourney at the same location, but on the 6th of the month. Slightly higher buy-in, advertising plasma screens, cigar lounge, etc. Very snazzy flyer for the place, too . . .

    I assume you got the same email from Kurtis that I did about that one? It's the same address but I think a different unit, not 100% sure but we'll see. As I understand it the regular league game has no rake, not sure about the Saturday one. I'm busy Sat anyways but will be there Sun.
  • My post was more of a heads-up than anything else. Regardless of whether it's a different unit, this one seems unconcerned about "visibility", so to speak.

    "The higher the monkey climbs up the tree . . ."
  • How long before this place gets busted?
  • devbran wrote: »
    How long before this place gets busted?

    Typically about 6-10 months, so at least youre good for the first few weeks.

    Thought the same thing when I got the email. Saturday games are obv for a raked club. Sunday (if its the same place) Im not sure.....

    I'll be there Sunday, but having been through a couple club busts I think I'll avoid the Saturday games.
  • Wetts do players get charged in a bust or just organizers?
  • FYI, I have heard via email from Kurtis Kaufman and the Saturday game is totally different from the Sunday one. Sunday is the same as before in Belwood and Orangeville, unraked, no alcohol, etc so therefore should be no problem on Sunday at least. He wasn't sure how the Saturday game is setup as to rake, etc.
  • devbran wrote: »
    Wetts do players get charged in a bust or just organizers?

    The last few GTA raids it has been everyone. When I was involved my information was taken, but no charges.
  • Maybe you guys shouldnt discuss saturdays game on here in public, take it to PM's...
  • The info. is already public, so I do not see the point . . .

    LOL at anything on the web being "private" . . .
  • boogeyman wrote: »
    Maybe you guys shouldnt discuss saturdays game on here in public, take it to PM's...

    Quiet Mikey.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Quiet Mikey.

    Please, don't tell me I have to increase the population of my "ignore" list . . .

    Can it be?
  • FYI, we're up to 25 registered.. Based on past history this typically would mean a turnout of 40+... Looking better...
  • Up to 30 preregistered now, looking much better...
  • Does your seat have to be reserved or are later ppl ok?

    I posted on the meetup site regarding this but no one answered yet, maybe someone from here can?
  • Need a lift tomorrow? Just PM me . . . I'll get back to you first thing in the a.m. . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Need a lift tomorrow? Just PM me . . . I'll get back to you first thing in the a.m. . . .

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