Question Week: Muddguts

As a last minute thing, I am going to take over this week in place of ReefAquarium who has some personal matters to attend to. Normally, I do not have net access throughout the day, so all my answering will be done in the evening/night....


  • How happy are you, as the initiator that the idea of 'question week' appears to have been a success thus far?

    Are there any questions/areas of questioning that you are making you say to yourself "Please nobody ask about that....please god don't let anyone ask about that."?

    Aaaand the standard question already asked of every one else....Where'd you start playing poker online or live?


    Why do I ask boring questions?

    Do you think some folks are googling 'interesting questions' to be added here or do you think most are original?
  • You know it's coming,


    Which one do you give up, and why?
  • How happy are you, as the initiator that the idea of 'question week' appears to have been a success thus far?

    I'm pleased that people seem to find it a fun waste of time. It's a good way to get to know the others. I would like to see past and future "subjects" participate more though. Notice how sign up dropped off almost immediately. I predict a sudden death lol
    Are there any questions/areas of questioning that you are making you say to yourself "Please nobody ask about that....please god don't let anyone ask about that."?

    Religion and politics (sorry Milo) all of which I have no knowledge or interest in.

    Aaaand the standard question already asked of every one else....Where'd you start playing poker online or live?

    I started playing "dealer's choice" in the mid 90's with my girlfriend (now wife), my Mom, Dad and grampa. I discovered Hold 'Em when the NHL lockout took place in '06?. That's when I noticed it on tv and got hooked.
    I just started playing online in the last few months and am blowing way to much money at the cash games which I stink at.
    I work on an assembly line at the Ford plant in Oakville, ON.
    Why do I ask boring questions?

    I think you are just warming up
    Do you think some folks are googling 'interesting questions' to be added here or do you think most are original?

    poker players are creative people, so I think 100% have been original.
  • If you could make as much money playing poker as you do at Ford, do you quit your day job?
  • whatcha wearin?

  • Milo wrote: »
    You know it's coming,


    Which one do you give up, and why?

    Without question, booze is out the door.

    I eat not a single solitary fruit and the only way I can eat veggies is to have them pureed into a soup or stew, so meat stays.

    I am a male, therefore I fornicate and like it, so sex stays.

    I enjoy a good beer or two and some red wine but in small quanities. Honestly, the last time I got loaded was probably 2 or 3 years ago. I pay too heavy a price for it to be enjoyable. Do I have to hand in my "man card" now?
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    If you could make as much money playing poker as you do at Ford, do you quit your day job?

    No, I rather enjoy the monotony of assembly line work. Doing the same thing 400 times a day is very stimulating. The air quality in a body shop where I work is also very refreshing. There's nothing like the smell of welding smoke all day long. Oh, can't forget about the mandatory 10 hour days, yay!

    But seriously, I could only pick poker if it didn't take time away from my family and I kept the same hours as I do at work. It sounds like a dream to play poker for a living, but the ups and downs and long sessions might get to me.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    whatcha wearin?

    Just a banana hammock.
    Kristy_Sea wrote: »

  • Okay, if politics and religion are out, that leaves sex . . .

    Who was your first?

    Who was your last? and they better not be the same person, unless there's some "filler" in that sandwich . . .

    Most exotic location you've done it?

    Strangest location?

    Ever been caught?

    By whom?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, if politics and religion are out, that leaves sex .

    Who was your first?

    A girl named Michelle (I didn't grab her last name). She was at my cousin's house and we chatted on the phone. Somehow I figured out she was horny (and apparently easy) and so i rode my bike over. We talked for 15 minutes and away we went. Never saw or heard from her again. 17 years young.
    Milo wrote: »
    Who was your last? and they better not be the same person, unless there's some "filler" in that sandwich . . .

    That would be Mrs. Muddguts about 20 minutes ago. Missionary then cowgirl and then four on the floor for the grand finale.
    Milo wrote: »
    Most exotic location you've done it?
    Aruba on our honeymoon. Strictly hotel sex though.

    Milo wrote: »
    Strangest location?
    An alley in Manchester England. On vacation at 20 years old with her parents. There was no privacy at the families' houses, so after a few pints at the pub we wandered into this dirty alley and well, got dirty! We ended up doing it again in the same alley a couple of years later for old times sake.
    Milo wrote: »
    Ever been caught?
    Never. A few close shaves though when the missus and I were teenies. Once, while in the act in my bedroom which was in the basement, all of a sudden we heard someone come tearing down the stairs. All we could do was pull the sheets up to our necks and pray. It was my younger brother. I'm sure he must have suspected something but he never said.
    It'd be nice to be caught by a friend or two of her's though somehow and see what happens ;-)
  • ~Farthest you have ever travelled and why?
    ~Have you always lived in the same place? If not where have you lived throughout your life?
    ~If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
    ~What do you like to do in your spare time besides poker and Mrs. Muddguts?
    ~Have you ever broken any bones? If so, which ones and how?
    ~You win a trip for 5 weeks, 5 cities anywhere in the world. What 5 cities do you choose, and why?
    ~Favourite Looney Tunes character?
  • Will we ever have a home game at your house!!!

    Milton Slim

    No need to answer, I do think 3rd times the charm
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~Farthest you have ever travelled and why?

    Scotland/England. I was dating my now wife at the time and her parents offered to pay my way. At that age, I had no interest in foggy/rainy Britain but it was free so I went along and fell in love with Scotland.
    Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~Have you always lived in the same place? If not where have you lived throughout your life?

    born and raised in Mississauga, Ontario. Moved to Oakville at 26 years old.
    Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

    Scotland. I love the people, the scenery and the laid back way of life in the small towns.
    Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~What do you like to do in your spare time besides poker and Mrs. Muddguts?

    My passion is collecting dvds. My main genre interests are horror, science fiction and blaxploitation. I also have a thousand or so magazines & books from those genres and have some autographs from people that work within the movies.
    Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~Have you ever broken any bones? If so, which ones and how?

    The first bone I ever broke was my collar bone and you want to talk about painful? It was during my very first hockey game with body contact. I missed training camp so I was clueless about hitting. I went into the corner with my head down and the biggest kid in the league hammered me. I was in grade 8.
    The other bone I've broken was my left foot. I was 15 and was pushing my boss' piece of crap pickup truck which had a trailer hitched to it that was full of ashphalt. I extended my leg too far back and the trailer started to roll up my leg and snapped my foot. Had to start high school with crutches and a cast, not good.
    Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~You win a trip for 5 weeks, 5 cities anywhere in the world. What 5 cities do you choose, and why?

    - Rome because I would love to see the ruins of the coliseum and other sites.
    - Geneva Switzerland because I think the scenery would be mind blowing
    - Although technically a town, I want to see Banff in a bad way for it's scenery and whatever it has to offer.
    - Athens for it's history, ruins and monuments
    - France for the silly tower
    Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~Favourite Looney Tunes character?

  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Will we ever have a home game at your house!!!

    No need to answer, I do think 3rd times the charm

    maybe I need to add Hooters or Chippendales folk as dealers?
  • What do you think of the Nightmare on Elm Street trailer (new one)?

    What horror movies would you recommend to someone that likes em, but probably hasn't seen? (I just saw dead snow FYI)

    What, if any, horror movies are you most anticipating? (I remember a lot of Buzz for Inside (A l'Intieur sp?)?

    What're your favourite horror movies? (maybe have a list for old ones and new ones?!
  • Gutsy wrote: »

    going to work in a few minutes but will stew on these juicy questions and post when I get home.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    maybe I need to add Hooters or Chippendales folk as dealers?

    I can PVR the hockey game in a moment

    How long until I would say...I see a big pair?

    Milton Slim
  • Shovel? Snowblower? Neighbour kid?

    Also, "Shut yo mouth". What is your fave of the blaxploitation genre?
  • Gutsy wrote: »
    What do you think of the Nightmare on Elm Street trailer (new one)?

    I love it. I think they just might finally have a winner with this one. Remakes in the past 5-8 years have been enough to make a genre fan want to gouge their own eyes out, but this one...I was very impressed with Haley in The Watchmen and that makes me comfortable with the casting of him as the new Freddy. The only thing in the trailer that has me a little worried is the almost implied innoncence of Freddy pre-lynching. The look of fear on his face when he is being chased and then his cry of "I didn't do anything" or "It wasn't me" (I don't recall the exact phrase) made it almost look like they are trying to evoke a little sympathy for Fred. Unless they've changed him from a child molestor to mistaken identity, it would be a huge mistake to try and get the audience on his side. I'm sure this remake will be a vast improvement over the abomination that was Rob Zombie's Halloween remake.
    Gutsy wrote: »
    What horror movies would you recommend to someone that likes em, but probably hasn't seen? (I just saw dead snow FYI)

    I'm not sure but it sounds like you are talking about a casual fan that enjoys a good scare once in a while rather than someone that goes out their way to see them. If that's indeed the case, I'll have to assume that they have seen the classics like Exorcist, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Elm St. etc..I'll stick the to the 1970s-present and I will send you home with a 12 pack that consists of:

    An American Werewolf In London- amazing FX, comical and damned right terrifying at times
    The Changeling- one of the scariest movies I've seen. Slow to start but worth the wait. I haven't seen it since I was a teenager but I bet it still holds up
    28 Days Later- tense, bleak and again, terrifying
    Suspiria- rich in colour, atmosphere and great music
    Event Horizon- although set in space, this is very much a horror movie full of chills and frights
    The Thing ('82)- jaw dropping fx and wonderful cast
    The Descent- not recommended if are you claustophobic
    The Fog ('80)- atmospheric and intriguing
    Videodrome- kinky, twisted and sadistic.
    Zombie- an italian gorefest chock full of dread
    The Ring (U.S)- scary for some, stupid for others, you decide which it is for you
    Tremors- shake the fear and dread from the your bones with a fun, comical and light hearted monster movie romp

    I have heard mixed reviews of Dead Snow, what did you think?
    Gutsy wrote: »
    What, if any, horror movies are you most anticipating? (I remember a lot of Buzz for Inside (A l'Intieur sp?)

    Inside was as assault on the senses wasn't it?
    I can't think of one that I am pysched about. I am really looking forward to The Wolf Man, have been for a long time.
    Gutsy wrote: »
    What're your favourite horror movies? (maybe have a list for old ones and new ones?!

    Older (20s-60s)

    Nosferatu (1922)
    The Fall Of The House Of Usher (1928)
    7 Footprints To Satan (1929)
    Vampyr (1932)
    Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (1931)
    Bride Of Frankenstein (1935)
    The Fall Of The House Of Usher (1960)
    Hangover Square
    The Tingler
    Creature From The Black Lagoon

    Newer (70s-present)
    The Shining (1980)
    Halloween (1978)
    The Fog (1980)
    The Thing (1982)
    Prince Of Darkness
    Hellraiser II
    Storm Of The Century
    The Keep
    Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1978)
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    How long until I would say...I see a big pair?

    when I throw over my pocket Aces after your bluff all in ;-0
  • Milo wrote: »
    Shovel? Snowblower? Neighbour kid?

    Also, "Shut yo mouth". What is your fave of the blaxploitation genre?

    Tiny snowthrower. No gears or anything but it takes the lifting out of the equation.

    I would say Foxy Brown or Black Caesar. I have a man crush on Fred Williamson, so anything he is in is worth the watch as is anything with Pam Grier.

    Everyone is familiar with Gordon from Sesame Street right? Be sure to check out his pre-SS movie "Willie Dynamite" were he plays a ho slapping pimp! I guess SS producers didn't research his resume lol
  • There's another NMOEStreet trailer that came out either yesterday or the day before. I also was really really happy with the trailer(s). I cannot wait!

    Dead Snow started out 'cute/clever' as a funny horror flick. I was worried that it would just be a 'cabin raid' type of a movie. But it is more than that. It's a pretty ambitious horror movie imo. The writer/director tries to do a lot of things at the same time, which can turn people off (especially if it isn't done right). For the most part, I dug it (took a bit to get into). Some stuff they pinched from The Descent, and not done as well, but that's the way it goes.

    I loved Inside. Did some subtle things really well (and some not so subtle hehe).

    Many of the ones you listed I haven't seen, so will definitely try to fit them in. Thanks. What type of horror you like the most? Looks like you're quite fond of monster flicks. The Thing is amazing. I am itching to buy it on Bluray.

    Can you give me a top 10 horror movie list from the last, say, 15 years?!

    Here's a funny horror trailer that I absolutely love. Sure it gives a lot of the story away, but the trailer's amazing. Also it's a Canadian flick I think.

  • Are you a fan of Clive Barker?

    If so, did you ever read The Hellbound Heart? The novella that inspired Hellraiser II.

    Who was your favourite Cenobite? Pinhead, chatterbox, or the female?

    You appear to be a fan of horror, so how on Earth did you not include the original Amityville Horror in your list? Have you indeed seen it?
  • Gutsy wrote: »
    There's another NMOEStreet trailer that came out either yesterday or the day before. I also was really really happy with the trailer(s). I cannot wait!

    I'll have to look that up. I'm not even sure when it opens either.
    Gutsy wrote: »
    What type of horror you like the most? Looks like you're quite fond of monster flicks. The Thing is amazing. I am itching to buy it on Bluray.

    The Things looks wonderful on BR, brings out a lot of detail. My tastes in horror have definitely shifted over the years. When I was a teeny and a young 20 soemthing, it was about the gore. Now, I'm more interested in the classics of the 40s-60s. You are right, I do love a good monster movie too. Even as a kid, I was drawing monsters and dinosaurs wreaking havok on things. I still have them too.
    Gutsy wrote: »
    Can you give me a top 10 horror movie list from the last, say, 15 years?!

    These are what I enjoyed the most over that time frame:

    The Descent
    28 Days Later
    The Ring
    The Sixth Sense
    Black Sheep
    Trick 'r Treat
    Storm Of The Century
    Gutsy wrote: »
    Here's a funny horror trailer that I absolutely love. Sure it gives a lot of the story away, but the trailer's amazing. Also it's a Canadian flick I think.

    It does look pretty amusing in parts. It's like a Three's Company episode "a big misunderstanding". The trailer does give a ton away though, unless there is bare boobies, I have to wonder why we need to see the movie now? lol
  • Are you a fan of Clive Barker?

    If so, did you ever read The Hellbound Heart? The novella that inspired Hellraiser II.

    I'd say I am a casual fan. I certainly appreciate what he has done for the genre. I loved Hellraiser 1&2 and Nightbreed was really fun. Hell, I even love Rawhead Rex even though Clive doesn't. I read the Books Of Blood many years ago and loved them and I dig his twisted art work. I did indeed read The Hellbound Heart but I cannot for the life of me remember anything from it. Sounds like it's time to go back to it. Oh yeah, I enjoyed the hell out of Weaveworld too! Missed a grand chance to meet him a few summer's ago. That's something I will always kick my ass over.
    Who was your favourite Cenobite? Pinhead, chatterbox, or the female?

    None of the above. Dr. Channard is my favourite. In fact, I use the picture below as my avatar at the Rue More Magazine message board. "I recommend, amputation" :-)

    But, if I had to pick one of the above, I'd go with the Mack Daddy, Pinhead, whom I got to meet as well and have a picture with.


    You appear to be a fan of horror, so how on Earth did you not include the original Amityville Horror in your list? Have you indeed seen it?

    Sure I have seen Amityville. It disturbed me greatly as a youngun when I watched it. It's been at least 20 years since I have seen it, I should revisit shouldn't I?
  • Should I post my video even though it is horrible playback?(see new poker night live thread):p
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Should I post my video even though it is horrible playback?(see new poker night live thread):p

    absolutely, who cares. Most of us grew up long before HD anyway :-)
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    None of the above. Dr. Channard is my favourite. In fact, I use the picture below as my avatar at the Rue More Magazine message board. "I recommend, amputation" :-)

    These are loaded questions I understand, but I felt I must add...How did you miss the greatest quote from Hellraiser with reference to PFC? "No tears please Kristy...It's such a waste of good suffering".
  • Have you ever read any H.P. Lovecraft, whom Clive Barker referred to as one of the greatest non-modern classical (non-slasher, no blood) horror writers of all time?
  • What's your favorite midnight snack?
    Whats your most missed memory?
    Whats your favorite season?
    Do you prefer Blondes or Brunettes?
    What would you like me to call you as, other than your name?
    Why haven't I signed up for Question Week thingy you have going on?
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