How did I not play for 6 months?

After a 6 month break I've played a few sessions this week.

LOL live pokerz.

250bb effective stacks 8 handed 1/2 NLH:

Villain $800ish (UTG) Raises to $15
2 callers
Hero (AA) $500ish is a lagtard playing 80/45/45 or similar :) (more lag than tard usually) who has raised the last 15 hands (SB) Raises to $80
Villain calls
all the meek fold

Flop 982 rainbow
Hero bets $120
Villain shoves and shows QQ
Hero snap calls and holds

Same Villain now on Hero's right -- effective stacks approx 400bb @ 1/2NL

Folded to Villain (CO) who raises to $15
Hero (Qc7c) (BTN) calls $15
all the meek are out

Flop T72hh

Villain bets $15
Hero calls $15

Turn T727hh

Villain bets $30
Hero Raises to $135
Villain Calls

River T7274hh

Villain checks
Hero shoves $550ish

Hero stacks chips high and live pokerz.


Players want me at their tables because they think I'm a loose cannon and don't ever observe that I put $10 - $20 the pot seemingly without thinking many times a round, but don't understand that when I put $600 in a pot I have them crushed.


Seriously, stop talking about poker when you are PLAYING POKER at the poker table...especially that fat woman who seems to be there all the time based on my last 3 sessions and who will stack an overpair for a gillion bbs on a dry rainbow flop.


Man, the food is still atrocious at Grey Eagle.


  • if this is 5th level thinking, I must be missing something. How to milk a calling station 101.
  • Nice playing!!

    I can't claim to use anything more sophisticated when I'm playing 1/2NL
  • Nice playing!!

    I can't claim to use anything more sophisticated when I'm playing 1/2NL

    love to hear about the other hands where his AA ran into a set or his trips was outkicked, etc, etc.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    love to hear about the other hands where his AA ran into a set or his trips was outkicked, etc, etc.


    I find that kinda stuff rather boring,

    I ran AA 400bb into KK, QQ, JTs and 58o

    58o made a straight.. JTs made a straight, QQ made a set...
  • Lol, I'm not playing a 300-400bb pot with AA vs a set...ever. If you can't read opponents at 1/2 then don't play live poker.

    I don't play ABC/big starting hand poker and that's why I get people to put in several hundred bbs almost to completely drawing dead.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I don't play ABC/big starting hand poker and that's why I get people to put in several hundred bbs almost to completely drawing dead.

    Mehhhh, it's 1-2 live, you can be the biggest nit and people will still pay you off with weak holdings in huge pots since they simply cannot fold their hands.
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    Mehhhh, it's 1-2 live, you can be the biggest nit and people will still pay you off with weak holdings in huge pots since they simply cannot fold their hands.

    True, but you can make MORE money by playing more hands vs weaker players -- ie 100% someone in this thread folds the 2nd hand preflop
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    ie 100% someone in this thread folds the 2nd hand preflop

    just like I called $40 pre-flop on the weekend (2/5) with 45h only to flop the nut straight. Ship me a nice $1000 pot! Your not the only one on this site who knows how to play deep stack poker.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Lol, I'm not playing a 300-400bb pot with AA vs a set...ever. If you can't read opponents at 1/2 then don't play live poker.

    so you play hand #1 differently if you are 400bb deep vs 250bb?? they shove for 350bb and you are going to fold? I don't think Villian plays this hand any differently if they hit a set; lucky for you I guess.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    so you play hand #1 differently if you are 400bb deep vs 250bb?? they shove for 350bb and you are going to fold? I don't think Villian plays this hand any differently if they hit a set; lucky for you I guess.

    Umm I got 400bb in preflop with AA...

    5 ways...
  • Umm I got 400bb in preflop with AA...

    5 ways...

    villian raises to $15 and you re-raise to $800 heads-up?? and you expect a call, wtf? Usually the multi-way hands with 400bb is when you get a semi-short stack re-raising all-in and then the domino effect kicks in. If you are the last domino standing with AA, count your blessings.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    villian raises to $15 and you re-raise to $800 heads-up?? and you expect a call, wtf? Usually the multi-way hands with 400bb is when you get a semi-short stack re-raising all-in and then the domino effect kicks in. If you are the last domino standing with AA, count your blessings.

    Nope I raise to $15 UTG, 2 callers , Villain1 reraises to 115, villain flat calls, villain 3 reraises to 255, villain 4 flats 255, I flat 255, villian1 reshoves, everyone calls.

    Had an interesting hand yesterday,

    3 limpers, AA on the CO , raise to $35,Button LAG flat calls,BB LAG flat calls, MP LAG flat calls...



    checked to me, I bet $100

    button LAG flat calls
    bb LAG flat calls
    MP LAG checkraises to $300

    I have 153 behind... everyone has me covered.
    Pot is about $740.

    I bet the $100 thinking i was committed to the pot... Now I'm pretty sure I'm behind... easy fold? Button lag has about 800 back, BB lag has about 50 behind. MP lag has about 400 back.
  • I have 153 behind... everyone has me covered.
    Pot is about $740.

    its an easy call for me; if they are set mining, so be it. "Chips!".
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    its an easy call for me; if they are set mining, so be it. "Chips!".

    I made a mistake, The bb is playing short and doesn't have me covered.

    Why is this an easy call?

    I'm pretty sure I'm behind, given 2 flat $100 calls and a $300 check raise.
  • I made a mistake, The bb is playing short and doesn't have me covered.

    Why is this an easy call?

    I'm pretty sure I'm behind, given 2 flat $100 calls and a $300 check raise.

    If you folded then you're really bad.
  • OP good story.

    Tell me, how do you find playing LAG at live 1/2? I've noticed that most players are playing LAG, so how do you contend with them?

    Also, how many BI do you usually bring? Everytime I playing lag, I find i have to top up a couple times before I can stack off. After going through the hands i figure i was better off playing TAG. Smaller wins maybe, but smaller losses.

    Whats your 3betting range against LAGtards? Position obviously favourable.

    How often do you squeeze? BB steal? How many hands do you play?

    Sorry it seems like a lot, I've had a few bad sessions and contemplating if TAG really is teh way to go....
  • I wouldn't consider either of the sample hands as good LAG style hands. Hand #2 is more LP; now if he pumped it up pre-flop, then I would say this is more a LAG style. Obviously if these are the hands where he is making money at this session (since all the other 'LAG' hands were not provided), I don't think LAG is as profitable as expected. IMO, TAG is the way to go but mixing in suited connectors, Ax, any pair and position/stacks and you will make money.
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    OP good story.

    Tell me, how do you find playing LAG at live 1/2? I've noticed that most players are playing LAG, so how do you contend with them?

    Also, how many BI do you usually bring? Everytime I playing lag, I find i have to top up a couple times before I can stack off. After going through the hands i figure i was better off playing TAG. Smaller wins maybe, but smaller losses.

    Whats your 3betting range against LAGtards? Position obviously favourable.

    How often do you squeeze? BB steal? How many hands do you play?

    Sorry it seems like a lot, I've had a few bad sessions and contemplating if TAG really is teh way to go....

    Sorry, I've been out of town but will get to this in a day or so in more detail.
  • thanks! take your time i'm not rushing to a casino any time soon, especially with olympics on.
  • Nope I raise to $15 UTG, 2 callers , Villain1 reraises to 115, villain flat calls, villain 3 reraises to 255, villain 4 flats 255, I flat 255, villian1 reshoves, everyone calls.

    Had an interesting hand yesterday,

    3 limpers, AA on the CO , raise to $35,Button LAG flat calls,BB LAG flat calls, MP LAG flat calls...



    checked to me, I bet $100

    button LAG flat calls
    bb LAG flat calls
    MP LAG checkraises to $300

    I have 153 behind... everyone has me covered.
    Pot is about $740.

    I bet the $100 thinking i was committed to the pot... Now I'm pretty sure I'm behind... easy fold? Button lag has about 800 back, BB lag has about 50 behind. MP lag has about 400 back.
    pokerJAH wrote: »
    its an easy call for me; if they are set mining, so be it. "Chips!".

    I called, Button lag shoves all in for 800, BB calls all in for 50, check raiser folds and shows 62o for flopped trips !!!!!, Button lag shows 42o for a full house!!!!


    How do they call $35 preflop with 42o and 62o????

    How does he fold 62o on a 224 board????

    BB had QQ.
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    OP good story.

    Tell me, how do you find playing LAG at live 1/2? I've noticed that most players are playing LAG, so how do you contend with them?

    Also, how many BI do you usually bring? Everytime I playing lag, I find i have to top up a couple times before I can stack off. After going through the hands i figure i was better off playing TAG. Smaller wins maybe, but smaller losses.

    Whats your 3betting range against LAGtards? Position obviously favourable.

    How often do you squeeze? BB steal? How many hands do you play?

    Sorry it seems like a lot, I've had a few bad sessions and contemplating if TAG really is teh way to go....

    I find that playing LAG at 1/2 at the casinos around Calgary is very profitable, BUT you will have way more variance than playing ABC/TAG poker which is also profitable but less so IMO. I think it really depends on whether you are more comfortable playing smaller pots or if you want to play for stacks on a more consistent basis.

    Where are you from?

    I DO NOT find that many players play LAG at 1/2 around here (Calgary). There are many more LAG players at 2 5+ in my experience.

    My style of play varies greatly with the table dynamics -- all the typical considerations: stack sizes, position on tight and loose players, etc. At a typical 1/2 table you can peg the rock player(s) and hopefully they are deepstacked. I find that many rocks will see me as an idiot because I am not playing by their top hand hand chart. Then when I hit 2 pair or similar vs their obvious overpair they ship an unreasonable amount of BBs into the pot with one pair thinking that I am stacking off with top or middle pair. You can peg the just clueless top pair/flush draw players that will never fold, etc, etc. Just play them accordingly.

    If I have position on LAGtards (not very competent LAGs who can 4 bet me thin...which is very rare IMO) and am playing fairly deep I will 3 bet a huge range (suited connectors, etc) early in the session (especially with tight players behind me) to try and shut them down a bit and then adjust bases on their adjustments to me on their left. If they are on my left I usually just have to tighten up until I can get position on them via seat change, etc. I guess this all applies more to 2 5/5 5 in my one 3 bets light very often in 1/2 in my experience.

    If I were going to just play 1 2 I would typically have $800 or so with me (max buy here is $300)...although I usually have more than that with me in case there is a good 2 5 going.

    At a typical weak 1/2 game I play around 40-50% of my hands -- you will be surprised how many pots you can buy when everyone wants to limp for $2. Of course, this varies greatly with number of players, stacks, etc,etc. You have to adjust to the table's adjustments vs you. I generally start out playing 50-60% of my hands and see how it goes from there...there is no set formula. The thing that is fun about 1/2 is that you will rarely get punished by solid players and you can really work on different aspects of your game and put yourself to thinner decisions which makes the game more enjoyable overall IMO. It's also a great advantage to have different gears to use even if you choose to play mostly TAG, especially if you are playing against the same players often which is the case for me. It is amazing how one player can change the play of an entire table and make usually solid/tight players change their game and play a style that they are not adept at playing. I will not give action to short stacks...fuck I hate short stacks.

    I will squeeze/steal attempt in almost every pot that is 2-3 handed until someone gives me reason to do otherwise. It gives me a great image vs regulars and usually is profitable in and of itself. When the rock UTG raises at a 10 handed table and it is folded to my SB I am obviously adjusting my play accordingly.

    I don't know if I answered much in this -- I am typing between doing things at work...hopefully some of this is coherent.

    Honestly, even if my profits were slightly less at 1/2 playing LAG than TAG, I enjoy it so much more than sitting and waiting for the nuts that I would play this style anyhow. However, I am certain that once you get used to the variance and put yourself in more situations vs poor players that you will increase your profits and have more fun doing so.
  • How do they call $35 preflop with 42o and 62o????

    the irony of NLH; these are the hands that sometimes win the monster pots.
  • I called, Button lag shoves all in for 800, BB calls all in for 50, check raiser folds and shows 62o for flopped trips !!!!!, Button lag shows 42o for a full house!!!!


    How do they call $35 preflop with 42o and 62o????

    How does he fold 62o on a 224 board????

    BB had QQ.

    now your sounding like me, it baffles the mind does it not;)
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    Also, how many BI do you usually bring? Everytime I playing lag, I find i have to top up a couple times before I can stack off. After going through the hands i figure i was better off playing TAG. Smaller wins maybe, but smaller losses.

    just to add to GTA's comments, I think this style works well for him because at 1/2, losing a few buy-ins doesn't have any real impact on his bankroll. He can easily play 40-50% of the hands LAG because 1/2 isn't really going to break him. I would guess that his style would be a lot tighter at 10/20, etc.

    Based on your original question, if you have to worry about losing a few buy-ins, TAG might be a better approach for you until you can build the bankroll and losing a few buy-ins in one session isn't important.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I find that playing LAG at 1/2 at the casinos around Calgary is very profitable, BUT you will have way more variance than playing ABC/TAG poker which is also profitable but less so IMO. I think it really depends on whether you are more comfortable playing smaller pots or if you want to play for stacks on a more consistent basis.

    Where are you from?

    I DO NOT find that many players play LAG at 1/2 around here (Calgary). There are many more LAG players at 2 5+ in my experience.

    My style of play varies greatly with the table dynamics -- all the typical considerations: stack sizes, position on tight and loose players, etc. At a typical 1/2 table you can peg the rock player(s) and hopefully they are deepstacked. I find that many rocks will see me as an idiot because I am not playing by their top hand hand chart. Then when I hit 2 pair or similar vs their obvious overpair they ship an unreasonable amount of BBs into the pot with one pair thinking that I am stacking off with top or middle pair. You can peg the just clueless top pair/flush draw players that will never fold, etc, etc. Just play them accordingly.

    If I have position on LAGtards (not very competent LAGs who can 4 bet me thin...which is very rare IMO) and am playing fairly deep I will 3 bet a huge range (suited connectors, etc) early in the session (especially with tight players behind me) to try and shut them down a bit and then adjust bases on their adjustments to me on their left. If they are on my left I usually just have to tighten up until I can get position on them via seat change, etc. I guess this all applies more to 2 5/5 5 in my one 3 bets light very often in 1/2 in my experience.

    If I were going to just play 1 2 I would typically have $800 or so with me (max buy here is $300)...although I usually have more than that with me in case there is a good 2 5 going.

    At a typical weak 1/2 game I play around 40-50% of my hands -- you will be surprised how many pots you can buy when everyone wants to limp for $2. Of course, this varies greatly with number of players, stacks, etc,etc. You have to adjust to the table's adjustments vs you. I generally start out playing 50-60% of my hands and see how it goes from there...there is no set formula. The thing that is fun about 1/2 is that you will rarely get punished by solid players and you can really work on different aspects of your game and put yourself to thinner decisions which makes the game more enjoyable overall IMO. It's also a great advantage to have different gears to use even if you choose to play mostly TAG, especially if you are playing against the same players often which is the case for me. It is amazing how one player can change the play of an entire table and make usually solid/tight players change their game and play a style that they are not adept at playing. I will not give action to short stacks...fuck I hate short stacks.

    I will squeeze/steal attempt in almost every pot that is 2-3 handed until someone gives me reason to do otherwise. It gives me a great image vs regulars and usually is profitable in and of itself. When the rock UTG raises at a 10 handed table and it is folded to my SB I am obviously adjusting my play accordingly.

    I don't know if I answered much in this -- I am typing between doing things at work...hopefully some of this is coherent.

    Honestly, even if my profits were slightly less at 1/2 playing LAG than TAG, I enjoy it so much more than sitting and waiting for the nuts that I would play this style anyhow. However, I am certain that once you get used to the variance and put yourself in more situations vs poor players that you will increase your profits and have more fun doing so.

    This is the best post I've read on this board in a long time, Maybe the best post ever.
  • This is the best post I've read on this board in a long time, Maybe the best post ever.

    Awww shucks...

    ...but these have yet to be topped:

    The Sick Read

    Sick Metagame Thinker

    Synesthesia...I Dream in Sweet Transcendental
  • GTA Poker wrote: »

    here we go, trolling again. Another slow day at the puppy mill I guess.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    here we go, trolling again. Another slow day at the puppy mill I guess.

    Not possible to troll a thread that you created imo.
  • Watch this a few times it'll calm your rage:

    Synesthesia...I Dream in Sweet Transcendental
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