Dropped a Penny Today



  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Find a Penny
    Pick it up
    All day long
    You'll have good luck!

    My mother taught me this when I was but a wee lad, and its stuck with me ever since.

    Find a penny and give it away,
    you will have good luck for the rest of the day.

    This is where those need a penny/take a penny cups, or better yet The Tim Horton's Camp for kids donation boxes (just for example) come in handy. Same said donation boxes come in handy for those affected by the extra shrapnel in their pockets.
  • We had a charitable donations cup at the juice bar. The customers all thought we were being cheeky, but because we're a worker co-op, the tips would have been split between 200+ employees, so we all get like $10 at the end of the year. Instead, we all decided to give it to charity. Even through my last day there, still at least 3 customers a day making a smart ass comment about us donating to the charity of ourselves.
  • +1 for team lazy
  • I usually pick up anything I drop...it's my money dammit. If I see a small chunk of change on the ground...depends on my mood.

    I always try to get as much change as possible...small (under a quarter) goes into the kidlets fund...quarters up to ten dollar bills go to the poker(live) fund....doubles as a small savings/mad money account...bought us a new tv, new flooring..bathroom vanity..etc..

    When I was working for a company doing on the road sales...my sales manager, who reputedly had more money than the company (almost impossible, but you get the idea)...was incredibly cheap...my expense funds were questioned down to the penny, if my fuel bill was 5 dollars higher than last time I made the same trip, they were questioning it...etc..you get the idea...anyway, the sales rep before me told me to try something...throw a penny in the ice on his side of the car before going to bed...and see what happens...so, I did. In the AM...he spent nearly 2-3 minutes trying to dig that penny out of the ice..nearly on his hands and knees with his pocket knife finally getting it out...lol.. Cost me another 10 bucks on the bet I had made with the last rep...
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