Bristol Street November Nine - Results Thread



  • Haven't posted in a while, but the length of last night's game gave me plenty of time to think about certain hands (repeatedly) while waiting for the tourney to end, so I thought I'd post the ones which stand out to me. Obviously, this means a few more bad beats than wins, since I've got a selective memory as good as the next guy ;)

    First: thanks Rob for hosting, and I love this format. This opened up so many more ways to play then a normal game, and the multiple weeks also helped a bit to offset bad luck on a given night (although not entirely ;) ). I'd lvoe to do this again (after the bender is run again ;) )!

    Second: Props to Nik for battling so hard to win this thing. A little luck was required (as with all tournaments), but you played great last night (despite the hands I mention below ;) ), and your patience paid off. Congrats!
    Pinhead wrote: »
    Dear Doomswitch: I hate you.
    The doomswitch was much more spectacular with Pinhead. For me, it didn't seem to want to kill me so much as torture me.

    I started the tourney tied for short-stack with 14,000.

    First level with blinds 25/25, I limp from UTG with 34s (it was pretty :) ), RangerMike limps late, Shtebs (SB) and Grail (BB) both check. Flop is 257 giving me an OESD, checked around to Ranger who bets 100. Shtebs check-raises to 375, BB folds, and I decide to call. My reasoning for my donky call is a strong suspicion that Shtebs has a set, and that my junk hand might be fairly well disguised and could win a big pot. Turn is the A, Shtebs bets 700, I raise to 3200, and Shtebs calls. River is dealt, Steve checks, and I look down to see another 2. I check and Shtebs shows his rivered boat. I donk around a bit for the next couple levels and get myself back close to starting, and hit first break with 14,200.

    Level 6 with blinds at 100/200(25), I pick up AJs in MP. I raise to 650, Nik flat calls from button, Kinkao calls from SB, and for some crazy reason Pinhead folds his blind. Flop is KKJ and checked to me, but I noticed something from Nik that made me think he had a K. I check and he checks, Q on the turn and it's checked around again. River is a brick, checked around to Nik who bets 600. I call since I wanted to see his kicker which turned out to be a J for the boat. 3 outs and he hit 2 of them. Level ends and I hit second break with 14,000.

    I grind up to about 20k, and then I pick up 77 and get it all in against a big A (AQ I think) and manage to hold (they blanked, and I turned quads) and I'm at around 34k. Level 8 with blinds at 200/400(50), a limper, then Kingkao limps from CO, Grail calls from SB, and I check A4o from BB. Flop is AJ4 with 2 spades (I have none). I think Kingkao might try to steal it since it's just the blinds, so I check and he bets 1200, Grail folds, and I pop it to 4000. Turn is another spade, and I check thinking he just got there, and he checks as well. River is a fourth spade and it goes check check, and I flip my cards over and say that I just have 2 pair. He says "you win" and shows his limped kings, one of which happens to be a spade. Nothing major over the next level, and I get to third break with around 27,800.
    Pinhead wrote: »
    Trevor somehow managed to fold after putting in half his stack on the AsQs7d flop in a blind battle, showing the case A to my top set. Pretty sick given our history.
    I think Brad and my big hand was during level 11. I had won a few small pots to get to around 35k, and with both Steve's eliminated, I was sitting directly to Brad's left (meaning we got to play a log of blind battles). As Brad mentioned he had been totally quiet for a couple hours but had recently started winning quite a few pots, and had probably increased his stack by around 20k to about 55k in the last couple levels, while I'm at around 30k. So with the blinds at 500/1000(100), Brad made it 2700 to go. From the BB I look down at A8o, and just flat call since I know I have the best hand and I know Brad will c-bet the turn, so I'll wait till then and pick up a bigger pot. Flop is dealt, Brad bets 3800, and I think for a minute and then announce raise and make it 14,400 to go. Brad thinks for a minute and then says he's all-in. Watching him something feels really wrong, and I think he's hit the flop pretty good, so I guess I have to fold. However, first I look down at the flop since I actually ignored it till now (since everything prior to the all-in was "expected" in my vision of how this hand would go), and I see ace-face-rag. I actually have top pair, so even if Brad hit I should normally have him beat here. However, something just felt wrong, and my post-flop read tells me I'm beat, although I can't understand why. After a couple minutes, I finally announce fold, and told Brad that this was either my best or worst play of the night, and show the Ace (since I knew he probably wouldn't believe I folded it if I didn't show it ;) ). Later he tells me had AA and flopped top set, which I believe, so my pre-flop read was horridly off, but something post-flop saved my tourney. As Brad mentioned, we have a pretty colourful history, so knowing what Brad's capable of made this hard.

    However, even if it is a "sick fold", I still just put half my chips in the pot and then folded. I also was second-guessing my decision, since Brad and I didn't chat about we actually had until later (after he busted). Oh well, on with the game. Last hand before level 12 ends I notice that I have 14,000 which was my starting stack. I mention how funny it would be if I don't play the last hand and have my exact starting stack after 6 hours of play. However, I pick up an Ace and push, picking up the blinds and get to fourth break with 17,000.

    Shortly after break, in the 800/1600(200) level, Brad's doomswitch goes off, he ships all his chips to Dave, and then busts shortly afterwards. The table then agrees to a partial chop which will give 5th place $100. Finally having Brad off my blind, being really short on chips, and thinking that with the chop and KingMob's massive chip lead that I have nothing to lose, I go hyper-aggressive and win/steal about half the pots for the next few orbits. Somebody commented that I had won quite a few chips since break and I responded a few, and Brad said "yeah, just a few - you're over 40k". I counted up my stack and he was correct - without paying attention to my stack I had somehow grown it by quite a lot, and within a couple more orbits I had grabbed the chip-lead by a thin margin. Unforuntately, this didn't last long. I picked up KQo and raised to 4500, 800over pushed for around 17 more, and I called thinking he had a weak ace and I had odds. Wrong again - he was bluffing with Q5, but he managed to hit one of his 3 outs again, and I've lost half my stack. Kingkao busted shortly after this and we were down to four players. Down to around 25k, I pick up 88 and raise to 4500, only to have KingMob (who has me covered) push over top of me. Pretty sure I'm beat I fold, down 20% of my stack.

    Level goes up to 1000/2000(300), and with only 10 BB left, pushbot time. I push or fold for a few orbits, hovering around the 20k mark. Final hand for me, Mole raises to 7k from the button, I look down in BB to see KK and push, and he says "crap" and then calls with A5o. Ace comes, and home I go in fourth.
  • Thanks Zithal for holding the tourney. Appreciate all the work that you went through. Sorry I left abruptly, didn't realize I busted out at 2:50am and I didn't want to get a parking ticket. lol.

    A bit sad I busted out in what seems like 2 hands in a row, sort of a similar situation as Pinhead. Disappointing.

    Also, I think I left my jacket at your place.
  • I pretty much was card-dead for most of the night. Had a few playable hands and either missed the flop entirely or was pushed off them by a pre-flop raise.

    Lost a bunch of chips in a couple of hands (sorry I can't remember exact details as well as Trevor!):

    I raised from the cutoff with A3 just hoping to steal the blinds (any ace looked like gold to me at this time!), Shtebs (who was playing a lot of hands at that time) called from the SB. Flop came AKx, I think there was a bet and call. Turn paired the "x" (I don't remember the exact card) and my kicker was now irrelevant as long as he had a weaker ace than AK or an underpair (but I thought he had an ace of some sort). Unfortunately he did have AK and I paid off his river bet thinking we might be chopping. I don't think it was a bad call given the information I had but obviously it cost me a bunch of chips.

    Then there was the A3KQ3 board when I had KQ. Made 2 pair on the turn only to be counterfeited on the river to King Mob's Ax making aces and 3s. That one stung a bit because I inflated the pot on the turn thinking I had the best hand (which I did at the time!) and then got nailed on the river. I should have trusted my instinct and folded instead of calling Dave's river bet - that was definitely an error on my part that cost me about 2000 chips.

    Later I called a King Mob raise with 44 in the SB. Flop came 922, I checked, he bet, I raised (thinking he might just have overcards), he re-raised (probably over 5K in the pot). I struggled with it but folded and Dave showed a 2...don't know what his other card was.

    Funny hand: we had been talking about J9 (Brad's fave hand) and I got J9 in middle position and raised. Hellmuth's Mole called in the BB and the flop came AKx. He checked, I made a continuation bet and won the pot. He folded his J9 saying "I guess J9 isn't so great after all". Privately I thought "hey it isn't so bad!!".

    My only significant winning hand: I was in the SB and got KK. There was a raise, call, and re-raise (Nik) in front of me for about 2100. My stack was maybe 12K so I pushed. Nik tanked and eventually folded QQ (well done Nik!). Still this was a nice hand for me as I gained over 3K in chips without seeing a flop.

    Finally I was so shortstacked at the 300-600 a75 level I was forced to push with AQ in middle position. Nik had QQ and had me covered and I didn't hit my 3-outer so that was it for me!!

    Thanks Rob for a great set of tournaments! Looking forward to next year, I hope you can run more events in 2010.

  • beanie42 wrote: »
    I picked up KQo and raised to 4500, 800over pushed for around 17 more, and I called thinking he had a weak ace and I had odds. Wrong again - he was bluffing with Q5, but he managed to hit one of his 3 outs again, .

    Good post Beanie....but the hand above I open shoved. You were the BB. I had 12500 more than the BB...Doesn't take away from the fact that I still hit the 3 outer though!!
  • Can't remember what poster, I think its Hellmuth's Mole, I was up against, but I get funniest hand of the night.
    With blinds pretty big, I was in MP with pocket Ks. I like limping, seeing if I have a chance to extract some chips and there was not a lot of times when I limp and I get re-raised because I think a lot of the table felt when I did, I had a strong hand, which is right more often than not.
    Flop comes out A, x, x. Really I was just focusing on the A. It gets checked all around. Turn comes out a 4. I check and Mole makes it 1500. I knew he put me on a really strong hand and last hand the whole table thought I had the broadway straight, but I was actually bluffing into Pinhead. So my table image is pretty solid and I felt like he had a weak A I could move him off of, so I raised to 4000. He called. So river came something and at this point I was pretty disinterested in the hand. Luckily, it went check, check on the river.
    I say I got nothing, just a pair of Ks. Turn over the cards, and what do you know, there are 4 spades out there and I got a flush... Mole has A4 for 2 pair.

    So much for paying attention. I'm pretty lucky that happened to me, it pretty much woke me up for the rest of the night. LOL.
  • ^^^^^

    That was Beanie (Trevor), not me.
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