Bristol Street November Nine - Results Thread

Overall Chip Leaders

Player: TotalChips - Week1/Week2/Week3 - ($Cash)

"Pinhead": 27,500 - 5,500/11,000/11,000 ($345)
"SeekTheGrail": 19,000 - 9,000/7,000/3,000 - ($80.50)
"King Mob": 18,500 - 5,000/9,000/4,500 ($57.50)
"800Over": 17,500 - 11,000/3,000/3,500 - ($115)
"Hellmuth's Mole": 16,000 - 8,000/6,000/2,000 - ($34.50)
"Ranger": 16,000 - 7,000/3,000/6,000 - ($23)
"Shtebs": 14,500 - 3,500/8,000/3,000 - ($34.50)
"beanie42": 14,000 - 2,500/3,500/8,000 ($69)
"kingkao": 14,000 - 2,500/4,500/7,000 ($46)
"Zithal": 13,000 - 2,000/2,000/9,000 ($115)
"Kristy_sea": 13,000 - 4,000/5,500/3,500
"peteski": 12,000 - 2,000/5,000/5,000
"DrTyore": 11,000 - 6,000/2,500/2,500
"DataMn": 11,000 - 2,000/3,500/5,500
"Chris W": 10,000 - 3,500/2,500/4,000
"Rob F": 8,500 - 4,500/2,000/2,000
"Rheal": 8,500 - 3,000/2,500/3,000
"8Ball": 8,000 - 2,000/4,000/2,000
"TwoThree": 8,000 - 2,500/2,000/3,500
"SpiderMike": 8,000 - 3,500/2,000/2,500
"waltsfriend": 8,000 - 3,000/3,000/2,000
"joeheartsdi": 7,500 - 2,000/3,500/2,000
"Aiki65": 7,500 - 3,000/2,000/2,500


  • K8 sucks dead donkey balls.

    Congrats 800Over, wp'd sir.

    Thanks Rob, it was fun getting back to Bristol. Looking forward to week 2.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Overall Chip Leaders

    "800Over": 11,000 - 11,000/?/? - ($115)

    NR3 Bitches
  • Thanks Rob for giving us an opportunity to play in such a fun style of tournament as always.
    Joke's on Nik (800 over) because you sir have just played yourself out of the bubble boy side bet prize. OUCH!!!
    Oh, and congrats on donking your way to first. I didn't doubt, for one second, that you could.
  • peteski wrote: »
    NR3* Bitches


    *formerly Ranger and the Who Dat!?2 crew.
  • Results from Week 2 have now been added to the above. With the results, we can safely determine 2 of our November Nine. There is a scenario where the people who have 14,000 chips would not make it, but it would be exceedingly rare.

    The final week to earn chips, is going to be interesting!!
  • I may skip next week to recharge the card racking for the final ;)

    Hit by the deck all night, slowed down a bit to start HU and then had one final 2-outer left to take it down. 87 vs A8 on A87 flop, check-check, 7 on turn = all the gold into the pot.

    Down to 9 or 10 people in the bubble contest, enjoy my $5
  • Zithal wrote: »
    There is a scenario where the people who have 14,000 chips would not make it, but it would be exceedingly rare.

    Just to clarify, do you mean people with 14,000 chips at the end of day 3?
  • I plugged in the finishes for tourneys #1 and #2 and ran 10,000 random results for tournament #3. Here are the results (Player 1 is Pinhead, Player 2 is SeekTheGrail, ..., Player 23 is Zithal):

    Player #1 made the top 9 (plus ties) 10000 times out of 10000
    Player #2 made the top 9 (plus ties) 10000 times out of 10000
    Player #3 made the top 9 (plus ties) 10000 times out of 10000
    Player #4 made the top 9 (plus ties) 10000 times out of 10000
    Player #5 made the top 9 (plus ties) 10000 times out of 10000
    Player #6 made the top 9 (plus ties) 9460 times out of 10000
    Player #7 made the top 9 (plus ties) 6091 times out of 10000
    Player #8 made the top 9 (plus ties) 4821 times out of 10000
    Player #9 made the top 9 (plus ties) 3234 times out of 10000
    Player #10 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1891 times out of 10000
    Player #11 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1919 times out of 10000
    Player #12 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1641 times out of 10000
    Player #13 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1470 times out of 10000
    Player #14 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1424 times out of 10000
    Player #15 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1512 times out of 10000
    Player #16 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1430 times out of 10000
    Player #17 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1271 times out of 10000
    Player #18 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1325 times out of 10000
    Player #19 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1314 times out of 10000
    Player #20 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1293 times out of 10000
    Player #21 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1177 times out of 10000
    Player #22 made the top 9 (plus ties) 866 times out of 10000
    Player #23 made the top 9 (plus ties) 749 times out of 10000
  • What does (Plus ties mean) I'm a little lost on how that alters it?
  • If you finish in a tie for 9th the tie is won by the person with the higher finish(es). My Excel model isn't sophisticated enough to do the tiebreak, so I've just flagged anybody who finished in the top 9, including those that might be tied for 9th place. So theoretically some of those times that it says they "made it" they will actually be eliminated because of the tie-breaking rules. I expect that number is fairly small in most cases.

    Some more data based on analysis of random runs. VG means Very Good chance to make final table (about 90%), G means Good chance (about 70%). The noted finish is your placing in next week's tournament.

    Player 6 - VG: 18th or better
    (so Shtebs has to finish in 18th or better next week to have a really good shot at the final table)

    Player 7 - VG: 8th or better, G: 12th or better

    Player 8 - VG: 6th or better, G: 12th or better

    Player 9 - VG: 5th or better, G: 8th or better

    Player 10-11 - VG: 3rd or better, G: 4th or better

    Player 12 - VG: 2nd or better, G: 4th or better

    Player 13-16 - VG: 2nd or better, G: 3rd

    Player 17-20 - VG: 2nd or better, G: 3rd

    Player 21 - VG: 1st, G: 2nd

    Player 22 - VG: 1st, G: 2nd

    Player 23 - VG: 1st, 50-50 chance: 2nd
  • Next week is going to be crazy. Going to have to keep my eyes out for Kristy-Sea, DrTyore, and peteski.
  • Thanks for explaining Mike!
  • also note that I'm going into week three with a roughly 50/50 shot and highest points for NO CASHES...

    This is how God lucks to fuck before I finish 13th week three and bubble the final 9. Man I wish I'd bought into the pool now.
  • I'm guessing it means you tied for 9th place (but may actually be 10th based on finishes)

    Neato. The scenario I came up with is so rare, that the computer didn't hit upon it.... Here it is...

    Current Chips..

    "800Over": 14,000
    "King Mob": 14,000
    "Hellmuth's Mole": 14,000
    "Shtebs": 11,500
    "Ranger": 10,000
    "Kristy_sea": 9,500
    "DrTyore": 8,500
    "peteski": 7,000 - 2,000/5,000/?
    "kingkao": 7,000 - 2,500/4,500/?

    Here's the scenario where 800Over, KM or HM doesn't make it into the Top 9...

    First, one of them needs to finish 19th or worse to pick up 2,000 chips for a total of 16,000.

    Then, someone currently with 5,500 to 7,000 chips needs to win the tournament for 11,000 to get to 16,500-18,000.

    Then DrTyore needs to get at least 3rd for at least 16,500.

    Then Kristy needs at least 4th, for at least 16,500.

    Then, Ranger also needs at least 4th for at least 17,000

    Then, Shetbs (since 1st-4th is now taken), needs 5th, 6th or 7th for at least 16,5000

    Needless to say, we have a almost certain Top 5 at the moment. :)

    7.5% chance for me?? I like them odds!!
  • Zithal wrote: »
    I'm guessing it means you tied for 9th place (but may actually be 10th based on finishes)

    Neato. The scenario I came up with is so rare, that the computer didn't hit upon it.... Here it is...

    Current Chips..

    "800Over": 14,000
    "King Mob": 14,000
    "Hellmuth's Mole": 14,000
    "Shtebs": 11,500
    "Ranger": 10,000
    "Kristy_sea": 9,500
    "DrTyore": 8,500
    "peteski": 7,000 - 2,000/5,000/?
    "kingkao": 7,000 - 2,500/4,500/?

    Here's the scenario where 800Over, KM or HM doesn't make it into the Top 9...

    First, one of them needs to finish 19th or worse to pick up 2,000 chips for a total of 16,000.

    Then, someone currently with 5,500 to 7,000 chips needs to win the tournament for 11,000 to get to 16,500-18,000.

    Then DrTyore needs to get at least 3rd for at least 16,500.

    Then Kristy needs at least 4th, for at least 16,500.

    Then, Ranger also needs at least 4th for at least 17,000

    Then, Shetbs (since 1st-4th is now taken), needs 5th, 6th or 7th for at least 16,5000

    Needless to say, we have a almost certain Top 5 at the moment. :)

    7.5% chance for me?? I like them odds!!

    So blinding into 18th!!!! Saweet!
  • Zithal wrote: »
    "TwoThree": 4,500 - 2,500/2,000/?

    Perfect! Right where I want to be!
  • BrennerM wrote: »
    Player #6 made the top 9 (plus ties) 9460 times out of 10000
    Player #7 made the top 9 (plus ties) 6091 times out of 10000
    Player #8 made the top 9 (plus ties) 4821 times out of 10000
    Player #9 made the top 9 (plus ties) 3234 times out of 10000
    Player #10 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1891 times out of 10000
    Player #11 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1919 times out of 10000
    Player #12 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1641 times out of 10000
    Player #13 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1470 times out of 10000
    Player #14 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1424 times out of 10000
    Player #15 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1512 times out of 10000
    Player #16 made the top 9 (plus ties) 1430 times out of 10000

    I love how statistics have clearly proven that 11 and 15 are luckboxes.
  • Sweet, I'm player 11. Hopefully I suck out on someone real good.
  • It's almost 11:30 and since I donked out early I'm dying to hear some updates. Somebody throw me a bone here.

    Assuming Zithal is still in (Go Rob Go btw) and that's why no news.....somebody else step up.
  • Pinhead, Beanie, Ranger, Zithal, Kingkao, DataMn still in.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Pinhead, Beanie, Ranger, Zithal, Kingkao, DataMn still in.

    Thanks Wes. (Pinhead has a Bristol superuser account)

    Sounds like there's some serious poker going on. Good luck gents.
  • in after Rob and I tie for bubble, good luck all!

    Also Rob, please never have one of these again, ...when you're feeling the itch for an offbeat tournament again..I have three words for you:

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    also note that I'm going into week three with a roughly 50/50 shot and highest points for NO CASHES...

    This is how God lucks to fuck before I finish 13th week three and bubble the final 9. Man I wish I'd bought into the pool now.

    Sick prophetic skillz
  • Shortly after 2am, the game ended. Pinhead took down his second round easily becoming the chipleader for the November Nine.

    In second place was me, capping a hell of a run filled with more than 1 bad beat. I need first, but only hit 2nd becomming the bubble-boy to the November Nine.

    DataMn, in 14th was the highest player who didn't final table that participated in the side bet and takes down that $60 bet.

    The action was calculating and crazy and, next week, the Bristol Street November Nine will do battle to crown a champion. There can be only one.

    Remember, there will be side games going on that evening (Fri, Nov27) so anyone is welcome to come out and take part in that while the Final Table plays out.

    Good luck players and we'll see you next week!
  • Note : if we were playing under either of the other two chip allocation schemes that were discussed, Zithal would have made the top 9 and either beanie42 or kingkao would have been disappointed.

    Of course, given all the math that was going on last night, a different scheme would probably have affected play and this could have led to a different outcome anyway.

  • Hey all,

    Well... the Top 4 went exceedingly fast due to hands that play themselves. The quick results are..

    1st: "800Over"
    2nd: "Hellmuth's Mole"
    3rd: "King Mob"
    4th: "Beanie"
    5th: "kingkao"
    6th: "Pinhead"
    7th: "SeekTheGrail"
    8th: "Shtebs"
    9th: "Ranger"

    It took roughly 5 hours to know out the first player. Pinhead's elimination was due mostly to the two big stacks going against each other with King Mob's KK holding up against, Pinhead's QQ.

    The final four eliminations occured in the span of about 10-15 minutes.

    I'll leave it to the players to describe the action, as I was having fun over the side game.... aside from the "final hand" where my AK ran into "Peteski"s AA!

    A great time was had by all and congrats to our November Nine Champion, "800Over"!!!
  • My time line is as follows.

    7:30 - 12:00 - nothing

    12:10 - Check raise top pair against Shtebs

    1:30 - shove short stack with K8 and double up against kingkao's 77

    1:40 - knock out kingkao with 99>44

    1:50 - donk out Beanie with A5 over KK

    2:15 - knocked back down to short stack when my QQ runs into 800Over's AA (I know Johnnie should have instafolded)

    2:20 - watch as 800Over knocks out King Mob with JJ over ?? (think maybe it was AQ?)

    2:30 - 2 hands into heads up I shove QJ into 33, no help and it's gg 800Over.

    Congrats to everyone especially 800Over. And a huge thanks to Zithal for another great time at Bristol.
  • Dear Doomswitch: I hate you.

    Spent the first 5 levels grinding up to over 45K, then spent the next 3 levels blinding off 10K without playing a hand. I think I may have seen a flop somewhere in that 90 minutes but I could be wrong. Then start picking up some playable hands again and taking down some solid pots. Trevor somehow managed to fold after putting in half his stack on the AsQs7d flop in a blind battle, showing the case A to my top set. Pretty sick given our history.

    After that I was up to about 68K, and then the doomswitch took over. In a total of 6 hands I lost JJ < QK (KingKao), A6 < AT (800Over) and then the massive blow where I raised QQ on the button and Dave shoved KK in the BB to drop me down to 1400 chips. Got back over 6K but K3 < A6 to end my run.
    GG all and congrats to Nik, you'll have to teach me how to fold QQ to KK ;)
  • Awesome Tourney once again Rob. Thanks. Incredibly well played final table. Thanks Johnnie for telling me not to give up when I was super short. And finally thanks to the deck* which decided to end the tourney very quickly.

    Also known by the name Schtebs who dealt for a few hands (which was all it took).
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Thanks Johnnie for telling me not to give up when I was super short.

    This made my day. Thank you and congrats on the win!
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