flu vaccination

what a total farce this has been, i am not waiting in line for 5 hours anyway but of course the rich will get it 1st

Premier orders probe after Calgary Flames score flu shots while public waits - Yahoo! Canada News


  • Why would this particular example of our two-tiered medical system make you angry? Is it because you're a Leafs fan? Seriously . . . this sort of shit happens all the time. How about the private health clinic that is giving it's clients flu shots with no wait. You just need to be a client and pay approx. $2,300.00 for your "patient assessment" first.

    That being said, ALL levels of government can take an ass-kicking for this farce. But then, I mostly hate government anyway.
  • ummmmm i am not upset with just this example, it is the whole thing, but good entertainment seeing the dummy's stand in a big line.
  • oh wait, here in Barrie they gave out appointments so they did not have to wait in line for that long, well at 1st you would think that was a good idea but this is hell hole Barrie, the riots that are going to ensue are going to be plentiful as people will not come back on time or at all and it will be i was here 1st arguements.

    Should be awesome LOL
  • just had my two kids done at their doctor; in at 6:45, out at 7:15.
  • Not getting it do to the amount of side effects and risks its known to have.
    So unless I plan on crossing the Canadian boarder im not getting that shit lol.
  • Not getting it do to the amount of side effects and risks its known to have.
    So unless I plan on crossing the Canadian boarder im not getting that shit lol.

    ?? You're not making sense.
  • ?? You're not making sense.
    H1N1 Vaccine.
  • Ah fuck. Was talking about H1N1 Vaccine. Didn't really read thread only title.
    Still not making sense, sounds very nieve..
  • compuease wrote: »
    Still not making sense, sounds very nieve..
    I edited :(
    H1N1 Vaccine has risks and side effects to my knowledge.
  • I edited :(
    H1N1 Vaccine has risks and side effects to my knowledge.

    Yeah I got those forwards too. From the same Saudi King who wants to give me $4 million. I just need to borrow $1000 from someone to get the paperwork done....anyone want to lend me the dough?

    Seriously though, what risks or side effects do you know about that you can quote a source that isn't selling something......
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Yeah I got those forwards too. From the same Saudi King who wants to give me $4 million. I just need to borrow $1000 from someone to get the paperwork done....anyone want to lend me the dough?

    Seriously though, what risks or side effects do you know about that you can quote a source that isn't selling something......

    what type of split for this stake?
  • I edited :(
    H1N1 Vaccine has risks and side effects to my knowledge.

    ?? You still don't make any sense ...

    H1N1 Vaccine is safe. You're more likely to die from a part falling from a plane then the vaccine.
  • I edited :(
    H1N1 Vaccine has risks and side effects to my knowledge.

    Any vaccine/drug has side effects.
  • ?? You still don't make any sense ...

    H1N1 Vaccine is safe. You're more likely to die from a part falling from a plane then the vaccine.

    Tell that to Donnie.
  • :-[:-[:-[:-[:-[:-[:-[
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Tell that to Donnie.

    Who's Donnie?
  • Who's Donnie?


    Let's see who get's the obscure move reference. :)
  • H1N1 Vaccine Risks - The H1N1 Vaccine Is A Much Greater Risk To Your Health Than The Flu Itself

    I swear I seen something on T.V about there being a lot of side effects, risks etc.
  • H1N1 Vaccine Risks - The H1N1 Vaccine Is A Much Greater Risk To Your Health Than The Flu Itself

    I swear I seen something on T.V about there being a lot of side effects, risks etc.

    You don't actually believe the stuff on that hoax site do you? You're really limiting your credibility...
  • Hobbes wrote: »

    Let's see who get's the obscure move reference. :)

    This... Donnie Darko (2001) - FAQ
    and this. Donnie Darko - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    an old favorite...
  • compuease wrote: »
    You don't actually believe the stuff on that hoax site do you? You're really limiting your credibility...
    There are always going to be risks with flu vaccine. Im just saying from what I have heard I have my own belief on this.
  • Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, no matter how ill-informed they may be. You don't want the vaccine, that is fine. Your reasons for this are irrelevant.

    But when you begin to advise others against doing so, you might want to have better science to back up your reasoning than some thinly veiled "conspiracy" site. If you want to take your medical advice from Suzanne Somers, or Jennie McCarthy (or their internet equivalents) go ahead. But please do not cloud the discussion with junk science. The possible dangerous side effects of the H1N1 vaccine are infinitely less than the potential harm the disease can cause. This information is readily availabel on the Health Canada web site, as well as the CDC site, and many others. I would trust those sites far more readily than the one you linked to . . . and I hate the government.
  • There are always going to be risks with flu vaccine. Im just saying from what I have heard I have my own belief on this.

    This is medicine not religion. Your "belief" doesn't trump the fact that nobody... NOBODY... has died from a vaccination but several people have died from flus. Not just H1N1 either but the regular flu as well (such as the elderly or people suffering from other serious ailments). I'm trying to spread fear and suggest you should run screaming to the nearest clinic to get your shot our you will die but I am seriously getting sick of this vaccine is voodoo bullshit I keep hearing from people.
    Vaccine's will not hurt you and anyone who says otherwise doesn't understand the basic science of vaccines, antibodies, etc... Let's keep the vague confusion caused by statements like "I've heard that... I saw a video somewhere where someone once said... I know someone who said their cousin's former roommate got sick from it because...". Really?? Wow, facinating and yet the medical community at large get the vaccine for themselves and their families when neccessary. Hmm.... who's the more reliable source I wonder?
    Anyways. Don't mean to sound so pissy but I've been dealing with a lot of this type of crap for the last while (along with a lot of other people I'm sure) and it's just a real annoying pet peeve of mine.
    That being said, I haven't gotten vaccinated yet because I'm not in the high risk category (I'm leet!!) but once I can I will get it from my family doctor just like I have gotten the flu vaccine every year for several years now with absolutely no ill effects.
  • The Canadian version of the vaccine that is being produced by Glaxo Smith-Klein (a british based world wide conglomerate) is actually quite different from the US version. Ours contains an aduvent that allows the vaccine to be given in one shot instead of two as the aduvent fires up the immune system on impact.

    While no one has died from the shot yet there have been 5 or 6 people hospitalized after going into anaphylactic shock or suffering from severe chills. (a very small number considering the shots that have been doled out so far)

    The vaccine hasn't been tested on a few brackets of kids. (0-6 and 10-12 I believe) or people over 55 if my memory serves me right (getting older at 35).

    The Canadian Government has said to Glaxo, don't do the full run of testing, release it now, and if you get sued we will cover it. Glaxo would not have released the drug yet without that assurance.

    So people who have fears about this vaccine do have a very strong reason to do so.

    That said I will be getting the vaccine as I think the benefits outweigh the risks for me and I want to protect my family especially the elderly members.

    Each person must make their own choice and I won't attack someone for having fear about it. But research it and make an informed decision. Don't just take a knee jerk reaction either way.

    Good luck guys and gals,

    (don't rely on this as medical advice, do your own research)
  • compuease wrote: »

    Hmmm did't figure you for a Donnie Darko fan. :)
  • I'm personally not getting it for now (not that I have a choice anyways because of the limited availability). I wasn't too keen on my kids having it either but its really a double edge sword. Hopefully they are proceeding with more testing after the fact.
  • SuitedPair wrote: »
    The Canadian version of the vaccine that is being produced by Glaxo Smith-Klein (a british based world wide conglomerate) is actually quite different from the US version. Ours contains an aduvent that allows the vaccine to be given in one shot instead of two as the aduvent fires up the immune system on impact.

    While no one has died from the shot yet there have been 5 or 6 people hospitalized after going into anaphylactic shock or suffering from severe chills. (a very small number considering the shots that have been doled out so far)

    The vaccine hasn't been tested on a few brackets of kids. (0-6 and 10-12 I believe) or people over 55 if my memory serves me right (getting older at 35).

    The Canadian Government has said to Glaxo, don't do the full run of testing, release it now, and if you get sued we will cover it. Glaxo would not have released the drug yet without that assurance.

    So people who have fears about this vaccine do have a very strong reason to do so.

    That said I will be getting the vaccine as I think the benefits outweigh the risks for me and I want to protect my family especially the elderly members.

    Each person must make their own choice and I won't attack someone for having fear about it. But research it and make an informed decision. Don't just take a knee jerk reaction either way.

    Good luck guys and gals,

    (don't rely on this as medical advice, do your own research)

    Pretty much 100%. The reason for the gov't shielding GSK is that they (the feds) are relying on foreign test results for the vaccine. Generally speaking, each country does their own testing prior to approval for a given medication. The government of Canada felt it prudent to act more quickly than usual due to the fears of a pandemic surrounding H1N1. This seems more like a political decision on their part, rather than a medical one.

    That being said, the science behind how vaccinations work is as close to bullet-proof as you will find. The reactions you describe (anyphlaxis, for one) would be considered a pre-existing condition, and not necessarily a flaw in the vaccine itself. How is one supposed to know of an allergy such as this, after all? As soon as I can, I will be vaccinated, as will the rest of the family. It is just common sense to me.

    All this fear-mongering over vaccines is just a bunch of foil-hat nonsense. Ask your grandparents about Polio, if you think otherwise. There's something to fear, imo.
  • wow 2 pages:)

    i would be with pokerjah and IF i was going to get it i would do it through my doctor.

    i also am with Milo statement of i hate the government:).

    I won't go into much with side effects as i do want to know more about this and the testing, but people at my mom's work got it and they now have weird side effects from it.
  • Didn't need to do more than skim each post:

    Suited Pair (eventually)

    Some new guy that misspelled 'due' and 'border'

    They YEAs have it.

    (there's a perversion of 'The medium is the message' joke here)

    All that being said, I won't be getting this, or any, vaccine requiring extra effort from me; due primarily to laziness, and followed closely by a lack of necessity.
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