NL Hold'em September 26th 3:30PM



  • sign me up
  • Add me, please.
  • sorry buz was really looking forward to coming out, but due to a schedule change I will have my kids that weekend... will def make next one tho. Again sorry
  • Sign me up pretty please? :)
  • Luch1050 wrote: »
    Sign me up pretty please? :)

    Directions sent.
  • hey buzzard ill be there,


  • Thanks Chris and Happy for letting me know.
  • sign me up please
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Out :(

    The game just got tougher.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    The game just got tougher.

    At least your still in it ;)
  • Gone golfing till around 1:30. I will update then.
  • buzzard... havent received directions yet... sort of remember how to get there but would love some directions to clarify,

  • Dave,

    I will be there but late please blind me in.

    Prophet 22
  • Hey Dave. Cvette and I may be a little late. Please blind us in. Thanks.

  • Dave, I see you have 3 spots open. I would like to play (and donate). See you asap. May be a few minutes late depending on traffic. Please blind me in.... Jeff..
  • buzzard... havent received directions yet... sort of remember how to get there but would love some directions to clarify,


    Just sent you a pm Chris...
  • How's bout an update?
  • Down to 7, DataMn, sstar, Lee, Hellmuth's Mole, Aiki65, compuease and lazyant. Hellmuth's Mole is the big chip leader and sstar and compuease are short stacked. Blinds are 1200/2400 with 400 ante.
  • compuease and Aiki are out.
  • TID DataMan
  • Hellmuth's Mole over Lee ftw.
  • Thanks, Dave, for another great tourney. Nice to break through for a win luckboxing all the way.

    Congrats to the rest of the money winners on their great play.
  • Gongrats on the win. Well played.

    Thanks Dave. Great game as usual.

  • Congratulations to Hellmuth's Mole for capturing his first Holt Poker Tour event. He took out Lee in a very short heads up match.
    There was talk of a five way chop but Hellmuth's Mole turned it down and that was maybe his best read of the day.

    The Coordinator and felderosa were the only new Forumers to enter and they are both very solid players and a good addition to any tournament.

    Lee, lazyant and Aiki65 all cashed here for the very first time.

    Congratulations to Table #2 for being the loudest table in tournament history. I'm not positive but DrTyore, ItsaMe and AcidJoe might have had something to do with that. Apologies to Leyna and Lee who had the seats directly between Mark and Mario. I checked online and you should get your hearing back in around a week.

    After a summer of very little poker, it was nice to see a lot of my Forum friends again. I hope we get the same great turnout at the next game.

    I am hoping to have another tournament in October, but I am not positive on what Saturday it will be. Stay tuned to the Forum and I will post as soon as I know.

    Unofficial Results

    38. Mrs woog30
    37. AcidJoe
    36. Beanie42
    35. Corey
    34. woog30
    33. peteski
    32. The Coordinator
    31. Bill B.
    30. The Prophet 22
    29. Sherrie
    28. waltsfriend
    27. Diane
    26. damanj16
    25. ItsaMe
    24. Buzzzardd
    23. Terry J.
    22. Steve
    21. Cvette
    20. Leyna
    19. Nayr_Eh
    18. reibs
    17. DrTyore
    16. Chrisrowl111
    15. Kaye
    14. moose
    13. Adam
    12. Mike S.
    11. Donna

    Final Table

    10. felderosa
    9. R_Brother1
    8. joeheartsdi
    7. compuease (Bubble)
    6. Aiki65 ($140)
    5. lazyant ($180)
    4. sstar ($250)
    3. DataMn ($340)
    2. Lee ($500)
    1. Hellmuth's Mole ($870)
  • Thanks Buzzzardd for a well-run tournament as always. Me cashing in just about proves that anyone can get in the money, specially if you luck out at the right moments ;-)
  • Thanks for another great game buzzzard. I think this was the first time I was not at your table to start in one of your games. Probably the reason why it took so long to get sucked out on. HAHA!

    Congrats to all who cashed. See you next month!
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