RC VII Team Thread



  • Screenman,

    I have been picked up by a team. The confirmation is in.
  • Stud
    Acid Joe


  • HEY. There may be a opening for another team. Our 10th team has not confirmed as of yet. They have 24hours or so to confirm. If anyone else thinks they can get a team together. Please let me know and I will see if we can get you guys in.
  • Looks like we will downside by one team this year. Can all team Captains send their lineups to Brad -Pinhead to draw the team selections.

    Stud will be run with 4 tables of 9. The dealer will sit out of the hand until we get down to 8 people and then proceed as normal.
  • Ching Hill



  • Holy shit, only one week until the royal cup!!!!!!

    Fish out of Water Roster:





    Cant freakin wait!!!!!
  • Top Set:


    Your Mom
    Your Mom
    The horse she rode in on (I hit both!)
    Your Mom


    Your Mom's gf (moi)
    The under age latino boy she and I hired to be the 'meat' in our sammich
    Sean Connery 1980ish
    Richard from the forum

    Those are all the studs I can think of atm
  • You're THIS awesome...

  • You're THIS awesome...
    Last edited by Hellmuth's Mole; Today at 10:24 PM. Reason: hhhmmmmmm I wonder if anyone could replicate this with a puppy??

  • You're THIS awesome...


    Hey I know where I've seen this before!

  • OK, we have had our playdowns, the final lineup is good... 4 brand new draft choices have made the starting lineup.... Just amazing that the defending champions keep doing it time after time... Milton could probably field 3 teams and come 1/2/3...

    Rock lineup:


    Greg (g2)
    Bob (BigBob)
    Mike (junior compu)
    Jeff (compuease) aka capt for now


    Mark (our young stud and vp of all things important)
  • Just got back from another great Royal.. Thanks to Sandro, Miranda, Jen and whomever else organized and ran this thing.. Thanks Al for the use of the chips.... It was a blast as usual, great friends, fun times, some great poker and some not so great poker (way to get it all in with 2,7 during first blind level Pinhead.!.)

    Oh and one other thing....

    Rocks defend!
  • Congrats Rocks. Full marks for that display especially MVP Compuease who was obviously on a mission.

    Thanks again to Sandro and Miranda and everyone else who made it another great day.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Nice catch Pinhead, you have it correct, cept for the last one of course.. For everyone's info here is the list, complete with event dates. (Johnnieh was correct on the team holding the title for the longest sequential period)

    RC I Waterloo - Feb 18, 2006
    RC II GTA Piranah's - Sept 16 , 2006
    RC III Waterloo - Mar 3, 2007
    RC IV Ching Hill - Sept 29, 2007
    RC V Kit Who - Apr 5, 2008
    RC VI Milton Rocks - Nov 1, 2008
    RC VII Milton Rocks (still to be confirmed, but very likely) - Nov 7, 2009

    so sick

    give this man "pokerforum nostradamus" title
  • I want doping tests on the Rocks!!! I'm sure they're all on a lot more than Viagra!! Absolutely sickening domination by the defending champs.

    Solid performance by your team Jeff. Congrats on your win.
  • Congrats Rocks. (next time we are not telling you about it :) )

    Thanks to all the organizers.
  • Can we drop the max age allowed to say 90, then half the rocks won't be eligible to play and maybe someone else can win this damn thing?

    p.s. My sincere congratz Rocks, very good team and very well played all day long!!! Bob our headsup match was stellar!
  • Is anybody posting the final results of this ?
  • Shopsy2 wrote: »
    Is anybody posting the final results of this ?

    I sent the final results to Sandro this afternoon so I'm sure he'll post something when he gets a chance.

    Quick summary:
    - Wolffy and I open the bar without Mark, thus earning a lifelong enemy. This may have impacted my performance throughout the day, but I think most of it can be traced back to how much I suck at poker.
    - Rocks crushed at everything. Captain Rock crushed hardest.
    - I managed to account for 1.8% of my team's total points. Yes, one single point over the minimum. Without doing the math (yes, I'm that lazy), I'm pretty sure Wes had the highest points/time ratio given that he left 7 hours before the end.
    - Guelph and both Kitchener teams had some tense moments during HU play trying to move up a spot (or not drop a spot). Amazingly only saw Mark pantsless once during the whole day, and even that didn't last long.
    - Boobs > Fish. Even with the token peen.
    - Ching Hill seemed to have a few new players and only a couple matching shirts on display. Can't really say much more as they still averaged over 4x my point total.
    - Predictably, players from Brent's team decided they only wanted to stick around for 3 of the 4 events and put Brent on life tilt. Hopefully that continues into our HU match tonight!
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