Time yet? RC Cup VII?

Okay Sandro...Sept is just around the corner. Will there be another Royal Cup? I'm sure we are all waiting anxiously.


  • If Sandro can't preform the duties, I'm sure a few of us could help out.
  • I exchanged messages with Sandro about 10 days ago. He said he was working on it. If he can't, the defending champion Milton Rocks will step up....
  • I hate to sound like a newb, but what is the Royal Cup?
  • An event where several TEAMS from different municipalities participate in a day of poker. Includes Omaha, Stud, Limit, No Limit, and Headsup rounds. Each team will put players in each event, and each player will sit at a table of players from each team. Points are awarded based on bustout position on each table, and the team with the most points wins the event outright.

    Hell of a lot of fun...YOU wouldn't like it all.
  • "wouln't like it" how the hell do i get in on it.

    Aj, does Ching put a team in? if so are you looking for team members?
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    "wouln't like it" how the hell do i get in on it.

    Aj, does Ching put a team in? if so are you looking for team members?


    I am planning a team this year from The Orangeville Poker Tour
  • I'm with ya buddy, i didn't know you were putting a team in!!
  • Ching Hill WILL represent again! And he asked ME first Steve ;)
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    i'm with ya buddy, i didn't know you were putting a team in!!

    traitor!!! Bastard!!! Tease!!!
  • If Ching and OPT want to fight over me, i suggest that each of you find the hottest woman they can and arrange a hot oil wrestling match. Winner gets me. (somehow i think all who agree to this our truly the winners)
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    If Ching and OPT want to fight over me, i suggest that each of you find the hottest woman they can and arrange a hot oil wrestling match. Winner gets me. (somehow i think all who agree to this our truly the winners)

    I gave this some very SERIOUS thought...and have concluded

    You simply aren't GOOD ENOUGH for Ching Hill!
  • talk about going straight for the jugular. Stevie i'm all yours, and now i have a personal vendetta against Ching!!
  • The team uniforms for Orangeville JUST came in...

  • Hey AJ, i got the Ching motto for you...

  • Or maybe this one..
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Hey AJ, i got the Ching motto for you...


    You make that ALMOST sound like a bad thing
  • We have signed Chuck Norris to our team. He is no longer available. We had a hell of a time finding a pen that didn't break in his mighty grip. Eventually it was written in blood (from a bystander).
  • LOL this is pretty funny.
    Since OPT has changed to every other Friday night, it should be easier for the OPT to represent at this Roya Cup (if it happens, lets hope it does).

    I smell some sort of prop bet/side bet between Ching(donkey) Hill and The OPT

    hmmm what can we do
  • I'm pretty sure we can come up with something originally stupid. Let me think about it, and we'll discuss at next Ching Hill game.
  • in all seriousness, what are the odds of this actually happening? what i mean is...is the Royal Cup a for sure thing every year, or is it one of those things that has great intentions but seams to slip through the cracks
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    in all seriousness, what are the odds of this actually happening? what i mean is...is the Royal Cup a for sure thing every year, or is it one of those things that has great intentions but seams to slip through the cracks

    There's usually 2 a year, (spring & fall) however the organizer and his wife just had their first child so they're pretty busy.
  • Cool, i'm looking forward to checking this out. Obviously i'm new to it but if i can be of any assistance please let me know.
  • In all seriousness Greg, this is a GREAT event that Sandro and his lovely wife pull off. It gets all the local players together under one roof to play cards and have a great time. Sure a lot of heated moments, but overall everyone just has a great time. Lots of poker, lots of gambooling, lots of beer, lots of bad beats.

    You'll fit right in ;)

    And I volunteer to assist in anyway necessary as well.
  • I've only been to one, but I've been awaiting another ever since!
  • And Greg, if you haven't actually signed, you should be aware that the Milton Rocks have been the title holders for the past year (the longest unbroken streak yet) and would consider any worthy applicant... Aren't you considering moving to Milton? :) wink wink..
  • is he old enough to be on the rocks?

    Need a date as I already have my team ready to go. Nowhere to go but up for the fish outta water!!!!!!

    and the rocks willl not win again, remember hell froze over once already and jamie gold still has one bracelet.
  • Hey Comp,

    As intriguing as playing for the Milton group might be, i have to stick with my boy Steve. If for any reason Steve's team should fall through then i will be putting myself back up on the market. However i'll suggest it again, if OPT, Ching, and Milton want to fight it out over me, i strongly suggest each team pick there own hot naked woman for a 3 way hot oil wrestling match. I really believe this is the best solution. This way we are all winners!!
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Hey Comp,

    As intriguing as playing for the Milton group might be, i have to stick with my boy Steve. If for any reason Steve's team should fall through then i will be putting myself back up on the market. However i'll suggest it again, if OPT, Ching, and Milton want to fight it out over me,
    Well the champs don't fight over anyone... It's the rooks on the scene that pray for a chance to experience playing for a winner! Just trying to give you a chance to learn from the very best.... :) cuz I actually see "potential" in you..
  • compuease wrote: »
    cuz I actually see "potential" in you..

    Just remember, at Jeff's age, the eyes are the first to go ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Just remember, at Jeff's age, the eyes are the first to go ;)
    Well not quite the first you know, but touche anyways.. Maybe a 3way prop between Ching, OPT and THE DEFENDING CHAMPS... YOURRRRRRRRRE... MILTON RAAAAAAWWWWCKS!
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