Ontario Poker League is Starting its Season #5 Soon

To all serious poker players:

The Orangeville Poker League has gained a reputation around central Ontario as the place to be to play in WSOP-style structured tournaments, and a place to meet with and test your poker-playing ability with other serious players. This season, which strts on August 30th, will show some improvements as we strive to have the best structured poker tournaments in Ontario. Some of these changes include:

Better Structure:

We are now doing 40-minute levels and continue to follow the WSOP Blinds Schedule. This increases the Patience Factor to 17.24 and the Blind-Off Rate to 4.15hrs. The tournaments are expected to last over 10 hours. We will be starting with 4500 chips which is the same as any $1500-buy-in WSOP event. This keeps in line with our mission to keep our structure as close to the WSOP events in order to provide our members with the best possible low-cost training available anywhere. We will also be following the rules you will find used at high profile tournaments - the Tournament Directors Association Rules (TDA)

More Tournaments:

We are now running every Sunday at 11:30am from August 30th, 2009 to May 30th, 2010; except statuatory long weekends. This season will have 32 tournaments.

New Name and Location:

We have changed the name to Ontario Poker League - Orangeville to attract more players from other areas of central Ontario and to provide long-standing members with new faces to play. Our location has been moved from Orangeville to Belwood and Elora (mostly Belwood) which is located in the Fergus area. We are hoping this attracts more players from the areas west of Orangeville, such as Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Arthur, Mount Forest, Hanover, Walkerton, Woodstock and Stratford.

Higher Buy-In:

We will now be having a $100 buy-in so players that do travel a fair distance will consider it a trip worth taking if they make it ion the money. We've historically had between 60 and 120 players attend our tournaments and, should that trend continue, the prize pool each week will be huge! This will also attract more serious players who are either in it to improve their game, or are considering it as a profitable hobby.

We will continue to have dealers at the table and offer those dealers half the buy-in price to play, as long as they deal until they are busted out.

Our league tournaments have become known as one of the best structured around. You’d be hard-pressed to find any casino that would offer this structure at a buy-in this inexpensive. They simply cannot afford to pay their labour costs at any tournament that lasts 10-12 hours with charging a heavy rake that they tend to include in only the highest of buy-in events. Most casinos only run tournaments to feed their cash tables with players. Our league will continue to keep the running of a well-structured WSOP-style tournament as its main priority.

Please make it a point to improve your playing skill this year by joining our poker league and attending our weekly tournaments. You can log on and join us at:


Our first event is posted as follows:

Ontario Poker League Season 5 Opener

Sunday August 30th, 2009
Tournament starts at 11:30am; doors open at 11:00am

Elora Community Centre
60 David St W
Elora, ON

Buy-In: $100 (all of which goes to the prize pool)
Starting Chips: 3500
Players have the option to pay $15 to get 1000 extra starting chips (paying this money is NOT mandatory but will go toward paying for the food, hall, tables, chips, cards, website, etc.)

We will have a caterer supply food for this event
With 4500 starting chips, the Patience Factor increases to 17.24, with a Blind-Off rate at 4.15 hours.

Prize Pool: Top 10% (minimum 5 and maximum 10 players paid)

Blind Levels: 40 minutes and follows WSOP format for intermediate tournaments
This tournament will probably take over 9 hours to complete

Best regards,



  • A lot of us are curious Curtis, is it yourself or Gerard who is running this? lol,, a lot of us think he may have kidnapped you... :)
  • It will still be me running most of them, but due to the shiftwork, some of the tournaments will be directed by other tournament directors (qualified of course). The caterer will be the same at all the events, although I understand he will be changing the menu to keep us intrigued.
  • Do you need to be a member or can you just show up for the tournament and pay at the door?
  • You can just show up at the door, but you should become a member and RSVP. That way we can let the caterer know how many players to expect.
  • Book online if you're coming. There are 58 so far. We're still hoping for 80 or more. This structure is worth the $100 (big $$ pool)
  • Heartily endorse this league, some of the best play around, well run and definitely good practice for the semi serious player....
  • I cannot make the first one but i will be there for as many as I can make.
  • Curtis runs a great ship.

    Lots of chips to start and time per blind level.

    I, too, highly recommend playing this event.
  • CurtisR wrote: »

    We will have a caterer supply food for this event

    Quick question.....

    When will this food be served? Noon or the dinner hour?

    Just need to know whether to eat before going or not.
  • Quick question.....

    When will this food be served? Noon or the dinner hour?

    Just need to know whether to eat before going or not.
    As I recall it is at 1st break which is after level 3, 2 hrs in... However we only had one like this so my memory may be cloudy.
  • Just got back from this one... Unusual for me but I busted out around 40th or so. 91 players started. I busted at the 100/200/25 level. Started the hand with about 6500 chips, I check raised the flop when I was open ended, made the str8 on the turn, villian made his flush on river. I was gambling to get big stack for run to the $$$$.. Ah well, buffet was good, location was excellent. Three cash tables running by the time I left.
  • Back from my first OPL Tourney. Well run and very enjoyable. Saw more good poker than bad but still a few weak runners in the field of 91.

    Overcame a nasty hand at the beginning of the second level (flopped trip Jacks with TK just to get runner runner flushed). Played very solid poker for the next 7 hours highlighted by flopping a set of J's and turning quads against villians rivered flush.

    Had about 12% of the chips when down to the final 2 tables and over the next couple levels a couple bad plays, couple bad beats and a couple nasty coolers put me fairly short stacked. 6 handed with a stack of about 8500 and blinds at 800/1600 raised half my stack preflop with A10s UTG+1, called by a hum hawer on the button. Flop comes AAQ two spades....get the money in and he shows AK to end my day. Finish as bubble +1 boy. Hope for better luck next time.
  • With 5 and ahalf BB left..i wonder why you didnt just shove..i know you would of got called but..?
  • marban wrote: »
    With 5 and ahalf BB left..i wonder why you didnt just shove..i know you would of got called but..?

    As I recount I think I was more in the 8 BB range (12000 or so) but still 6 of one half dozen of the other. Everyone knew the rest was going in after the flop. Sometimes I think that players will play tighter against a standard 3X raise than shove.
  • I just got home from this event finished 4th when I push A 8 suited and get called by the other short stack with K 3 suited, he turns a K and I lose, basically forced all in on the next hand as I am the big blind, with K Q off and can't improve against A 9 Off.

    Won $860
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    I just got home from this event finished 4th when I push A 8 suited and get called by the other short stack with K 3 suited, he turns a K and I lose, basically forced all in on the next hand as I am the big blind, with K Q off and can't improve against A 9 Off.

    Won $860

    Congrats on your 4th place finish. What were the payouts for the event as I will probably try to get out to a couple of these in October. Also in the cash games what stakes do they play?
  • 91 players for a top 10 payout

    1st - $2580
    2nd - $1720
    3rd - $1032
    4th - $860
    5th - $688
    6th - $516
    7th - $430
    8th - $344
    9th - $258
    10th - $172

    At one point there was 4 rake free cash games going not sure what they were all playing but usually 1-2 with a $200 max buy in
  • I finished 9th in this event my first time in the money. It was my 5th live tourney was alot of fun. I was the one that put Hellmuth's mole out.
  • Oh yea mole you were bubble we all donated $10 to pay 11th place sorry :)
  • BADAPPLE67 wrote: »
    I finished 9th in this event my first time in the money. It was my 5th live tourney was alot of fun. I was the one that put Hellmuth's mole out.

    Ah, well done sir. It was kind of justice for the earlier hand that you folded to my check on the river. I can say I've never seen that before.
  • Here are the results for the season opener from a field of 91 players

    1. Collin Ridge (chop) 16.2426 pts 1,770.
    2. Teri Cobean (chop) 16.2425 pts 1,770.
    3. John Waechter (chop) 16.2425 pts 1,770.
    4. Steve Kerr 8.9959 pts 860.
    5. Colin Campbell 7.4966 pts 688.
    6. Adam Rossien 6.4256 pts 516.
    7. Jim Ellis 5.6224 pts 430.
    8. Dave Norder 4.9977 pts 344.
    9. Breal Bidan 4.4979 pts 258.
    10. Kyle A. 4.0890 pts 172.

    If you want to see how the points are calculated please go to:


    The player with the highest points at the end of the season will win the Player of the Year award

    The next event is scheduled for Sep 20th at Elora
  • Hey there ... could you provide some more info on this league ... I'm interested in joining depending on location, times, etc.

    Thanks for the help
  • Hey there ... could you provide some more info on this league ... I'm interested in joining depending on location, times, etc.

    Thanks for the help
    Why not try the link in the first post?
  • Same community hall in Elora at 60 David St W.

    Doors open 11:00a and tourney starts right at 11:30a

    $100 buy-in
  • On my way this morning, see the rest of you at final table...
  • Just back from this one... Around 65 players, paid top 7 although we worked a deal at final table to pay the 8th and 9th place players as well. I finished 4th for $570. Steve from Milton was still in when I left.
    Again this was well run, good buffet meal, super structure and some good poker.... Had some luck today when I beat one ladies KK with my AK allin preflop, with an A on the river.... Another big hand I have KK in late position, mid position raises perflop, I re-raise, he calls, 3 small spades on the flop, he goes all in, I call with the K's one of them the K spades. He also shows KK, turn blank, river Ace spades and I freerolled to a big stack. I'm such a lucksack.. Got hurt at final table when I doubled up a shorter stack, approx half my stack, when my 99 ran into his QQ. Can't remember where I got the rest of my chips to make the money but I'm sure I never bluffed.. :)
  • I finished 8th this time. I love the structure of this tourney but i have a 2 hour drive. All in all it was lots of fun.
  • I wonder what the response (turn out) would be for a London version of the ontario poker league?
  • jacktenoff wrote: »
    I wonder what the response (turn out) would be for a London version of the ontario poker league?

    With this sort of structure, don't see how it could fail...
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