Game 6; Halfway Point



  • So THAT'S what it means to HIT CARDS!! Holy crap, I was hitting everything, flushes, straights (even ones I completely missed)...never had a run like that before.

    Needless to say, I took first place tonight after busting Garry headsup with Q7 over his J7. I improved, Garry didn't. Darryl took third spot, and Milton Slim bubbled.

    Thanks to everyone who came out tonight, very good game. Hope to see you all out again next week.

    BTW...Darryl...when you completed the SB and I raised it up another 600 (100/200 blinds I think), and you pushed...what did you have me on? Would really like to know what you had there (PM if necessary).
  • one for the host! Nice job AJ! I was completely opposite tonight. I had so many opened ended straight draws post flop that I was forced to call one more bet only to miss on the turn. Peed away a lot of chips like that. Also had many instances of calling pre-flop just due to the amount of limpers before me. I couldn't fold just because of the value I would be getting to call and hopefully hit something. Silly me, thinking that I would actually hit a flop.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    BTW...Darryl...when you completed the SB and I raised it up another 600 (100/200 blinds I think), and you pushed...what did you have me on? Would really like to know what you had there (PM if necessary).

    Had 10-6 Spades.

    I have no clue what you had, but as long as you werent jj+, AQ+ you cant call. I had about 50-60% of your stack, and we were on the bubble. If you call and lose you are shortstacked 4 handed, so I felt like you would fold alot of hands there.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Had 10-6 Spades.

    I have no clue what you had, but as long as you werent jj+, AQ+ you cant call. I had about 50-60% of your stack, and we were on the bubble. If you call and lose you are shortstacked 4 handed, so I felt like you would fold alot of hands there.

    Good read...great bet! Had pocket 4's. Even if you had AJo+ or 77+ it was not a good way to donk off half my stack. I was tempted though, as I had been hitting so much all night long, but doubling you up would have been the one mistake I didn't want to make.
  • I am never going to play AA again I know I played them wrong but come on twice and both times Ed was at my table. Well I guess on the bright side ( if there is one ) I have played 4 games so I am good for the SET
  • samcanada wrote: »
    I am never going to play AA again I know I played them wrong but come on twice and both times Ed was at my table. Well I guess on the bright side ( if there is one ) I have played 4 games so I am good for the SET

    Yes, you qualify. Now all you need is more bonus chips to do battle with in the SET game ;)

    Hope to see you next week Sam.

    I"ll be updating the season file sometime over the weekend and post any changes.
  • As I drove home I pondered my play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Can I have 2 do overs?

    Game on I'm still in!

    Milton "Bubble" Slim
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    So THAT'S what it means to HIT CARDS!! Holy crap, I was hitting everything tonight...

    come on AJ, sell yourself a little bit man! Tell us you made some terrific reads, that you made some unreal calls and that you out bullshitted everyone at the table here and there.
  • samcanada wrote: »
    I am never going to play AA again I know I played them wrong but come on twice and both times Ed was at my table.

    Hey! HEY! Don't be blaming me about those! Maybe we should allow Sam to draw trip pocket Aces and see how he busts out with that hand?! All in favour?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    come on AJ, sell yourself a little bit man! Tell us you made some terrific reads, that you made some unreal calls and that you out bullshitted everyone at the table here and there.

    Won't work...everyone knows me better than I just say it was all luck <meanwhile knowing for fact how great I truly am ;) )

    And guess what boys...THERE'S A NEW MONEY AND POINTS LEADER...someone very deserving of both honours I must declare!!! Someone who, dare we say, has rightfully earned both titles after 12 long gruelling seasons.

    A.J. 259.59
    DARRYL 237.24
    KEITH 192.78
    KRIS 172.11
    GREG 168.78
    ROMER 117.78
    ED 112.63
    GARRY 94.46
    JEFF 92.38
    DAVE D 89.34
    JEFF C 80.51
    SAM 75.61
    DAVE L 57.62
    JAY 49.49
    ALLAN 45.65
    STEVE K 41.07
    ANTHONY 33.08
    SEAN 21.25
    JOE 18.04
    STEVE 16.54
    ROB 14.05
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