America's Cup of Poker



  • Damn. Out of the 20c one. All in on the turn 3 way with trips against JJ and 9 high flush draw I think on a 3 to a flush board. River completes both of their flushes. gg me.
  • Still alive at the break sitting 48/405
  • Out of all 3.
  • Out of all 3 as well. Good luck to the remaining ones.
  • no points
  • Busto in the freeroll and $0.20 ... 40th for 30 points in the $5.50. I'll take it (and the staggering $2.40 net profit on the night ... that's $0.80/hr!), but multiple top-3 finishes in the cash tournies will almost certainly be required to make the team.

    Canadian players outnumbered Uruguayans about 7-8 to 1 in the $5.50. Only one Uruguayan made the top 25 (13th). The structure certainly gives Canada (and the U.S.) a cakewalk to the final.
  • Not sure about the rest of the crew, but I'm reg'd for all three tonight. I can only play in half the tourneys each week because I work until 10, so I'll have to make them count.
  • So far so good in the freeroll. 2nd hand, 67c, guy makes it 60 to go, I call, 3 others call. Flop Ad6d7h. SB bets out for 80, two callers including original raiser, I make it 300. SB and OR call. 6s on the turn. SB bets 40, OR makes it 400, I shove, both call. One had A10o, one A8o and I tripled up :)
  • And the freeroll is done. QQ<89o all in. Hits his straight on the river.
  • Anyone else not seeing a point in playing the freeroll since it has 4500+ joining in for the least amount of points, yet the $5.50 has 350ish players and the most points?
  • Just gave a brutal suckout. Had AKo all in preflop against AA and 55 (both short stacks; biggest all in was 1/8 of my stack). I flopped one K, rivered trips to bust out both guys.
  • lol nicely done Cerberus
    Still in the 20c and the $5
    Sitting 35 out of 125 in the $5 at the break
  • I'm out of the .20 now. Caught a nice suckout w/KQd>AQo, then lost a nice suckout AJo<A8d. And just got bs'd w/AKo losing to AQd (opp flopped trip Q's) and AKo<J10o (opp flopped straight) both all in preflop. lol. Poker gods giveth, poker gods taketh away.
  • Out of the $5 in 57th. Pushed my shortstack with 88. Got called by both blinds (10J and Q4). Flop 9A2. Turn A. River J. At least I cashed and got some points. Same deal with the 20c one but I'm still hanging on.
  • Same here lunatic. I got 53rd lol. All in Q10 vs 1010 and I couldn't suck out. Oh well, monied and 20 points. It's a start. gl with the .20
  • Nicely done. gl to everyone tomorrow. I won't be able to make it.
  • 97th in the $5 went out 150ish in the other two. Damn. The wife is 25/62 in the .20. memoose if you want to rail. Out for $.92. Woot!
  • Still in the 20c game and the 5.50 game. I'll let you know what happens...busted out of the freeroll with AA<QJo
  • moose wrote: » - Americas Cup of Poker - Americas Cup of Poker

    I am going to try my damnedest to qualify for this. I think this board could easily qualify at least one rep. Starts Mon night.

    We can use this thread to encourage each other on and post results.

    Sweet I haven't used that acct in an eyon. My n.n. there is Rise Vader, at least I think it is, lol. Be there playing tomorrow for sure. I stopped playing online for the longest time, I like to play live B&M baby!
  • Out of the 0.20 game in 30th for $0.91 cash

    Still in the 5.50 game with 20 players remaining, currently 2nd in chips
  • Results after 3/21 days:
    $0.00 = 0,0,0
    $0.20 = 0,0,0
    $5.50 = 30,10,30

    9 hours of play = 70 points for net -$0.59 :(Scoring in the right tourney, but not going neeaarly deep enough.
  • Busted 39th in the $5.50. Anyone else finding this to be a shove and pray extravaganze once the money hits?
  • Railing now.. GL
  • Don't bother...out in 18th for a cash of $12.24

    goddamn river hitting straight
  • Yeah opened the table just as the hand ended. UL
  • Voodoo wrote: »
    Yeah opened the table just as the hand ended. UL

    It was the hand before my bustout with AK that really hurt me. Just got moved to another table, about the third hand in or so, on the button with KQhh. UTG goes 3xbb, folds to me and I call to defend. Flop comes down 3c3s5s I think, all I remember was all low value, all black. I bet out about 2/3pot and get cold called. Turn comes Kx and I push, figuring villain for a mid pocket pair 88+. The only real hand I was afraid of on the turn was AK and sure enough he had it. Crippled me about 9000 in chips.

    Very next hand, I get AKo in cutoff, and MP player raises, I push and get called by A10. Flop comes KJx...turn was garbage, river was the friggin Q

    Thought I played well up until that point. Still don't think I misplayed my KQs hand, just ran into the next best hand.
  • I, (Rise Vader), am registered for the freeroll and will be for the $0.20.
  • Let's do this.......
  • Results after 3/21 days:
    $0.00 = 0,0,0
    $0.20 = 0,0,0
    $5.50 = 30,10,30

    9 hours of play = 70 points for net -$0.59 :(Scoring in the right tourney, but not going neeaarly deep enough.

    if you update for me in this format, including your cash it is much easier for me
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