Game 4 Player's List

Seems Romer can't make it this week, so the prop bet between him and Kris is pushed out to the following game.

Whos' in for this week?

1 - AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Darryl
4 - Kris
5 - Ed
6 - Sam
7 - Jeff
8 - Steve K
9 - Greg
10 - Jeff
11 - Dave D
12 -
13 -


  • For this week I should be entered on the list automatically... Romer is (tentative)!!!!
  • ACDC wrote: »
    For this week I should be entered on the list automatically... Romer is (tentative)!!!!

    The email I got indicated Romer was not going to be able to make it, else face the Wrath of Wifey...but who knows...maybe he can negotiate his ass out of Wonderland on Thursday
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    The email I got indicated Romer was not going to be able to make it, else face the Wrath of Wifey...but who knows...maybe he can negotiate his ass out of Wonderland on Thursday

    Are you messin' with me AJ????!!!!
  • ACDC wrote: »
    Are you messin' with me AJ????!!!!

    You have to be single, Kris. Otherwise you would know that you do NOT cross, "She who must be obeyed."

    At least not without paying a hefty price . . .
  • Guilty as charged... but this will make him forfeit the bet.
  • I told him that, he didn't believe it would for some reason.

    Told him to talk to you about it and come to an understanding/agreement

    You might want to send him an email to discuss
  • a title is worth defending and using up 8 hours of holiday pay. Count me in.
  • I'm in
    Still not sure about Joe and Steve though will let you know asap
  • (Jeff)
  • oh darn...look what I did...accidentally bumped this thread...foolish me

    Still lots of seats open for any/all to join up. All you need is the buyin and the desire to loose it. ;)

    Sam, let me know about the others ASAP please.

    Dave D/ guys going to make a stab or not? Come can do it
  • With weather like this for the entire day both Romer and Milo should be in... C'mon guys, what's better? Wonderland, soccer game or POKER GAME AT CHINQ HILL!!!
  • ACDC wrote: »
    With weather like this for the entire day both Romer and Milo should be in... C'mon guys, what's better? Wonderland, soccer game or POKER GAME AT CHING HILL!!!

    FYP! Damn, for one of the original players, figured you knew how to spell it by now.
  • Hey AJ,

    What time does it start again? I'm thinking about trying to get out tonight.
  • ACDC wrote: »
    With weather like this for the entire day both Romer and Milo should be in... C'mon guys, what's better? Wonderland, soccer game or POKER GAME AT CHING HILL!!!

    You'd think . . . Mother-in-law needs furniture moved, as she is having wall to wall installed tomorrow. Now I know why they get a bad rap . . .
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Hey AJ,

    What time does it start again? I'm thinking about trying to get out tonight.

    8pm Sharp! Be great to have you out! Been coming with Steve??
  • AJ,

    Put me down as a strong maybe, all depends on the wife and kids when i get home.
  • crazykoby wrote: »

    Put me down as a strong maybe, all depends on the wife and kids when i get home.

    Want me to talk some sense to her? Just tell her its practise for your next WSOP cash!
  • Poker is a "walk softly" topic in my house right now. After taking off to Vegas for 8 days leaving her with a 2 1/2 and 6 month old. I've been good and have not played since i got back, so i should be able to get out.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Poker is a "walk softly" topic in my house right now. After taking off to Vegas for 8 days leaving her with a 2 1/2 and 6 month old. I've been good and have not played since i got back, so i SHOULD be able to get out.

    FYP! lol...hope you can make it out. Hey, bring the kids...I have a live in babysitter!!
  • Ya sorry AJ they are a no go
    but I will still be there to give up my buy-in

    STR82ACE wrote: »
    oh darn...look what I did...accidentally bumped this thread...foolish me

    Still lots of seats open for any/all to join up. All you need is the buyin and the desire to loose it. ;)

    Sam, let me know about the others ASAP please.

    Dave D/ guys going to make a stab or not? Come can do it
  • No problem, just let them know they're always welcome to join in anytime.

    See you tonight
  • I just got the approval, so i'll be there
  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    Dave D/ guys going to make a stab or not? Come can do it
    We take that as a challenge...

    Ok, if you can fit us in Dave and I will come.... All the easy money in Milton has dried up so we're coming for some of the green stuff you have around on the hill...
  • You're BOTH IN...Welcome to The Hill

    Looks to be a good game tonight. We'll start short handed two tables and merge at nine players.

    Still a bit of room left for late comers!

    Edit; actually if we get one more player, we'll go two tables, otherwise just one...tight fit, but it will hold
  • It sucks being at home knowing that the game is still going! I deserved to lose though with that ridiculous move. A raise and a call pre flop before me by two pretty tight players and I shove with :ac:10c? Huh? I was at a point where I was fed up with the game and thought I'd try and bully them out of their hands or get crazy lucky.

    I was flop dead and blind dead all night long. Pay to see a flop and hit air and have my blinds raised with such garbage that it was impossible to defend.

    Had a bad feeling at the beginning of the game when I folded A-9 o/s UTG and the flop comes 9-9-6 and the turn another 9! Also folded folded a hand that would have resulted in a flopped FH. I know it happens to all of us but it still stinks.

    Hope the rest of the game is exciting! See the gang in two weeks
  • The rest of the night went pretty fast actually. After you left, we got down to three handed in less than two blind levels. Everyone was dropping like flies after the break.

    Greg "CrazyKoby" takes home the title this week when his AKo kept good on Jeff "Compuease" A4o to the river. It was going to take a couple of strong headsups hands to finish this, and I thought Jeff would have done it when he had the chip lead at one point, but Greg doubled up on him really quick and was suddenly dominating again.

    I was third tonight, and the Bubble Prize, supplied by Muddguts, went to Keith, a couple of poker magazines for him to brush up on.

    Great to see a lot of new faces again tonight, as well as returning players. It tells me I'm doing something right when you guys keep coming back for more.

    See everyone next week.
  • Thanks AJ, appreciate the hospitality... There actually are some good players on the hill... who woulda thunk?
    Well played Greg, I thought I had you until I doubled you up there, I raised AhKh pre, Greg called with Qc, and I think a rag of some sort. Flop 3 clubs including the K. I push, Greg calls with his Qc, turn another K, river the damn 4th club... That was my chance... ah well, good players, fun time, I will be back...
  • congrats Greg.

    wish the cards ran good for me at the hill. 2 weeks in a row with a poor showing, thank god for that Cash Game on my way home or else I would be broke
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