Moose $20 DDoN Jun. 20 Cambridge



  • moose wrote: »
    I am hoping for some feedback. Whether you would do that again. If that was better than regular 3 pay sngs. If it was better than playing a mtt. If the blind structure was good, etc...

    the blind structure allowed for a bit of play at the start but got high. i would prefer a 75/150 level with 10 minute levels as opposed to how it was with 20 or 25 minute levels i don't remember. sngs are all about shoving anyways so why not make it happen a bit faster and get 1 or 2 more sngs in out of the night

    i guess my only real complaint is that double or nothings are boring as hell. the cash game was fun as always.

    i would really like to play some kind of mixed game be it cash or a tournament. not sure if that horse mtt you ran last year ended up happening or not.

    also if we could buy in to cash 200bb deep be it .25/.25 or .25/.5 as usual that would be fantastic. or even uncapping it would rock balls.
  • Drop the time from 20 to 15 mins... the game's aren't going to get to a point where we need to worry excessively about blinds.

    Otherwise, double plus good.

  • moose wrote: »


    20 min levels


    I asked you to post the blind schedule to see how fast the game should play out. I played in the living/family room for both my games. I think we had a 75/150 level in addition to the schedule posted.

    Keep in mind the players can adjust games/blinds during the day as long as there's consensus which is not too difficult since it's a pretty versatile group. Not everyone's an Omaha player but there was still an Omaha game.

    I wouldn't say it's better or worse than regular tournaments, just different.

    I thought it went very well and I would do it again.

    Thanks again for hosting.

  • IMO


    - Keeps things fresh, and moving well. If you bust early - no long wait for next game.
    - It's nice to be able to play with everyone, in a MTT, you see people but don't get their table. I think I played with everyone there at one point.
    - Lot of versatility: game types (OM/HE/etc)

    - I think as I mentioned a speedier blind schedule would be appropriate
    - Not huge payoffs, but who cares.
  • Just wanted to say I had a great time. As for feedback:

    - not waiting long for the next sng was an advantage over a mtt
    - as Mark said, playing with everyone at some point was fun
    - I liked how the blinds started slow, allowing for some real poker, but agree that they could have increased faster. I wonder if the bubble situation happened quicker than expected in some games, and since there is no payout incentive to accumulate chips, people tightened up more than normal. Perhaps the schedule can be adjusted so that the bubble is assumed to occur at the 1 hour mark (or whenever), and the blinds can be large enough to force more action. But really, I don't know much about schedules.
    - as someone who probably plays less than everyone else there, I REALLY appreciated the feedback and patience of the other players in the omaha game. Other than getting a few obviously premium hands preflop and raising, any hand that went to the flop or turn for me was confusing as hell (...I've flopped top 2 this good...or am I doing playing this game...). I never felt pressured to make quick decisions, and learned alot.

    Thanks again for hosting.
  • If I cut the blinds to 15 min, you will get in 25% less hands per level. As Quimby astutely noticed, I snuck in an extra level to make the T25 chips relevant for a longer period. The goal was to wrap each sng in 1 h to 1.5 h. I don't believe any sng went longer than that. Maybe I'm wrong. 20 min, that's only 4-5 levels. The point was to keep it from being a bingo shovefest at the bubble but maybe that's what people wanted?
  • It wasn't that we wanted bingo...

    I found that at that level 4 or 5 spot, that everyone was still healthy enough that there wasn't TOO much pressure on any one player. Maybe an ante would help?

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