Moose $20 DDoN Jun. 20 Cambridge

The two times I can weasel a game out of my wife is my birthday and Father's Day. So I present:

The DDoN - Dad's Double or Nothing Night

$20 NL Double or Nothing SNG's
7 pm Sat. Jun. 20

Doors will open at 6:50 pm. Cards will be in the air as soon as 10 people arrive. Levels will be 20 minutes with the game continuing until 50% of the players are eliminated. Payout will therefore be DOUBLE YOUR MONEY.

As soon as there are enough people, the next sng will begin, with games running continuously all night. If more than 10 people sign up, then we will run up to 3 sngs simultaneously.

Expect to get in around 3 sngs in the evening.

The last sng will begin at 11 pm, at which time a .50/.50 $50 max nl cash game table will open for as long as people wish to play or I kick you out, whichever comes sooner.

1. moose
2. mmoose
3. minimoose
4. drtyore
5. quimby
6. lazyant
7. R_Brother +
8. Beanie
9. Kanga
10. JohnnieH *
11. ineedanick
12. qtjen
13. AJ
14. hobbes
15. zoolook

+.late. (who cares, you can come anytime and get in on the next sng to start)

If the weather is nice we can play the first couple games outside.


  • I'm in.

    Where are you fuckers?

  • I'm out. June 20 is KW Multicultural Festival. I'll be too drunk to drive anywhere :D
  • I'm in.

    Rob, please post your proposed blind schedule.
  • $2500


    20 min levels
  • Count me in please.
  • count me in for a late arrival.
  • KWMCF may be rained out. Add me as a maybe.
  • Please put me down as a maybe as well. Thanks.
  • Aj and I are coming. Put us on the list please.
  • Reminder first 10 people to arrive will form the first sng. Three more people would be ideal to keep 2 sngs running simultaneously. So sign up people!
  • I'm 99% sure to be coming now. Can you pm me directions please? Thanks. I'm looking forward to finally getting out to one of your games.
  • I think I already did. Check your inbox for the tinyurl link.
  • room for 1 more?

    Dam thought it was an afternoon thing :(

    Tentative only for now
  • moose wrote: »
    I think I already did. Check your inbox for the tinurl link.

    Got the message. Thanks. Guess that shows how observant I am...
  • i should be able to be there by 9 or so if there's room
  • Oh yeah for sure, you will just get in on the next sng to start. You just made my wifes day because I can get those chairs out of my basement.
  • Make me a definite.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Make me a definite.

    and bring Hobbette to make it 16.
  • Heading out for the circus soon so I won't see messages until after 6 and if the circus runs late and no-one is home we will be along shortly.
  • moose wrote: »
    and bring Hobbette to make it 16.

    She won't. This is out of her comfort zone.
  • AJ is cancelling..last minute I know. I will still be there.
  • Missing two $1 chips and 5 $.25c chips. Who put chips in their pocket? I really need these chips back. Thanks.
  • moose wrote: »
    Missing two $1 chips and 5 $.25c chips. Who put chips in their pocket? I really need these chips back. Thanks.

    Wow....that sucks. I'm sure it was an honest mistake.

    Thanks for a great night Moose. The evening worked out well with the DoNs, especially the PLO game that had a 3 way ALL-IN preflop! Craziness!
  • Thanks for hosting.
    Great time
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Wow....that sucks. I'm sure it was an honest mistake.

    Thanks for a great night Moose. The evening worked out well with the DoNs, especially the PLO game that had a 3 way ALL-IN preflop! ON THE FIRST HAND Craziness!


  • moose wrote: »
    Missing two $1 chips and 5 $.25c chips. Who put chips in their pocket? I really need these chips back. Thanks.

  • i can mail them or bring them next time i'm in the area
  • Btw I personally thought the evening went great. Once the first game began, the sngs ran themselves, which was great from a host perspective.

    From a player perspective, the action was great. The wait time for a new sng if you busted out wasn't very long. 16 players seemed ideal for keeping two sngs running continuously.

    I am hoping for some feedback. Whether you would do that again. If that was better than regular 3 pay sngs. If it was better than playing a mtt. If the blind structure was good, etc...
  • Was great.
    Loads of fun.
    I'd keep it the same.

    The only complaint that I heard from a couple of players was the blinds were too long.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Was great.
    Loads of fun.
    I'd keep it the same.

    The only complaint that I heard from a couple of players was the blinds were too long.

    [x] Strongly Agree.

    Although it would be nice not to wait in the driveway for the host to arrive :D
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