Chris Jericho Attack

anyone see this yet, bunch of fkn crackheads in victoria, some peeps take wrestling way to serious, sad just sad


  • That was like... three months ago..

    Update: No charges on Y2J or any of the other yahoos

  • *sigh* Am I the only one who fondly remembers that granny who would always take a swing at Angelo Mosca (with her purse), whenever he was at MLG. I do love the irony, though . . .

    "You're scum!!!", but, "Can I get a picture with you?" ???
  • oh oooooooooooooops, thought it was like weeks ago, sorry guys, but thanks for update mark, wonder if anything legal happened.

    but it's Monday!!!!!!!! Think it is in L.A. and vince is suppose to make fun of lakers opponents owner or somethin:)
  • Did he punch that girl?
  • philliivey wrote: »
    but it's Monday!!!!!!!! Think it is in L.A. and vince is suppose to make fun of lakers opponents owner or somethin:)

    Nuggets owner.
  • not sure if it was a push or punch, wish Kristy was here she would flip out on this,LOL:)
  • He punched her...

  • I guess I'm the only one really still keeping up with wrestling. Damn, that's lame.

    Yes, Jericho hit the girl, and by hit I mean punched in the face. However, depending on what clip that was, as there are about 8 different angles (god I hate being from Victoria and seeing how pathetic we act when people come to town). Anyhow, he was spat on and punched in the head from behind, so he punched as he was turning without seeing it was a woman before he hit her. You can see the look on his face after he hits her and realizes he fucked up. No charges on anyone, but the woman and her bf spent the night in jail.
  • Hey now!

    I watch Raw religiously every Monday night... and I try and download SD, and I usually catch the PPV's! :)

  • Right on Mark. So when I start touring I can count on your support :D
  • You could not be any worse than the jobbers I sat through on Saturday at the Anime North Convention. Although, they did have Awesome Kong and Kiyoshi (sp?) from TNA to mollify the grown-ups (so to speak).
  • Milo wrote: »
    You could not be any worse than the jobbers I sat through on Saturday at the Anime North Convention. Although, they did have Awesome Kong and Kiyoshi (sp?) from TNA to mollify the grown-ups (so to speak).


    Washed up, coked out former WWE stars rule.

    About 4-5 years ago I returned to my hometown "fall fair" to see Brutus Beefcake and a beat up ring positioned in the middle of a baseball field. There was a roaring crown of about 45 people.

    I am 95% sure he had no clue what was going on.

    I am 100% sure that drinking rye with him after the show on the park bench was excellent.
  • haha

    Guys, if you wanna see great stuff, check out "Ring of Honor"... you can bittorrent the shows - Bryan Danielson in particular is amazing.

    Me, Zithal, westside, and BBCZ are checking out a show in July in TO - Bret Hart's signing autographs, and Flair was scheduled to show (though not sure now that he's back with WWE), as well as Lance Storm - however, I'm pumped for the ROH roster - some of the best in-ring work you will EVER see.

  • Memorial Arena in Brampton. Lord Athol Layton vs. The Sheik (the original one) was the Main Event of the evening. The McGuire Twins were tooling around on their mini-bikes IN the arena. The Wolf-Man fought one of the Moon Dogs. What a night. Think I might have been about 10 . . .

    Saturday I got to watch Awesome Kong whale (literally) on some chicks dressed up in anime costumes, and guys dressed as anime dudes battle it out in something called a "DeathNote" match. Winner pulled a notebook off a pole, wrote down the loser's name in the book and, as the audience chanted the count up to 40 (why 40? I have no idea), the loser scrambled around through the audience looking to escape . . . to no avail because,after the count reached 40, loser suffers an apparent heart attack and "dies". All the while, these little twerps are going apeshit.
  • ....

    This sounds AMAZING :)

  • It was all right . . . hilarious how seriously everyone was taking it, though.
  • Mark, Flair "should" still be there. He's only signed for the next 4-6 weeks with WWE. Basically, his kid being a heroin addict and him having to pay $20k per MONTH in alimony made him need a quick influx of cash. He won't be missing any events with ROH as they have him under contract as their ambassador for a while.

    Milo, I haven't seen exactly what you're talking about, but I know there was this wonderful Japanese group a couple of years back that were basically doing Power Rangers matches. There were cardboard buildings set up in the ring and the wrestlers would come out in crazy ass gear and beat on each other while getting thrown through bad replicas of the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building. Just awesome.
  • You are headed in the right direction, cerb. Awesome hilarity, yes. Wrestling? I guess . . .
  • Yeah, definitely wouldn't call it wrestling, but the clip I saw was just fantastically bad. Kinda like Crank 2, only less intentionally bad.
  • Sounds like I was misinformed about Flair-ROH. He announced tonight before the ROH tv tapings that he's done with ROH and going back to WWE. Might still be making non-taped appearances though.
  • saw a rumour that he is only with wwe for another 4-6 weeks and then may go back to wrestling in a small circuit.
  • There's a wonderful rumour of some sort of overseas tour where it would be Flair vs. Hogan at each show, as they are both in need of a huge payday right now.
  • ya heard Flair needs the money also, and well what do you say about Hogan right now with the ugly divorce and all.

    Also ratings went down for raw and smackdown last week and only like 8000 fans showed up for smackdown or something like that, they blacked out the top tier of seats and if you saw smackdown last night it was obv with some camera angles they were trying to not show the empty seats

    Cerberus wrote: »
    There's a wonderful rumour of some sort of overseas tour where it would be Flair vs. Hogan at each show, as they are both in need of a huge payday right now.
  • Hogan's divorce was/is a nasty one. I seem to remember a story a while ago where some reporters were talking to him outside of the courthouse and he said "Now I know how OJ felt!"

    Now that wasn't a smart thing to say in front of reporters or not.
  • Hey, no one ever accused these guys of being mensa candidates . . .

    Stop right there, Mark . . . I know where you're going, so stop!!!
  • I'm not at all surprised about them only getting 8000 for Smackdown since they moved it to L.A. on about 5 days notice. The sad thing is that if this were 10 years ago in the Attitude era, first and foremost that b.s. with the Denver Nuggets owner would have never happened and, even if it somehow did, they would have sold out both Raw and Smackdown in L.A. in about 20 minutes. I still think they did the wrong thing on WWE's end though. The best thing they could have done with all of the press they got over the last week about it would have been to have Raw live on Monday from the parking lot in Denver. The huge walkup crowd gathering around would have made for a helluva visual that they could use for years.

    Hogan's problems are all of his own creation. He knew what he was getting when he married her, this isn't really new stuff. The OJ comment was something he said in a magazine interview, which he claimed was blown out of proportion but I call bullshit on that. Him and Flair are the two biggest legends ever and they're both stuck begging for bookings when they should be living on a beach having saved their money, somewhat sore each day but happy for their careers. Now wait... who does that sound like... oh yeah, Bret Hart did exactly that, aside from the injury thing since that concussion fucked him up bad. Still, the guy spends his days on the beach in Hawaii enjoying his days. Man, rough life.
  • reports have it that mr.kennedy was released by wwe.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    reports have it that mr.kennedy was released by wwe.

    He was on the show this past week . . .
  • I say about time. How many times can a guy get injured, get suspended and all in all fuck up before getting the boot?
  • yes, and it was a dismal performance i thought, either happened after the show or on Friday not sure which

    Milo wrote: »
    He was on the show this past week . . .
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