20.25 Patience Factor Skill Level of 6 out of 6 Poker Tournament in Orangeville



  • ok sounds good Jeff. I will keep posting here with any changes to available seats
  • Damn...I really wanted to make it out to this one too, but unfortunately something came up last minute so I can't make it. Good luck to everyone playing.
  • 4 seats open
  • Haven't heard anything from Voodoo as yet and I'm about to head out. Looks like he isn't making it.... See you guys soon.
  • Thanks for a great tournament Steve. It was a blast, great group and some real good poker players... Amazing how luck can sometimes overcome skill....
  • compuease wrote: »
    Amazing how luck can sometimes overcome skill....

    So you won? :D
  • westside8 wrote: »
    So you won? :D
    We worked a deal when we were 3 handed, however I had the chip lead but not by much... got lucky.... maybe more than once...
  • Congrats on the chop. I was on life support after the first 10 minutes.

    2nd hand of the tourney I pick up AK there is a raise to 150 and then a call...I make it 650 to go in late position. Flop QsJc3c, 3 people in and it is checked to me...I check. Turn is Qc...it is checked to me again so I fire out (wanting to rep a big hand and not a standard continuation bet hence the reason for not firing the flop). One caller this time who states he has to see one more card (so I am thinking maybe 10s which is shitty for my hand or 1 club...hoping 1 club) River 10....he checks to me...and I fire out 750....he check raises me to 2000....LOL..can you say snap fold...

    I muck AK face up and the table is all confused...he flips over 10s for the boat...dodged one monster...

    3 hands later....I pick up JJ, 4 people limp...so I make it 250 to go....all but 1 guy call (same guy who destroyed me on the river in the previous hand). I tell him that is ok to fold when someone makes a raise, but he says he has too many chips to fold (just spiked 2 sets and got paid so now he is up to around 12000 in the first 10 minutes...insane...)

    Flop comes K38....he checks to me...I fire out 375...he check-raises me again to 1500...GOOD GRIEF...I muck my hand face up again...and he flips over 33 for a set. LOL good tourney so far me.

    I end up hovering around 1500-2000 for 3 levels until I shove on the same guy with A8 out of the SB and he snap calls me in the big blind (it was folded around) with K10 off, out the door 10, gg me....

    Cash game was much better :)

    Thanks again Steve for a great tourney, sorry i missed you Compuease....next time for sure :)
  • Excellent tourney. I agreed to a third place as we made a deal when three handed. I was lowest on the chips but by no means desperate. By 11:30 pm all three of us were so tired with no end in sight that none of us had to think twice about making a deal. Anyway, thanks to Steve for a great experience.
  • Congrats. It's time for you to "get lucky" at the WSOP Seniors Event. :)
    compuease wrote: »
    ... got lucky....
  • Great tourney Steve, it was nice to meet some faces.
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