20.25 Patience Factor Skill Level of 6 out of 6 Poker Tournament in Orangeville

SATURDAY MAY 23, 2009 at 1pm

PM me or Post Here that you want in and I will forward address. If weather is nice we will be playing in the garage.

Tournament starts at 1:00pm; doors open at 12:30pm
30 players max

Buy-In: $75 (all of which goes to the prize pool)
Starting Chips: 3500

Option: $5 for an extra 1000 in chips (The extra $5 is optional and goes to cover any extra costs, snacks, pop, pizza, cards, chairs, tables, website, ect.)

This tournament is designed after the WSOP $1500 buy-in tournaments using the same blinds structure, but with 45-minute levels instead of 60 minutes.

Prize Pool:
3-9 Players:
1st (70%) 2nd (30%)
10-15 Players
1st (50%) 2nd (30%) 3rd (20%)
15-24 Players
1st (46%) 2nd (27%) 3rd (17%) 4th (10%)
24-30 Players
1st (42%) 2nd (25%) 3rd (15%) 4th (10%) 5th (8%).
The amount depends on how many players are in the tournament.

Blind Levels: 45 minutes and follows WSOP format for intermediate tournaments

Level 1 = $25 - $50
Level 2 = $50 - $100
Level 3 = $75 - $150
10 mins Break
Level 4 = $100 - $200
Level 5 = $100 - $200; 25ante
Level 6 = $150 - $300; 25ante
10 mins Break
Level 7 = $200 - $400; 50ante
Level 8 = $300 - $600; 75ante
10 mins Break - CHIP RACE
Level 9 = $400 - $800; 100ante
Level 10 = $500 - $1000; 100ante
Level 11 = $600 - $1200; 100ante
10 mins Break
and so on

Usually a no limit cash game starts once enough players are eliminated from the Tournament

As Always this is BYOB, I will supply some snacks and some pop, and maybe even order some Pizza.


  • I want to practice calling an all-in on the very first hand with QQ vs. AKs, so I'm in! :D
    SteveKerr wrote: »
    This tournament is designed after the WSOP $1500 buy-in tournaments using the same blinds structure
  • Only 10 seats left.
    Post here or PM me if you want in
  • I'm in! Already signed up on meetup... Want the chance to finally face the famous Buddy heads up! Get outta the way everyone else..... :)
  • I think they used Buddy as a poker consultant for the Full Tilt Ivey Commercial where he says "some people say my stare can be intimidating." I have felt that way before playing Buddy :)

    Should be a good time :)
  • I've stared Buddy down a couple of times. He's nothing ;)

    Steve, I can't confirm yet, but if there is a seat still open, and you don't mind a tentative reservation, you can put me down. I'll confirm by Thursday, Friday AM at latest.
  • Same here Steve, I think I should be able to make it but won't know for sure til Thursday.
  • NP STR82ACE and Voodoo I will hold a seat for you until Friday AM
  • me too please
  • Wow, this is looking to be a real experienced field... Methinks, for someone like myself, the chances of cashing in this (30 entrants) is less that cashing in the Main Event with 8000 odd entrants..
  • Sorry my wife just took a shift on Sat so I am out.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Wow, this is looking to be a real experienced field... Methinks, for someone like myself, the chances of cashing in this (30 entrants) is less that cashing in the Main Event with 8000 odd entrants..

    Yeah nothing like playing a super tough 80.00 event in the GTA and then going fishing in vegas for 1500.00....something isn't quite right is it??

    Looking forward to some great poker
  • There is now a waiting list. So for those that are tenative please confirm either way as soon as possible. (Thursday would be nice lol)

  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    There is now a waiting list. So for those that are tenative please confirm either way as soon as possible. (Thursday would be nice lol)


    Will comfirm later tonight or tomorrow morning but I'm like 80-90% good to go. Dodged a bullet as a funeral is being held Friday instead of Saturday. (j/k)
  • Yeah nothing like playing a super tough 80.00 event in the GTA and then going fishing in vegas for 1500.00....something isn't quite right is it??

    Looking forward to some great poker
    lol, well at least Vegas will seem so simple. (as it usually does).. I bet the vpif of this tournament early will be like 15-16%.... You suckas will never suspect I'm stealin, cuz I never do!
  • well I have set up the garage with the tables today and I managed to fit a 4th table, it will be a little tight at first but we will manage.
    So now it is 40 players max and I have 3 OPEN SEATS let me know if you want in.
  • Thanks in advance Steve for hosting what looks to be an awesome event.
  • Saturday I am going to be spending all day walking amongst people dressed as their favourite Japanese anime characters. I'll try and make do . . .
    Seriously, though, it would be worth the gas $$$ just to railbird this thing. Good luck all . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Saturday I am going to be spending all day walking amongst people dressed as their favourite Japanese anime characters. I'll try and make do . . .
    Seriously, though, it would be worth the gas $$$ just to railbird this thing. Good luck all . . .

    Well I am kinda railbirding this thing... lol, paying $80. to railbird but you know what I mean, no chance to money but wanna sit with the skilled boys... and girls...

    and I'm not touching that anime part of your post...
  • Sadly, as I will be chaperoning my daughter, neither will I . . .

    Oh well, there's always the pillow fights at the poker expo to look forward to. GL Jeff.
  • Anyone going from the GTA area and want to carpool? I'm a maybe right now but will confirm tmr.
  • No prop bets yet? Colour me disappointed.
  • Steve, I'm 4Sigma confident that I'm in.
  • voodoo are you in?
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Anyone going from the GTA area and want to carpool? I'm a maybe right now but will confirm tmr.

    I have room for one and if I don't have to drive my buddy in Mississauga I can give you a lift...just PM me before 11am tomorrow Wes.
  • I have room for one and if I don't have to drive my buddy in Mississauga I can give you a lift...just PM me before 11am tomorrow Wes.

    Right now there is 40 players sorry wes but unless Voodoo or someone else backs out I do not have room but you are first Wes if someone backs out.

    Voodoo has not said he is 100% yet
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Right now there is 40 players sorry wes but unless Voodoo or someone else backs out I do not have room but you are first Wes if someone backs out.

    Voodoo has not said he is 100% yet

    Sounds good. Keep me in the loop...I'm still not 100%
  • Wes you are in if you can make it. I have a seat for you please confirm yes or no

    Thx, oh and blackmagics says he can drive you so you may want to PM him
  • Voodoo, just contacted me, cuz he can't get onto pokerforum where he is. He can't make the tournament tomorrow but may come by 3 or so for the cash game...
    The problem is he doesnt have a ride from Newmarket since his GF has his car (imagine that coming between him and poker), I must be old... No girl is worth it.... well....
    In any case he is likely out and says to fill his spot if you can but if not I may pick him up in the am to get there in time... He has my cell...
  • Thanks Jeff.

    Ok so that leaves me with 1 seat open if Wes decides to come, if he can't make it then I will have 2 seats open

    anyone else want in?
  • By the way I have Wes's cell if we need to contact him. I may also be able to persuade Voodoo to let me pick him up in the AM... Will certainly be on here in the morning checking on status... Jeff..
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