Season 11 SET Game!



  • Trashing oneself does not qualify. Its different though
  • Exactly!!! You expect me to zig . . . and so I choose tails. All part of the plan AJ. Confusion is my friend . . . you people are toast.
    Where's the game again?
  • *chirp - chirp*
  • Milo wrote: »
    *chirp - chirp*

  • watchoo tokkin bout
  • Milo wrote: »
    Where's the game again?

    For anyone named Anthony or Darryl...the game is in Kitchener

    Everyone else, same place as usual

    And yes, this is unusually quiet for a SET pregame trash talk session
  • If you dont want any donks at your game I should just stay home and play by myself, cause noone would be there. I then collect the entire set pot.

    Maybe the Elliotts can come. Undecided.

    Easy money, imo.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    If you dont want any donks at your game I should just stay home and play by myself, cause noone would be there. I then collect the entire set pot.

    Maybe the Elliotts can come. Undecided.

    Easy money, imo.

    For sure...because I can't beat Darryl. My game plan is simple. Let Darryl bust every one and the come in second.
  • BTW - snackz is Pizza/Wings.

    Anyone have any significant food allergies? One will be veg. fo sho.

    AJ - can you PM me the official address 4 delivery purposes?
  • PM sent

    I'm allergic to anything healthy

    and penicillin

    but I can stomach some penicillin

    nothing healthy though...have my gorgeous body to look after you know
  • Thanks for making the season a great one everybody!!!

    Final game say yours truly winning with AKo against Keith's pocket 5's, but this time, 5's not make set! I hit an ace on the river to take it all down! Kris was thrilled to take third place payout tonight, and Anthony went out on bubble.

    Thanks again to everyone who came out and made it a great season. I'll email and post when the next games will start.
  • Congrats to the game this season. Sorry I did not make it. Your a great group to play with.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Thanks for making the season a great one everybody!!!

    Final game say yours truly winning with AKo against Keith's pocket 5's, but this time, 5's not make set! I hit an ace on the river to take it all down! Kris was thrilled to take third place payout tonight, and Anthony went out on bubble.

    Thanks again to everyone who came out and made it a great season. I'll email and post when the next games will start.

    It was your night AJ, congrats on the win.
  • Thanks Chris. The cards were certainly coming my way last night. Getting big pairs when I needed them and having them actually hold up is a good thing. And my reads were pretty much dead on most of the night too.

    Except for the set over set between Anthony and Allan. I figured K10 for sure.
  • Congrats to all, and thanks to Darryl for the feast. GG Keith for a valiant fight heads up. IIRC you started behind, got back to almost even, maybe even a slight lead, and then AJ started to get the cards . . . and of course his reads were pretty good.

    Happy with my play as well, although it was a little disappointing to find my pair somewhat smaller than AJ's on my last hand. Both Blinds wake up with pairs, what are you going to do . . .

    See you all next season.
  • Milo wrote: »

    Happy with my play as well, although it was a little disappointing to find my pair somewhat smaller than AJ's on my last hand. Both Blinds wake up with pairs, what are you going to do . . .

    Seriously what was the deal with Big Hands in the Blinds?
  • I blame Darryl . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    I blame Darryl . . .

    Definitely needs further investigation. I mean, he shuffles, and BOTH blinds get AA? Next time he deals, and HE gets AA?

    Can you say MECHANIC?? And he KNEW Kris had pocket 10's that would have hit quads on the flop!
  • :DMore importantly, he knew we were on to him, so he casually finishes out of the $$$ to avoid any real suspicion.

    Just saying . . .
  • Angleshooters, ITT.
  • And my last hand of the night... I believe I had 19 outs against AJ's A2off and when I did not catch all the way to the river, Darryl was genuinely surprised!!! What happened Darryl? Did you mis-shuffle? Please practice for the next time, I take any charity.. I mean help I can get.

    Anyhow, good game last night and a great season.
    Hope to see you all soon at the table,
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