Season 11 SET Game!

Below is the list of qualified players for this season's SET game, along with each player's bonus chips and buyins for this game.

Please confirm by posting on this thread if you plan on attending.

DARRYL 510 $(110.00) Gets his $$ back, lucky bugger CONFIRMED

Thanks for making it great season. Hope to see all players out for this game.


  • I submit my entry for this competition.
  • I'll see you Thursday night.
  • The date is still this Thursday because earlier in the season there was talk of moving it off to another day?
  • As of right now, yes, HOWEVER in light of a recent incident involving my youngest step son, I MAY have to reschedule. As soon as I know, I'll post

    Sorry guys...unforeseen incident
  • Need to confrim the date so I can get a baby sitter, the sooner the better please.
  • Family first, AJ. Hope all is well with your step-son. The game can wait. Darryl doesn't need the $$$ that badly, now does he? Maybe postpone by one week, if it's easier for scheduling? Just a thought . . . I am pretty flexible, regardless, but was thinking more of the littlest Elliot.
  • I'll know more by supper time tonight guys. I'll post then. Sorry, I think that's the best I can do right now.
  • Then we'll check back after dessert . . . good luck.
  • Would anyone be terribly upset if I postponed until May 7? That's the following week.
  • That is fine with me
  • I am fine with that date as well. Whatever you need to do works for me, AJ . . . whoknows, maybe Darryl will contract the swine flu . . . naaah, we could not be that lucky.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I am fine with that date as well. Whatever you need to do works for me, AJ . . . whoknows, maybe Darryl will contract the swine flu . . . naaah, we could not be that lucky.

    We COULD arrange to send a package from Mexico to his desk, you know ;)
  • Yeah, but if it goes DHL, it'll get there way too late to be any good.
  • ahhhh shit. Trashtalk ITT.

    I havent researched, so Im just wondering, does $110 buy you swine flu vaccine?
  • Home made vaccine for the Swine flu is easy. Just leave a couple slices of bread in a sunny window for a few days. Once you start to see the green specks forming it is almost ready. Twenty four hours after the first spots appear, you just eat the bread, and voila!! Instant home-made penicillin. No chance you get the swine flu after that. But you have to eat ALL the bread. That is very important. I suggest starting the process Saturday, just to make sure you get the immunity in plenty of time for the SET.

    Oh, and . . . you're welcome.
  • I'm ok with may 7th...
  • So, we are go for the 7th then? Just looking for a confirmation.
  • Yes, May 7...thanks everyone
  • I want to thank you all for your patience and understanding last week.

    Okay, so now the game is scheduled for THIS week, and barring any further unforeseen events that can turn a person's world into birds nest soup, I'm now looking to confirm your seat for this game.

    So other than me, and that luckbox Wetts ;), who's in??
  • I'm in, but only because I heard that we patient few (ie those not named AJ) get a bonus of 500 chips for our forebearance.

    True? :D
  • Only true if those NOT named AJ bring a 40oz bottle of whiskey, rum, or other reality adjusting beverages with them...otherwise, you get what you get.:)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Only true if those NOT named AJ bring a 40oz bottle of whiskey, rum, or other reality adjusting beverages with them...otherwise, you get what you get.:)

    DONE. Bear in mind your post says NOTHING about opening said bottle . . .
  • I'm in...
  • Milo wrote: »
    DONE. Bear in mind your post says NOTHING about opening said bottle . . .

    Nor did I say the amount of bonus chips were dependant on the amount of liquid in the bottle...and believe me, I can tell if you added water to it
  • You insult me sir. My post was merely meant to accept the offer of 500 chips if a 40 oz bottle of adult beverage is produced. I also pointed out that you said NOTHING about the unsealing of said bottle that night to acquire the bonus.

    I am perfectly willing to bring a 40 oz. bottle to the game in order to acquire 500 extra chips. I will not, however, have to then open said bottle. At least, not according to your post. :D
  • me too in pleez
  • Eleanor and I are in.
  • Great, that's everyone qualified to play now confirmed.

    Let the trash talk begin!!
  • Allow me.

    I am turning over a new leaf. I am going to play so tight that I will probably blind out around level 5, fourth hand of play.

    Or not. Who can tell with a donkey, right?
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