Every f'n day I read a story about something like this and it pisses me off



  • secret wrote: »

    I couldn't bring myself to click link. :(
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I couldn't bring myself to click link. :(


    mom gets into arguement with daughter
    stabs 9 y/o daughter in wrists
    stabs herself in stomach (7 1/2 months prego) to kill baby
    mom is going to prison
    fuck people
  • secret wrote: »
    wtf is wrong with people

    -A large chunk of people today have no accountability for themselves

    -They blame everyone else for their problems. It is much easier to point fingers than to change your own behavior

    -They handle every difficult issue with anger instead of looking for possible solutions

  • It's sad. It's tragic. As a parent it literally breaks my heart to read things like this.

    But my issue is why the fuck should millions of people be stressed out by this incident? I am being serious. This should not be national news. It does not affect me. It should be local news for the community affected. I have enough stress in my own life to deal with.

    The whole 'news' system is fucked up.
  • The media sells media (period)

    They do not care about you. They do not care about society.

    They care about dollars and that is all. The media are the biggest whores in our culture IMO. At least all of the other corporations are out there selling their wares and not disguising it. Media outlets sell themselves as 'consumer watchdogs' and liberators of 'the facts' when in reality they are only interested in spinning those facts into a marketable story or pounding their own political agenda.

    News papers can GFY is far as I am concerned. Open your local today and I am willing to bet that once you get past the advertisements and every story that came down the AP wire (or Reuters obv) you are less that 10% content.

    I called my local paper 3 months ago for a discussion (London Free Press). I said that they have printed nothing but fear mongering propaganda about the recession for months and I was sick of it. Were they capable of printing any good news? Were they even interested?

    I told them that I was no longer going to pay for their shitty rag anymore. I was no longer willing to put that kind of garbage in front of my customers to read in my waiting area and they could say goodbye to their piece of my 125K advertising budget. Fuck them.

    Think about the power of a responsible local media outlet. One that tells positive uplifting stories about the givers in their community. Imagine the impact that could have on the local people. It would build a sense of pride and belonging. More people would get involved in giving back and getting involved.

    Instead they sell death, destruction and hopelessness. The only thing that breeds is apathy.
  • meh for everyone of those, there is one of these which is sexy hot:

    TheStar.com | Crime | Woman plotted girlfriend's boyfriend's murder, trial told

    Note: article left out part that they all lived together. Hottt.
  • Hear Hear Cadillac
  • News is entertainment now and I think that's wrong.
  • secret wrote: »

    That's pretty sick. I think some people are just mentally ill but don't even know it. I hear alot of stories about people who have things like clinical depression and they're friends and family can't figure out why they're acting so strange. Sometimes it can be hard to recognize that there is something seriously wrong with someone before it is too late becuase in some aspects of their life they are completely fine but in others they are totally FUBAR'ed.
  • cadillac wrote: »
    I was no longer willing to put that kind of garbage in front of my customers to read in my waiting area and they could say goodbye to their piece of my 125K advertising budget. Fuck them.

    Solid Barg: 125k advertising budget.

    cosign the rest of the post.
  • Lots of car dealers spend 4-5K every Saturday on a half page ad.

    Thats 260K annually just for their Sat print ad in one paper.

    My entire budget is 125K

    Not so much of a brag
  • cadillac wrote: »
    -A large chunk of people today have no accountability for themselves

    -They blame everyone else for their problems. It is much easier to point fingers than to change your own behavior

    -They handle every difficult issue with anger instead of looking for possible solutions


    The Death Penalty is wrong. Life in prison, where "life" means you leave prison feet first, is better for society as a whole.
  • Instead of the death penalty I wish they would just take people, lock them up in a solid white room with NOTHING at all to do. No social interactions, no tv's, no walks outside, nothing. Have a bed and a toilet.

    Some things can be worse than death..... and I'm sure they're people out there who deserve it.
  • Milo wrote: »
    The Death Penalty is wrong. Life in prison, where "life" means you leave prison feet first, is better for society as a whole.

    How is the death penalty wrong? It may go against your beliefs but it is not wrong and why is life in prison better for society?

    If we can kill innocent peoples (man, woman, and child) in Afghanistan everyday, why can we not execute the ones who are deserving in our own country?

    A woman kills her own 9 year old daughter and we are supposed to keep her alive in a cage for the next 50 years? For what purpose? So that she can keep a quality of life? So that she can suffer every day for actions?

    I have no facts to back this up but it has to cost 50K/year to keep someone in jail. If this woman lives another 50 years in there that would be a total of $2.5 million.

    I can think of a lot of people world wide who I would rather see get that money spent on them. People living in squalor with no access to food or medical of any kind. How many of them could we give life to rather than wasting it on this particular piece of scum sitting in a cage.

    She made her choice and it was an awful one. My vote is to string her up.
  • Look it up yourself but it has been shown in the states that death penalty costs more than life in prison.

    Also kindly understand that you are not ENTITLED to PUNISH anyone. You are not God.
  • And again

    Death Penalty and other deterrent methods of prevention don't work either

  • I am not saying that I should punish this piece of shit. What I am saying is that my voice in our society says, "Terminate her life. She has relinquished her right to it."

    You don't have to be God to be ENTITLED to PUNISH. If no one but god was entitled to punish in this world it would be anarchy.
  • Caddie, re: your last two posts.

    It is called the Death Penalty Paradox.

    Person "X" is put to death for killing person "Y", because people who kill innocents have forfeited their right to life.

    Person "X" is later found to have been innocent of the crime.

    Logically, therefore, all those involved in the conviction (and execution) of person "X" must now be executed for killing an innocent person.

    It is the simplest, and least emotional argument against the Death Penalty that I know of because, if you cannot abide by the simple logic it posits, then the Death Penalty is no longer about logic for you, but about revenge.
    Please note that, when I refer to "you" in the above paragraph, I mean society in general.
  • A couple of options to make both ends of the to kill those who kill or to not kill those who kill discussion happy.

    Option 1: Anyone convicted of horrific crimes (serial killers and child molesters are the top of the list) are forcibly enlisted into the Canadian Military as LMRU (Land Mine Retrieval Units).

    Option 2: All criminals currently in jail are put onto a stationary bike for a certain number of hours per day. Shoplifting and petty crimes, 2 hours. The horrible people like that lady that killed her kids, 16 hours a day. The kicker: all the bikes are hooked up to a generator. We use these people as human gerbils to create a renewable energy source for those of us who didn't forfeit our choice to live.

    Personally, I prefer option 2. We need a green solution for the planet. Clearly, there is nothing that we as a society have ever been able to do to stop all crime, so there will always be more criminals to throw on the bikes.
  • You liked "The Long Walk" by Stephen King, didn't you?
  • Milo wrote: »
    You liked "The Long Walk" by Stephen King, didn't you?

    Than novella was written by Richard Bachman. =D

    and who didn't like it?
  • cadillac wrote: »
    Than novella was written by Richard Bachman. =D

    and who didn't like it?

    Quick, what was his other nom de guerre?

    Bonus points if you can name the band he sometimes plays in . . .
  • Never read it, but if it's got something to do with my post, I think I'll have to give it a try.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Look it up yourself but it has been shown in the states that death penalty costs more than life in prison.

    This argument sucks. It is cheaper to kill someone than feed and house them for their entire life. The fact that death penalty COURT CASES cost so much are a systemic issue stemming from the stupidity and abuse of the American court system (paying expert witnesses huge fees to come testify??) NOT because the fundamental statement isn't sound.

    Using that argument is like boy-cotting a gas station because gas prices are 'too high'. You are aiming your discontent at the wrong people.

    Let's simplify..

    It costs the price of one person, one gun and one bullet to kill someone. (If you want to go that route, you could just use an axe less expensive and re-usable!)
    It costs the food, housing, electricity, water, waste disposal, guard salaries, etc etc etc.. to house each prisoner.

    Which costs less?
  • Technically the gun will cost less than the axe. The pyschotheropy required after having to cut off someone's head with an axe would be much more expensive than nearly any gun/ammo combination.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Technically the gun will cost less than the axe. The pyschotheropy required after having to cut off someone's head with an axe would be much more expensive than nearly any gun/ammo combination.

    Bunk, executioners back in the day would do dozens, hundreds of people in their life time and there was no head shrinkers available.

    We have just become too sensitized to violence/death.

    I agree with the using prisoners as power sources point you made above.

    You committed a crime and were found guilty, you have forgone a percentage of your rights while you are inside. So guess what, we make you f'n work instead of watching HBO.
  • zunni74 wrote: »
    This argument sucks. It is cheaper to kill someone than feed and house them for their entire life. The fact that death penalty COURT CASES cost so much are a systemic issue stemming from the stupidity and abuse of the American court system (paying expert witnesses huge fees to come testify??) NOT because the fundamental statement isn't sound.

    Using that argument is like boy-cotting a gas station because gas prices are 'too high'. You are aiming your discontent at the wrong people.

    Let's simplify..

    It costs the price of one person, one gun and one bullet to kill someone. (If you want to go that route, you could just use an axe less expensive and re-usable!)
    It costs the food, housing, electricity, water, waste disposal, guard salaries, etc etc etc.. to house each prisoner.

    Which costs less?

    Talk about SUCKAGE. So, you're saying that people sentenced to death should just be taken out back and shot?

    The reason for all the appeals that you're complaining about is that they are REQUIRED, not by the defense, but by the State. This is done to ensure that the right person is getting the needle/bullet/axe. Here is the kicker . . .


    Goes back to that whole paradox thingy I mentioned earlier. Are you willing to put your neck on the line, giving up your own life in the event of a wrongful execution?

    Not some faceless bureaucrat, YOU.

    Because if you are not willing to say "yes" to that question, than you do not believe in the death penalty as much as you think you do.
  • Zunni's got a point...

    Back in the day, executioner's did their job, and never ever had a problem with it I'm sure!! And all you women going through hysterics just need to use a "Lady's aid" to calm down... and those nutcases that we keep sheltering in mental hospitals? Please, one twenty minute lobotomy and they are so TOTALLY manageable... I mean, pop out an eye, swish a scalpel and voila!! You know how much those fucking drugs COST?

    Okay, okay, lobotomy is a little over the top for those that have the devil in 'em.... priests will do exorcisms for next to NOTHING.. fuck therapists and psycho-analysis, that shit takes months and sometimes YEARS...

    Yup, things were much easier back in the day


    P.S. - And fuck all you unclean pre-marital sex people... we`re sending you to your Aunt`s house in Minnesota for this school year...
  • Comparing people with psychiatric illness to criminals is a huge stretch even though your post is tongue in cheek.

    - people with psychiatric illness do not choose their disease
    - people that commit murder make a choice

    Cost is not the real issue here anyway. The real issue is responsibility for your own actions.

    Milo. Your paradox argument sucks ass by the way. When you make decisions based on the exception rather than the rule it is a mistake.
  • With respect, Caddie, the Paradox is valid. It is not predicated on exceptions, or even rules, merely logic. To whit:

    If you believe that a person who kills an "innocent" forfeits their right to live, then it logically follows that, in the case of a wrongful execution, you must also believe that those responsible have de facto forfeited their own right to live for killing an "innocent" themselves. To believe otherwise would be illogical hypocrisy.

    The fact that they did so under the guise of the legal system is not relevant to the logic of this paradox. It actually flows nicely with your statement about taking responsibility for your own actions.

    This is only one of the reasons why I oppose the death penalty, but it IS a valid one.
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