The Studio 17" display is only 1440x900. If I understand the other forumers correctly, a person with bad eyesight like me should get WUXGA (1920 x 1200).
After changing to "Windows Vista Business Downgrade, XP Professional SP3 Installed", the Dell Vostro 1710's price is $1,259. Is the included "Dell Wireless 1395 802.11g Wi-Fi Internal Card " good enough instead of paying more for the "Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945 802.11a/g Wi-Fi" or "Intel 4965AGN Wireless-N" card?
I also heard that its good karma to trade brand new laptops for older models. So send me that one and i'll send you an old one. You earn 25 xp points, your skill level increases by 1, and your patience factor increases by 2.
No you've got it wrong. 1900x1200 is going to be smaller. Smaller means you can fit more tables on the screen w/o overlap. 1440x900 will be larger therefore less tables will fit. The std P*/FT tables will fill 4 to a screen w/o overlap on a 1900x1200 because each std table is a little less than 800x600 pixels. Each table will take up about 1/4 of the screen whereas on a 1440x900 each table takes up about 2/3 of the screen, therefore will appear larger and multitabling will require overlapping the tables.
I guess it is less of an issue now because more sites allow resizeable tables, but even so you have to manually resize them down everytime you open a new table which becomes annoying.
So it will be even harder for me to see the dozens of small numbers on the poker table on a 1900x1200 Vostro 1710 than it already is on my 17" 1024x768 desktop monitor? If I don't need to four-table since I will mainly need the laptop to play one tournament when I'm away from home, will any PT3-capable laptop with a smaller screen do?
PT3 recommends a dual-core processor and at least 7200 RPM hard drive. After a frustrating phone call with a Dell rep in India having technical problems, it looks like my main choices are between Vostro and Studio.
If you haven't bought it yet, check out these deals. Same config (slightly faster processor) starting at $899.
Dell Studio 17 Laptop Details
OK, I'll update one of my 2009 poker goals to:
Make it to the money in one of the big Sunday tournaments...
THEN buy the laptop...
then download porn.
You forgot to factor in the rake! :biggrin:
I guess it is less of an issue now because more sites allow resizeable tables, but even so you have to manually resize them down everytime you open a new table which becomes annoying.
You don't need to download anything... welcome to the 21st century:
RedTube - Home of Porn - Red Tube
PT3 recommends a dual-core processor and at least 7200 RPM hard drive. After a frustrating phone call with a Dell rep in India having technical problems, it looks like my main choices are between Vostro and Studio.
Umm, how do you think you get to watch all that anime porn without it being downloaded?