Recent Movies



  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Man on Wire - A true story (possibly documentary - I don't recall) about a man who did a high-wire walk between the twin towers in the 70s...

    Did anybody see that guy's interview on The Colbert Report the other day?
    I laughed so hard I cried...not expression..tears of Joy at his elderly french awesome!

    Can someone recommend Milk? I want to see it, but no one is talking about it...worth the time?
  • I think that Sean Penn is, perhaps, the BIGGEST fuckwad on this planet. With my bias out in the open I will state the following.

    Milk is definitely worth watching. Penn is at his best (never said he could not act), and his co-star (Brolin? . . . I'm old) is just as good, perhaps even better, in exploring the person he portrays.

    Neither of them could pull off the pencil trick, however.
  • Some movies I saw recently and enjoyed...

    The Darjeeling Limited... Kind of Quirky but very good I thought.

    Before The Devil Knows You're Dead ... I don't know why people rarely notice how good of an actor Ethan Hawke is...and Phillip Seymour Hoffman is excellent in this movie.

    Run Fat Boy Run... Not very recent anymore but very "feel good" and funny, sort of a romantic comedy for guys.

    Green Street Hooligans... Several years old but I just watched it, I think I'm all about movies set In London now after visiting recently. I love to see streets and buildings and tube stops that I used (this obviously applies to Run Fat Boy Run also) So maybe it's not as good as I think it is.

    Gran Torino...Clint Eastwood is so entertaining in this movie I can't tell if it's a great movie or just an OK one, or if it's all him. I think I'll have to watch it again.

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    The wrath of Batman.

    Video - The Daily Beast

    Funny... the worst thing about TDK was Bale's aparant assholedness. Well at least I know now not to blame that on acting skill or director intention.
  • Watched RockNRolla last weekend, pretty good!
  • I just watched "Let the Right One In"

    Quite good... solid little movie - not a horror flick. But, I do highly recommend watching it and then checking the FAQ on

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I just watched "Let the Right One In"

    Quite good... solid little movie - not a horror flick. But, I do highly recommend watching it and then checking the FAQ on


    Yeah watched it like a month ago... don't watch it expecting an horror movie but it's still a very decent movie.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I disagree

    Let's look at it this way....

    Acting - Fine to great, no weak links there

    Directing - Excellent... moody, told the story, and coaxed the most from the actors

    Story - Part Crime drama, part superhero, part mystery, part humanity study but all intriguing.

    Kidding right?

    Bale was so hoarse you could hardly hear him. What was the point of that?

    Gordon was an empty suit. If his character was written out of the story you wouldn't have missed him. The acting was terrible and the whole Gordon is killed scene was badly shot. Then trying to emote sympathy from the audience by including 30 sec of his family was ludicrous, as was the scene where Gordon returns to his family and his wife was mad. Done before and completely stupid.

    Aaron Eckhart was also completely un-noteworthy. The scene where he claims to be Batman was contrived, transparent and also stupid.

    All scenes with Ledger were awesome but without him, people would be exclaiming The Dark Knight was the worst Batman ever.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Not much for the Oscar buzz but I watched Slumdog Millionaire last night and it was probably the best movie I've seen this year.

    watched it this week; nice to see a movie with no well known actors (from NA anyways);
  • Bolt was a good movie. It's designed for the "Toy Story/Finding Nemo" crowd if they liked either of those they will like this one. It's sticks very close to the standard kids movie story but if you're 6 that won't matter. Bottom line — If you're 6-8 go see this movie.
  • Bottom line — If you're 6-8 go see this movie and have your parents PM me..we need to talk!

    lol, FYP
  • moose wrote: »
    ... people would be exclaiming The Dark Knight was the worst Batman ever.

    You have seen the Schumacher Batman movies right?

    Worst Batman ever if not for Ledger? Come on...I really think you need to torture yourself by watching Batman Forever and Batman and Robin again, and then see if you still stand by that statement.

  • Not quite a movie.. but a t.v. show... but still great for any zombie fans

    "Dead Set" -


  • Revive time

    Okay, so I just watched a film that I'm sure not many of you will have heard of, but maybe someone has... it's called "A Wednesday" - it's a Bollywood film (no singing or dancing, don't worry), about a man who calls in a bomb threat to the Mumbai police...

    Anyways, I'm wondering if any ya'll seen it?

    Some other flicks I'd love to hear people's opinions on (can't believe this thread died)..

    - Watchmen

    .... huh, I thought I had more.... anyways


  • Watching Watchman now... so far... it's a good adaptation of the Nebula award winning comic....
  • Will be renting Watchmen. Want to see The Hurt Locker.
  • If you like bank robbery/hostage movies try "The Kill Point". It was a 8 hr TV series from 2007 that I think was really well done from beginning to end, lots of sub plots, solid story. I have it on DVD..
  • Watchman is definately worth watching, especially if your a comic book guy. Director's cut is long though.

    Other than that I'm way behind on my new to video releases. Have a huge pile sitting on my shelf that I haven't watched yet.
  • compuease wrote: »
    If you like bank robbery/hostage movies try "The Kill Point". It was a 8 hr TV series from 2007 that I think was really well done from beginning to end, lots of sub plots, solid story. I have it on DVD..

    Yeah I remember watching that on A&E I believe. It was pretty good.
  • I haven't seen any of the really big movies this past few months except for Up, which was awesome but would you expect any less from Pixar.

    Btw, Mark, I don't think we can be friends anymore. I don't tolerate Wall-E haters. Sorry.

    There's not a ton out right now that I want to see. The wife and my mom went to the new Harry Potter film, so I figure I'll just wait on that one. Sounds like Funny People and The Ugly Truth are either crap or awesome depending on who you talk to. Nothing else really out there that sounds all that great to me.
  • Funny story...

    I was talking with "Itsame" Mario, and we were worrying about how the new GI JOE movie is going to once again ruin one of our childhood memories.... and then we noticed there was a GI JOE marathon on his satellite!

    After 2-3 episodes we looked at each other and said "Maybe this movie can't really be that bad..." Man, those cartoons don't hold up well....

  • I picked up the first 52 episodes of He-Man a little while back. Man, that didn't hold up at all. And there is a tonne of gay ineuendo in every epsiode! Very strange looking back at my childhood. Might explain my obsession with bright colours and techno music though...
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