Recent Movies

Not much for the Oscar buzz but I watched Slumdog Millionaire last night and it was probably the best movie I've seen this year. The Wrestler a close second.

Also - Benjamin Button was terrible. Idk wtf people are thinking.

That is all.


  • Slumdog millionaire was okay.. 7/10 IMO..

    A bit too ... I want to say predictable, but that's not quite right.. formulaic maybe?

  • P.S.

    No best picture nod for The Dark Knight just proves the "academy" has their heads shoved up their own pompous asses.

  • dunno man...
    while TDK was a very good movie I'm not sure it deserves an oscar nom...
    though ledger does, big time, he was awesome.

    I think Wall-E was good enough to be there though... !

    love pixar movies :)

    on a side note... I watched max payne this weekend... ZOMG... that movie SUCKED... can't beleive the game was so awesome (both) and tey completly fucked that movie.

    First.. Mark Walbergh? They need a guy with a bigger voice like the game. Nothing made sense, it didn't FELT like Max Payne.

    Very disapointed.
  • knock knock...
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    knock knock...
    Okay, I'll bite . . . ahem . . .

    Who's there?
  • What is it with movies with "gay" plots always get oscar nods.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Who's there?

    Not Heath Ledger
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    No best picture nod for The Dark Knight just proves the "academy" has their heads shoved up their own pompous asses.


    Ps. I don't give a fuck about the Oscars but there is no fucking way it deserved a best pic nom.

    pps. fuck you for even thinking that it might....much less polluting my eye space with your nonsense.

    ppps. love ya, let's hang out soon!
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Not Heath Ledger

    Sometimes, in life, I feel I dont have enough love to give.

    This, is one of those times.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Not Heath Ledger

    Without a doubt one of the best laughs I've had in weeks.

    I thank you.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Not Heath Ledger

    Just happy to play "straight" man for you, Kristy.
  • Cuz he's dead, right?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Cuz he's dead, right?

    Who's dead?
  • I really liked Dark Knight for a number of reasons. It was definately the best comic book movie to date and the best action film I have seen in a while. I thought Ledger gave a fantastic performance. He probably flirted to closely with the insanity he was trying to portray.

    But let's face it... that type of movie is a hamburger not a steak. Sure you can put a tonne of work into it and it can be the best damn hamburger you ever ate but it won't win any high class awards for fine dining. That would be like a porno winning the MTV best kiss award.

    Kristy... great fucking joke :).
  • I disagree

    Let's look at it this way....

    Acting - Fine to great, no weak links there

    Directing - Excellent... moody, told the story, and coaxed the most from the actors

    Cinematography - Sweeping immersive visuals from Batman's kidnapping of the accountant, to the panic and confusion of the various "chaos" scenes caused by the joker.

    Story - Part Crime drama, part superhero, part mystery, part humanity study but all intriguing.

    That's my opinion, but let's not forget it made a tonne of money - in a time where movie piracy is higher than ever. It further garnered the popular vote of #1 movie of all time on IMDB (for at least a few weeks before the Shawshank Redemption fanboys rallied), and it entered our cultural consciousness (how many Joker's did we see on Hallowe'en).

    Watch the academy's pics, and we'd all be dressing as Nazi's for hallowe'en....

    Remember kids... the third reich is the new black.

  • I am not saying steak is better then hamburgers. I am saying the entities set up to review fine dining will always choose one plate over the other. They don't care how many billions have been served by McDonalds.... they know better then us.
  • I am not saying steak is better then hamburgers. I am saying the entities set up to review fine dining will always choose one plate over the other. They don't care how many billions have been served by McDonalds.... they know better then us.

    I lol'd..well put.
  • I refer to my previous comment about heads up pompous asses

  • Gotta side with Mark on this one.

    Sure TDK made tonnes of money and was based on a comic book character. I don't see why that should automatically disqualify it for consideration. All of Mark's points about the substance of the movie and it's cast are completely on the mark (no pun intended).
    Personally, when i saw the movie I was expecting it to be an overhyped and mediocre piece of mindless entertainment... which is okay sometimes. However, I was blown away by how it was so much more than a superhero/comic book movie. The plot was riveting, the characters compelling and all executed so well. Hmm.. sounds like something that would qualify as the best movie of the year to me.
    When is the acadamy going to gain some credibility and reward quality across the board? You need look no further than all the fantastic comedies that have been given no consideration over the years. If you listed your favourite movies of all time I'm sure there would be a few comedies in the top ten. Apparently they're not academy material because they don't fit the academy's not too secret formula. If it's not weepy, a historical or era piece, a war movie, or some big statement on society/culture then it just doesn't cut it.
    Granted their have been a few exceptions but I emphasize few. LOTR: Return of the King being the most notable. But as far as comedies go, Funny Girl (or w/e) and As Good as it Get's getting nods doesn't mean much. Neither was very funny and both seemed more like drama's with comedic subtext.

    Wow, my rant's gone on too long so I'll cut it off there for now.
  • Thing that pisses me off?

    The oscars totally pander to the "Well, let's celebrate mediocrity" mindset. Example: "Make up" oscars.... Steve mentions "Return of the King" of the trilogy "Lord of the Rings".... when "Fellowship of the Rings" came out, everyone knew that all three films were done, and would be coming out in sequential years... so, everyone FURTHER knew that neither Fellowship, nor Two Towers would be winning, because "It wouldn't be fair if LOTR won three years in a row"...

    Know what? Fuck fair.. if it's the best movie, it's the best move - bottom line. You know what beat "The Two Towers" (8.6/10 with 268,844 votes)? Chicago (7.3/10 with 72,356 votes).... the musical with Richard Gere, Rene Zellwegger, and Catherine "No man is too old if he's rich" Zeta-Jones. Know what beat "Fellowship of the Ring" (8.7/10 with 322,294 votes)? A Beautiful Mind (7.9 / 10 with 101,032 votes) - alright, I liked this flick too, but still.

    I think the numbers show that EACH of the LOTR movies were rated higher, and seen by SIGNIFICANTLY MORE PEOPLE than the "Best Pictures" of the respective years. And yes, I realize fanboys will have tried to skew the results, but we're talking 3-4x as many voters, and an average of almost a full point above? These are from btw...

    Anyways... "the academy" are pompous jackasses that award movies so that they seem more sophisticated / intelligent / superiour to us "common" folk.


  • Oh.. one more thing...

    I'm sure next year's best picture will be called "Joe: The poor victim of homophobic racist nazis with a heart of gold"... tagline "They couldn't stop his love / colour / bravery / heart / etc"

  • So, Mark, who ya got for best Short? :D

    Agree with a lot of your points but, much like Aces getting run down by a flush draw, the best doesn't always win . . .

    Although if Heath Ledger does NOT win, I am burning that muthah DOWN . . .
  • Dark Knight was passable, the first time I tried to watch it I quit part-way through (just after the hospital scene) because I was fucking bored.

    Took me another three weeks to 'man-up' and finish watching..just because so many people were going ape-shit...they were wrong.

    The story was a bunch of over-long, loosely thrown together action scenes. The story was frivolous. The people (Mark) that call it a 'humanity study' make me throw up in my mouth.

    and Mark, any bonus points for Ledger's acting was offset by Bale's suckitude.

    The director/editors can kiss my black ass for not EVER, AT ANY POINT in the movie being able to say 'enough'.

    Cinematography: I do not recall, even once, during its 2.5 hrs thinking 'wow, well shot/handled'
  • How about the shot when Batman's standing on the tower before kidnapping that asian dude? Amazing shot....

    People need to remember that you can still have breathtaking cinematography without a shot of some new zealand forest...

    Other than that.. my best retort is "You're a poopie head"

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    "You're a poopie head"

    I concede...

    TDK for '12!!

    it cured my AIDS.
  • Bottom line.....if I want to read a comic book, I'll read a damn comic book. Maybe I'm getting old, but I don't go for wall to wall action anymore. I want a plausible story, written beautifully, and shot with some cinematic grace. I don't care if the actors are beautiful (usually better if they're not), I couldn't care less if the special effects are "out of this world", I want a chance to laugh, cry and think for the better part of two hours....that's it.

    Edit: I think I'll actually go see The Wrestler this weekend despite hating most of Mickey Rourke's work. Also proving the fact that beauty is not that guy has uglified.
  • The disappearing pencil trick is classic in The Dark Knight
  • Are there any good movies this year?

    I've heard Slum Dog Millionaire, WallE and Milk are good? Can anyone confirm?

    I've seen TDK, Iron man and Twilight (way awful)
  • Slumdog is quaint, if as I said above formulaic

    I didn't like Wall-E - probably suffered from all the hype before I got around to seeing it

    Milk I've downloaded, haven't watched yet.

    Other movies I've heard are great, but haven't actually watched include

    Man on Wire - A true story (possibly documentary - I don't recall) about a man who did a high-wire walk between the twin towers in the 70s...

    Let the Right One In - A swedish horror flick about a 12 year old boy who is ignored, and overlooked by those around him, so he hatches a plan of revenge against them with the help of his new, same age girlfriend - who happens to be a vampire

    The Wrestler - I have seen, and is a solid character driven movie, everything you've heard about it is true.

  • I mentioned it before on another thread but my vote for best movie of 2008 goes to In Bruges......hands down.

    To paraphrase, "If I'd grown up on a farm and was retarded, Dark Knight might impress me, but I didn't, so it doesn't."
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