Kitchener NL Hold'em January 31st 1:30PM

Holt Poker Tour-Event #9

No Limit Hold'em
10,000 in chips for $60 freezeout
25 min. blinds
Saturday January 31st
Doors Open at 1:00PM
Shuffle Up & Deal 1:30PM sharp & should run till late
40 players maximum and alternates (4 tables)
All disputes will be settled by Robert's Rules
.25/.25 NL cash game to follow($50 max buy-in)
Victoria St.-Natchez Rd. area in KITCHENER
Payout to top 6 for 40 player field (38-22-15-11-8-6)
Patience Factor 15.08
Skill Level 6

There will be a 45 minute supper break.

Late players: If you know you're going to be late, please phone and a seat and chips will be set out for you and you will post blinds and fold until you arrive. Players that are late that haven't let me know will give up their seat to the next player on the waiting list. If there's no one left on the waiting list, late players may buy into the tournament during the first level (25 minutes), but must immediately post the big and small blind if the blinds have passed them. If you indicate you are going to be late and then don’t show up, you are still responsible for the entry fee.

Waiting List players: Players on the waiting list will fill no shows at the start of the tournament to a maximum of 40. The remaining players on the waiting list are alternates. During the first four levels, when a player busts out, you have the option of joining the tournament at that point with a starting chip stack.

Directions will be PM'ed to new players the week of the tournament.


  • 1. Buzzzardd
    2. Strubby
    3. Justin
    4. Hobbes
    5. moose
    6. mmoose
    7. waltsfriend
    8. Shopsy
    9. Marty
    10. zoolook
    11. zoolook +1 Chris
    12. zoolook +2 Jim
    13. Carsey
    14. AngelKing
    15. Matt
    16. harvman
    17. Kristy_sea
    18. lazyant
    19. damanj16
    20. Lee
    21. DataMn
    22. Redington
    23. Sherrie
    24. EdwinBoyd
    25. Bill Bean
    26. Donna
    27. woog30
    28. Mrs. woog30
    29. kingkao86
    30. zoolook +3 Jesse
    31. John T.
    32. peteski (*)
    33. Deb
    34. Ryan
    35. Craig (L)
    36. Tony
    37. Zakish
    38. bonnie
    39. clyde
    40. HackyMike
  • Note the date has been changed from the date I had announced at my last tournament. Hopefully waltsfriend can participate now.
  • I can make this one just to prove I am still alive
  • Yeah boo on the new date. Oh well. Need money. Me and mmoose please.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Note the date has been changed from the date I had announced at my last tournament. Hopefully waltsfriend can participate now.

    I have a conference in Toronto the next weekend, but I signed up to ref basketball that Saturday. As scheduled now I won't be done reffing until 2:00, so I will be late. I will try and change my assignment to be there on time. Sign me up!
  • sign me up
  • me, please
  • sign me up please! thanks
  • I'm in. For sure this time.
  • Put me down as tentative. I'd like to play but will confirm later this week
  • sign me in please. thanks
  • I have a conference in Toronto the next weekend, but I signed up to ref basketball that Saturday. As scheduled now I won't be done reffing until 2:00, so I will be late. I will try and change my assignment to be there on time. Sign me up!

    The good news is that I switched my reffing assignment to the morning, so I should be there on time now. The better news for the people sitting beside me at the table is that I will have time to go home and shower after I ref.
  • The good news is that I switched my reffing assignment to the morning, so I should be there on time now. The better news is that I will have time to go home and shower after I ref - for the people sitting beside me.

    And we thank you for that :)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    And we thank you for that :)

    I saw your post and assumed you were cancelling already. I guess that one will be coming next week.:D
  • Hi Dave,

    Please sign me up

  • Plans have cleared. look forward to playing.

  • Dave, is it too early for me to cancel ;) j/k
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Dave, is it too early for me to cancel ;) j/k

    Stop casino cash whoring...oh. Oops.
  • moose wrote: »
    Stop casino cash whoring...oh. Oops.

    At least I've donated some of my casino cash to the less fortunate on the site.
  • Sign me up if there's still a spot. Very new to the site so if you could send me the info on the game it'd be much appreciated.

  • I can confirm completely. I need directions too
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I can confirm completely. I need directions too

    Really glad you can finally make a tourney here Joe. For all who need directions, I will PM them this week.

    For those who care, my next two tournaments will be on February 21st and March 14th. Please keep these dates open.
  • Lori and I please
  • Directions sent to all first timers.

    Lets hope we get some more sign ups this week or we will be starting with only three tables.
  • Still lots of room left for Saturday. I will probably end up bumping the starting stack a few thousand if we don't get a bunch more people.
  • Hate to do it, but Saturday is just not going to work this weekend.:'(

    Sorry Dave.
  • depending on the weather, i might not be able to make it. that said, i know a few people who might be interested in playing.
  • Hi, I would like to come to this. Put me on the list.
    Can someone PM the address.
  • i have 2 people confirmed that they can go, 2 more that are close to definite if that's ok
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