Moose Did you Multi-account?

Seems like your 1st place finish on OnGame has raised some redflags

Multi-accounting allowed at Ongame?? - Two Plus Two Poker Forum

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  • Cheating scum. Well I guess it's not actually cheating, as per Pokerroom, but it is cheating in the eyes of online poker in general.

    That's fking retarded.
  • Yes I accidently registered twice. I was running two skins because some tourneys are available in one skin and not the other but I did accidently register 2x for the same tourney. It was accidental but I admit this is in violation of their policy. I've created a shitstorm and I think this is going to be an expensive lesson.

    The thing is I can uinderstand their points. Even though it was completely accidental, the fact that it is possible to do this is what created the situation in the first place. It was my fault and I should have been more careful, but Pokerroom made it possible for it to occur.

    I really wish I had just sat out of one of the tourneys but I didn't know what to do other than not play at the same table, which never occured.
  • I can see how that type of mistake can be made if you play many tournaments. I guess the main question is what did you do when suddenly the same tournament started for 2 skins at the same time.

    If you sat out on one account for the duration of the tournament regardless of how the other account did then you would have a very legitimate explanation that you made an error but compensated to have zero advantage (in fact it would be a slight disadvantage to you). This would also assume that you did not make this mistake a lot of times in the past (which would be easy for them to check).

    If you did play both, well then it is a substantial risk that you will have your winnings taken if you go very deep.

    This type of thing happened a lot on the Crypto skins, I still remember a person boasting at the table that he finished 1st and 7th in the same tournament once (was a series of fairly decent valued tournaments for Interpoker at the time).

    I have not read the twoplustwo forum post, but most there got for the simplistic picket line scream style approach to "debate" much like tellbox here when often times the issue is a bit more complex.

    Edit: After clicking the link I see you finished 1st and 10th with user names that are obviously the same person. Umm, yeesh not quite sure what you were thinking there.
  • Oh yes it is obvious. Which why there would be no point to denying it. ie. claim it was my wife etc. Totally accidental. Not something that has happened before. I didn't know what to do once it happened and unfortunately I did well enough in both for it to be noticed. I'm famous now for a bad reason. I'm not sure what anyone else would have done in the same situation.
  • I dont get it. The software obviously allows players from different skins into the same tournament. The issue is that your username wasn't Moose1 and Moose2?

    Also, they used to detect this but recently removed it? I fail to see how you are at fault here moose. Unfortunately, since this is online poker we're talking about, you are at the mercy of the operator and will likely have no recourse to whatever decision they make. I hope you removed all your cash from ongame.
  • OnGame and pokerstars has always allowed multiple accounts from the same IP to play in their mtts, but not the same person. Semantics I guess. Obviously the issue is that it does permit cheating. Not what I intended to do but against their rules. Since the software does allow multiple accounts in the same tourney, nothing prevented me from accidently registering twice.

    I'm not going to come out and claim innocence. As soon as I realized my mistake it was too late and the tourney was already running. I really didn't know what to do at that point. But I knew it was wrong.
  • The hole in their software is an issue but not the REAL issue here.

    You knew that it was sketchy and you played on regardless. You should have sat out one account, contacted support and got refunded the buy-in.

    For you to play on and blame the software is just plain sketchy. For you to expect nothing to come of it is naive.

    cdnmoose = JJProdigy
  • I think it's important to note that moose did not play at the same table with both of his accounts in this tournament (or that's what his other thread said, i think). While this is still not good and is against the rules of the site, I think it falls short of 'cheating'.

    I also hope you've taken all your money off ongame.
  • cadillac wrote: »
    The hole in their software is an issue but not the REAL issue here.

    You knew that it was sketchy and you played on regardless. You should have sat out one account, contacted support and got refunded the buy-in.

    For you to play on and blame the software is just plain sketchy. For you to expect nothing to come of it is naive.

    cdnmoose = JJProdigy

    Eh, I think it is similar yet different. I believe that it was a mistake to register for the tournament multiple times (though if it came out that you had done this many times in the past that would no longer be the assumption).

    The ethical lapse came when you chose to play the tournament with both accounts, which you acknowledge. Not a lot of wiggle room there in terms of what could you do, you are not a brand new player so with all due respect you probably knew what your options were at the time.

    The JJProdigy comparison is off because that was a case of intentionally doing what was in theory done by accident a single time here once. Both are cheating, but the intent behind the actions should be a consideration.

    And indeed the player is at fault even if the software "allows" something like this to happen. Some common sense needs to be the guide in this area as well.
  • did you actually actively play the 10th place finish? if so, you are likely fcuked. You must have had an advantage come the final table when both players were seated at the same table?
  • It was a 6 max tourney so I was never at the same table.

    It was dumb. I'm not denying it. I'm not complaining about it.
  • Meh...he screwed up...he admitted it when it first happened..started a thread on it in fact... and no one jumped all over him then...why now? Mob mentality?

    He isn't trying to justify it..shyte happens.

    Hope the money is moved.
  • Meh...he screwed up...he admitted it when it first happened..started a thread on it in fact... and no one jumped all over him then...why now? Mob mentality?


    You guys are fags.
  • Could I have been more clear in the original thread?

    cadillac wrote: »
    Dirty rotten cheater!

    Obv comparing Moose to JJProdigy is tongue in cheek. I believe him when he says that he didn't set out to do this on purpose. Still, he handled it poorly and obviously realizes the fact.

    Also he has proven to be extremely opinionated in his treatment of other people in the past so I find it funny that he publicly just took a giant shit in his own pants.
  • cadillac wrote: »
    Could I have been more clear in the original thread?

    lol..yeah, I remember someone saying that..but I took it as being in jest, as he was openly admitting he screwed up.

    And no one else here has ever screwed up..*looking for rolling eyes emote* Just like they have never played ace rag or made a poor call and sucked out on the river..

    Moose just got famous for his
  • bad moose bad bad moose,lol, c'mon guys moose is a regular here, show him some support, ya i hate cheating too but the big guns are doing it on stars and full tilt, ####looking for link that was also on 2+2.########, it's the site's fault for letting multi accounts being set up, you can easily do it on prima/ microgaming also for the record and the network does not seem to care.(never have entered twice in the same tourny for the record)
  • moose wrote: »
    It was a 6 max tourney so I was never at the same table.

    It was dumb. I'm not denying it. I'm not complaining about it.

    I guess the real question is, what would you have done if moose 1 and moose 2 made the final table? you must have realized that you were going to get busted at the start of the tournament?

    What I would have done is contacted live support, and explained my fuck up and hope they would return my $50 and allowed me to continue playing the one userid. Not sure what they do once the tournament has started and a player is disqualified from the tournament? If they just let the player bleed chips or they just remove the player from the tournament (other players may assume he was moved to another table).
  • Last Revised: April 13, 2006

    Ongame Network allows players to register accounts with multiple Network Operators, but has the policy that an individual may only register for any single tournament from one of these accounts.

    Any player who plays in a tournament from multiple player accounts will be in violation of this policy and suffer the following consequences:

    1. They will be disqualified from a tournament in-progress if the violation is detected in real-time.

    2. All money in all their player accounts with Ongame Network operators will be confiscated, and the accounts closed.

    3. They will be permanently banned from playing on Ongame Network.
  • Hey Moose, I hope you shifted all your cash not related to this tourney. I commend your honesty and forthrightness in "manning up" over this. Not many would. Now, it just remains to take your lumps from Ongame, such as they are, and get on with life. You fucked up. You admitted it. You seem willing to take your medicine. Back to your homes citizens, nothing more to see here . . .
  • Just read through this Moose. Wow sounds like you at least made enough money to get to Mexico for a couple of years. Write often.
  • Accidentally registering twice is an honest mistake. Playing and cashing with both is just plain... unlucky ????
  • Last Revised: April 13, 2006

    Ongame Network allows players to register accounts with multiple Network Operators, but has the policy that an individual may only register for any single tournament from one of these accounts.

    Any player who plays in a tournament from multiple player accounts will be in violation of this policy and suffer the following consequences:

    1. They will be disqualified from a tournament in-progress if the violation is detected in real-time.

    2. All money in all their player accounts with Ongame Network operators will be confiscated, and the accounts closed.

    3. They will be permanently banned from playing on Ongame Network.

    definitely sounds like you are fucked. I guess you will have to change your screen name to CdnBeaver69 now.
  • Am I the only person who thinks it's ridiculous that you can register and play from multiple skins, but if you are the same physical player, that's banned?

    Think about that, and the fact that you are on the internet and have no idea who is sitting behind what screen/nick.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    Am I the only person who thinks it's ridiculous that you can register and play from multiple skins, but if you are the same physical player, that's banned?

    Think about that, and the fact that you are on the internet and have no idea who is sitting behind what screen/nick.

    Well, it seems kind of bizarre in concept, but realistically it is the best they can do on these networks that have so many skins that allow players to play on as many as they like.

    I bitched for months to Crypto for this, as I watched myself not win one of Interpoker's vacation packages 6 months ago when the leaderboard was filled with multiple accounts including ones that make Moose's names seem subtle (best was Stupid1 Stupid2 Stupid3 - no joke). I finished 16th when top 10 got packages.

    This was not even multiple skins, it was a single skin and it allowed multiple entries.

    They did finally make it clear in their rules that this would not be tolerated, though it took my efforts to continue to report those who did it before I noticed the problem became less of an issue.

    The smaller rooms with multiple skins (granted ipoker is getting up there in size, but each skin is basically a small room) will have these software issues which can be frustrating, but generally the rewards (rake back , bonuses) tend to offset it.

    Ongame's punishement for this is fairly harsh if the context of the situation is ignored. If he had sat out one account and reported it and they close his accounts still, then that discourages people from doing the right thing when they make an honest mistake.
  • For 500 bucks I don't think anyone should whine, but at the same time there were 70 people registered so to play for the top ten even though it was allowed it is obviously a no no in the internwebz pokerworld and the 2+2 police will be raking through this with a fine tooth'd comb....

    If you haven't done so already you should withdraw that money. I am pretty sure they will use you as an example when they update their rules.
  • Fuck'em.......nice job cashing twice Moose.
  • Well, it seems kind of bizarre in concept, but realistically it is the best they can do on these networks that have so many skins that allow players to play on as many as they like.

    Realistically, it's a rule that is impossible to enforce which makes it a bad rule.

    If you can't guarentee that it's one single physical player to one single virtual seat at the table, then any rule that attemps to enforce it is pointless.

    Collary: You should anticipate that everyone sitting around the table against you in any online poker event are colluding.

    Collary: You should never be playing online for amounts of money that are significant to you.
  • 319047856_dbf1ef3e92.jpg

    LOL What a Buzzkill you are. Ima cash out all my monies after reading that post

    Rules that can't be enforced 100% are bad rules?? There are very few rules or laws that can honestly be enforced 100% so what is the answer? Anarchy? Apathy? PPFFFFTTTT.

    BBC Z wrote: »
    Collary: You should anticipate that everyone sitting around the table against you in any online poker event are colluding.

    Collary: You should never be playing online for amounts of money that are significant to you.

    and what the hell is Collary? I looked it up here
  • Corollary.

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