Which statement is Racist

Based on the conversations here http://www.pokerforum.ca/f12/if-world-could-vote-17597/, I'd like to take a poll.


  • I think for clarity you should add the line, "... and so am I" to the second choice, as that seemed to be the bone of contention in the other thread you're referencing. Having said that, I understand your intent and have voted "both".
  • My point anything based on race (either positive or negative) is racist and wrong. But I understand that in our politically correct world that reverse discrimination (option #2) as they call it is OK.

    Oh BTW, my asbestos suit is on.
    Flame away
  • Fair enough, then.
  • From Dictionary.com

    1. based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks"
    2. discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion


    1. a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others

    I'm looking at adjective #2 there... discriminating can mean either "pro / con" or "Like / Dislike", or what have you. So therefore

    I hate all black people --> Racist statement
    I love all black people --> Racist statement

    The intelligent among us realize that each race has amazing, kind, intelligent, interesting, caring people, AND jackasses.

    Further, the noun racist as defined above is also applicable to the statments:

    Us white folk are better than the black folk --> Racist
    Us black folk are better than the white folk --> Racist

    I think one of the funniest things is when people say "I'm not racist / homophobic / etc - I have a black / gay / etc friend!"

    Whoopdie shit... association with someone does not exempt you from discriminating against them.

    Mark :)
  • Imagined conversation......

    JFK: Boy, I think it would be great to have America come to the point we could elect a black president! I would vote for a black man just because he is black. In doing so I believe all racism in america will end!

    Martin Luther King, Jr: You sir, are a racist!!! Get thee gone!
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    My point anything based on race (either positive or negative) is racist and wrong. But I understand that in our politically correct world that reverse discrimination (option #2) as they call it is OK.

    Oh BTW, my asbestos suit is on.
    Flame away

    So if a young black child's favourite athlete is Tiger Woods and he looks up to him as a positive black role model then he's racist? When I watch the world Cup and cheer for Croatia because my relatives are from Croatia(and cause Canada sucks at soccer) then I'm racist?

    And secondly because I vote for someone because of my race that doesn't attach negative information to the opposing candidate nor does it attach positive value to my choice.
  • Sorry, Mike, but in your imaginary conversation, I see nothing in JFK's statement that is racist. To say that you would vote for a black man is not the same as saying you are voting for a black man because he is black. As previously stated, if your sole criteria for voting is based on race then, by definition (see Mark's post), it is a racist vote. You can try to come up with any number of twists you like, but the core of the issue remains this simple fact: A race-based vote, whether for or against a given candidate, is an expression of racial discrimination. The degree of that racism is an exercise for the student. Now, back to work . . .
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    From Dictionary.com

    1. based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks"
    2. discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion


    I love all black people --> Racist statement

    Incorrect by your own example.

    I love all black people is by its very nature not disclusive. You can love all black people and then say: I love all white people, I love all asian people, I love everybody!

    Again "I love all black people" doesn't mean that you don't like (discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion ) anyone else.


    "I love Chocolate Cake"

    Mark can you now create an argument where the above statement means that I DON'T like vanilla cake? or anything else for that matter? ....


    Nik "I love all cakes, but I prefer pie! Y'a mean!" Cakist ;-)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    My point anything based on race (either positive or negative) is racist and wrong.

    Racism used to be when people discriminated against others based on race. Such as not allowing them to vote, get an education or give them jobs. It also included physical, verbal, emotional assaults based on race.

    These days if I exercise my right to vote for an individual who shares my skin color because I feel that he/she will more likely share my values and general outlook on life I am a racist and I am wrong.

    Political correctness is a tool of the weak minded. It brings death to honest meaningful discussion and represents the biggest threat to free speech in my lifetime.

    I chose not to vote in this poll because my intelligence is not for sale.
  • Milo wrote: »
    A race-based vote, whether for or against a given candidate, is an expression of racial discrimination. The degree of that racism is an exercise for the student. Now, back to work . . .

    Ok fine, i changed my previous post.

    Racial discrimination is NOT racism. The DEGREE of discrimination, or more accurately the REASON for one's discrimination makes someone racist.

    Is the NAACP racist? They're not supporting any white persons!!!
  • Milo wrote: »
    Sorry, Mike, but in your imaginary conversation, I see nothing in JFK's statement that is racist. To say that you would vote for a black man is not the same as saying you are voting for a black man because he is black. As previously stated, if your sole criteria for voting is based on race then, by definition (see Mark's post), it is a racist vote. You can try to come up with any number of twists you like, but the core of the issue remains this simple fact: A race-based vote, whether for or against a given candidate, is an expression of racial discrimination. The degree of that racism is an exercise for the student. Now, back to work . . .

    What if I take turns? I'm voting black this year and white next year! Still racist? WHat if it is to right a wrong or make a point? The incumbent is a racist and you want to vote for the candidate who is black to make a statement.....still racist? What if you have a congenital eye defect that doesn't allow your retina to absorb purple and you can't see the purple candidate and therefore vote for the black candidate because you can see him?....still racist?

    And you guys keep putting an equal sign between discrimination and racism. They are not the same thing. This argument is about RACISM as per your poll. Not discrimination.

    Look at Marks definition using the noun:

    "a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others "

    I may know that one candidate is "superior" and still vote for the inferior candidate of my choice......because he's black. And cause he likes cake.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    I may know that one candidate is "superior" and still vote for the inferior candidate of my choice......because he's black. And cause he likes cake.

    The quoted statement would (in theory) qualify as racism in Ontario, if applied to hiring someone/renting an apartment/etc. Everyone knows that pie-lovers are a persecuted minority in this province.

    < sits back, and digs into a nice warm piece of Pecan pie.>
    Who brought the whipped topping?
  • just a thought...I would vote for a cop to become chief of police because he's more likely to understand the issues better and deal with them effectively.

    in a perfect world every american understands the positions of each candidate..but since few do, making an educated guess as to which is more likely to have the tools to represent you...

    doesn't seem like a hate crime. ;)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    just a thought...I would vote for a cop to become chief of police because he's more likely to understand the issues better and deal with them effectively.

    in a perfect world every american understands the positions of each candidate..but since few do, making an educated guess as to which is more likely to have the tools to represent you...

    doesn't seem like a hate crime. ;)

    So, no topping? <sighs, and goes back to eating>
  • milo wrote: »
    everyone knows that hair pie-lovers are a persecuted minority in this province.

  • I don't discriminate against letters, but in general, anything triple X is better than triple Y.
  • moose wrote: »
    I don't discriminate against letters, but in general, anything triple X is better than triple Y.

    But what does the "other" moose think? :D j/k
  • Unsure who you are referring to...
  • moose1 wrote: »
    Unsure who you are referring to...
    POTD, and welcome to the forum noobie... A/S/L?
  • moose1 wrote: »
    Unsure who you are referring to...

    Not you, noob, the OTHER one . . .
  • moose1 wrote: »
    Unsure who you are referring to...

    Please ban for obv multi-account
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Please ban for obv multi-account

    Don't forget to confiscate his CPF Bux. :D

    [Sorry moose]
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    [Sorry moose]


  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Please ban for obv multi-account

    The software let him get away with it so its OK
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Don't forget to confiscate his CPF Bux. :D

    [Sorry moose]

    But I gave the referral to /g2 because he is such a CPF Buck whore. Don't penalize him.
  • moose1 wrote: »
    But I gave the referral to /g2 because he is such a CPF Buck whore. Don't penalize him.
    's okay, we already banned /g1 . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    's okay, we already banned /g1 . . .


    Can we get back to the serious topic of which letters we prefer...btw smartest Star Trek episode ever - the two white and black dudes fighting it out because black on the left is so much better than white on the left. The WTF expressions of Kirk et al, are priceless.
  • Be advised that this is a public poll: other users can see the choice(s) you selected.
    Poll Options
    Which statement is Racist
    I will NOT vote for xxx because they are purple.
    I WILL vote for yyy because they are red.

    --- I am not sure;

    Are the purple the ones that have the huge penises and the red ones who control all the banks? or the other way around?
  • I voted neither. Colors and letters don't have rights. Rights are derived from the capacity to reason, and thus people have rights and colors do not. Can't be racist if there are no rights. :P

    I am tired. Going to bed now.

    Eat the red ones last.

    It is also only fair you ban both meese.
  • It is also only fair you ban both meese.

    Both Meese? Who's Meese? Jesus Christ, Graham how many multi-accounters are there around here? CPF is RIGGED!! Rigged, I tell you . . .
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