ELECTION: Who ya got? Why?



  • BBC Z wrote: »
    This'll be a good quote to pass around the bread line in 6-12 months.
    I'll hand you an extra slice.....
  • "They support foreign policy of the US."

    That's a terrible statement... kinda like "all men are scum" (no need to comment on the truthiness of the quoted statement Kristy)

    Even though they tend to support more policies of our right wing neighbours then the other more leftist parties in Canada they do not offer thier blind alegance to the US. The States are certainly more right of the political spectrum then our Conservatives... we are definately more moderate.

    Now... there is a point behind your fear mongering statement and it has to do with the one issue I have with the party and Harper. They wanted to go to Iraq. This is a tough one for me because at the time I was convinced by the evidence that it was the right thing to do. Now after the veil has been lifted we all know it was not. We were all lied to. I would like to trust my Government to be able to see these lies better then I. Harper did not. Cretien did and I thank him for that (the only thing).

    But I hope the party learned some valuable lessons since then as did the rest of the world. I do not think we will be so ready and willing to jump in the future when the States cries wolf. I know I won't.

    Aside from that I like the party and do hope they get a majority.

    They cut funding to the arts buy $45 million.

    I beleive the cut was reversed.
  • I believe in the second law of thermodynamics that says everything is winding down.
    Is this the "law" that you appear to be taking out of context? Second Law of Thermodynamics

    Even if we could take it as verbatim, it's not happening in our great grandchildrens lifetime or well beyond.

    As for your last statements about 1 in 4 people believing they have been abducted by aliens, well what can I say, all credibility is lost there....

    Brent I really do think you're a great guy and I love having deep philosophical discussions with you but that sort of doom and gloom just contributes towards the current negative outlook. It becomes self perpetuating.. To quote another perhaps slightly more respected US President, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"... Guess who, and at a similar economic time in history too.

    George W. Bush quotes?.. Pulleezzzzz.. That's one family the US would definitely have been better off without...
  • tellbox wrote: »
    Also something fucked up happened in Feb where Canada and US made an agreement that US troops could patrol Canadian soil in a state of emergency.
    Hardly news, this is certainly not new. You do know what happened on Sept 11, 2001 don't you? There may have been a few extra American planes overhead that day...... And they weren't carrying passengers. Nor were those protrusions under the wings just water tanks.... Come on guys, we live next door to an elephant, whem he gets mad, just hope it's not at us.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Hardly news, this is certainly not new.

    I know, I said this was in February.

    Anyway, I voted and there was only one ballot, with just the local riding, nothing for the Federal. Every other time I've voted in a Federal election, I've filled out two ballots. I confirmed at the voting station that there's only one ballot.

    I called the party's office and they said, there's only one ballot. Just the local.

    Anyone else just get one ballot?
  • tellbox wrote: »
    I know, I said this was in February.

    Anyway, I voted and there was only one ballot, with just the local riding, nothing for the Federal. Every other time I've voted in a Federal election, I've filled out two ballots. I confirmed at the voting station that there's only one ballot.

    I called the party's office and they said, there's only one ballot. Just the local.

    Everyone else just get one ballot?

    FYP You only EVER vote for the candidates in YOUR riding. This isn't America, skippy . . .
  • compuease wrote: »
    Is this the "law" that you appear to be taking out of context? Second Law of Thermodynamics

    Even if we could take it as verbatim, it's not happening in our great grandchildrens lifetime or well beyond.

    As for your last statements about 1 in 4 people believing they have been abducted by aliens, well what can I say, all credibility is lost there....

    Brent I really do think you're a great guy and I love having deep philosophical discussions with you but that sort of doom and gloom just contributes towards the current negative outlook. It becomes self perpetuating.. To quote another perhaps slightly more respected US President, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"... Guess who, and at a similar economic time in history too.

    George W. Bush quotes?.. Pulleezzzzz.. That's one family the US would definitely have been better off without...

    Uhh, Compuease, you do realize, I hope, that a lot of FDR's New Deal policies actually prolonged the depression, don't you? That aside, no arguments from me. Personally, as far as Presidents go, I liked Ike. Not too much futzing with the economy, or the rest of the world for that matter. Just a steady hand at the wheel, and lots of golfing. My kind of guy.
  • tellbox wrote: »
    I know, I said this was in February.

    Anyway, I voted and there was only one ballot, with just the local riding, nothing for the Federal. Every other time I've voted in a Federal election, I've filled out two ballots. I confirmed at the voting station that there's only one ballot.

    I called the party's office and they said, there's only one ballot. Just the local.

    Anyone else just get one ballot?
    You may be thinking of the last provincial where there was a 2 part ballot, one part was the referendum on changing the electoral system.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Uhh, Compuease, you do realize, I hope, that a lot of FDR's New Deal policies actually prolonged the depression, don't you? That aside, no arguments from me. Personally, as far as Presidents go, I liked Ike. Not too much futzing with the economy, or the rest of the world for that matter. Just a steady hand at the wheel, and lots of golfing. My kind of guy.
    Well whether or not they prolonged the depression or not is very debatable, and I'm not about to get into discussing ancient history here.. I do however agree with you about Ike... And I think we all (most) would agree that the Bush family has not exactly been a big boon to American success on the world stage...
  • Milo wrote: »
    This isn't America, skippy . . .

    It also isn't Kenya. Is this how it's done in the US? I wouldn't know.
    compuease wrote: »
    You may be thinking of the last provincial where there was a 2 part ballot, one part was the referendum on changing the electoral system.

  • Bush #1 was not too bad. I think he suffers more because of his son than anything else. Bush 2? Uh, if there were a better political example of the need for abortion on demand, I have not seen it.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Bush #1 was not too bad. I think he suffers more because of his son than anything else. Bush 2? Uh, if there were a better political example of the need for abortion on demand, I have not seen it.

    Are you kidding me!!! I calm down before I type something I request to this stupid statement.

    Brent Wilson
  • Anyone else just get one ballot?

    You don't get to vote in the american election.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Bush #1 was not too bad. I think he suffers more because of his son than anything else. Bush 2? Uh, if there were a better political example of the need for abortion on demand, I have not seen it.
    Bolded the relevant text.

    Brent, meet hyperbole . . . now relax, take a deep breath . . . exhale

    feel better?
  • This is a US thing, but its a good video:

    YouTube - 5 Friends Uncensored
  • I voted NDP and I don't know why. I felt like there wasn't even a point to it.

    I always swore when I was younger (like 10; the ability to go and vote was super appealing to me I don't know?) that I'd vote XxXLIBERAL4LYFExXX, but wow Layton was like the only person who resembled a leader.
  • Milo wrote: »
    See, now thats where I'll disagree with you, BBC. Simply from the standpoint that a Minority Gov't gets less done. The less the Government can do to screw up my life, the better I like it.

    I totally agree with this point. I am glad the Conservatives won, and am fine with the strong minority because of the above. Harper, while perhaps not Mr. Personality, seems to be a strong, intelligent leader. And while I don't necessarily agree with him on all points about the economy - the fact is before politics he was.... an economist. So I have a bit more confidence in him than the other 4 dopes who think that taxing businesses and the wealthy is a good way to help the economy.
    However, I voted none of the above so I can complain about all government.
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